Senior Software Engineer @ Oracle. Powered by Super Eurobeat! Kansas City, MO.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


Nope. I gave it a shot for a little bit and the results were way better than DDG so I decided to pay for it after the trial was up.

It works but it’s way shittier. I ended up paying for Kagi.

I hate to be cynical but yeah this is absolutely right.

The “punishment” will likely be a bunch of officials saying “wow that’s really bad.” And when that is the only punishment why NOT try to force your political will?

Hate to say it but the brazen wackos are often the ones moving mountains.

I’ll continue to pay for it… it’s the only streaming service that I consider essential to pay for. I’ll dump everything else before I dump this.

I don’t like it. I did sign up for an instance though just to poke around. Seems nice! Not sure if I’ll use it over Lemmy / Mastodon combo though. My attention can only go so many directions.

I got an invite but haven’t claimed it yet. Not really wanting to use it now… Too many issues that I have read about security wise. Also they are trying to build a super-chat app that just calls into everything else. Historically this approach has not worked, and I don’t see it suddenly working now.

I am not referring to you as a Tanky like other folks, to be clear. I’m more civil than that :)

I think the issue I personally have with your argument is that I do not think there is an “advocate for peace” option left on the table. Functionally, what would that look like today? Losing autonomy over your land, your culture, your people, so that Russia will stop blowing things up. That to me does not seem to be advocating for peace, it seems to be advocating for defeat and potentially, a long-game genocide.

I don’t think anyone here is suggesting we are in a movie or video game situation. A lot of the arguments here are rooted in history.

I believe the argument you made is simply beneficial to authoritarianism which is why folks are leaving intense replies. If the idea you’re proposing is saving lives at all cost, then it is no different functionally from the ideology of “might makes right.”

Quickly negotiating a defeat to save lives means that the USA, China and Russia can and should invade every square foot of land that they desire as fast as possible. The blame would then be on the victims for not giving up quicker to save lives.

Surely you can see how this is a problem?

Completely agree with you. Every argument I have seen to pin this on Ukraine is grasping for straws.

Forgive me if I am misinterpreting what you are saying here, but it sounds like you’re saying for the sake of human life Ukraine should just negotiate being taken over and give up?

In my opinion, you’re better off losing, all the way down to the last man, rather than living as a slave. If Russia wins those people are not getting their lives back in any way that leads to happiness.

FF7 Remake. I played the original but didn’t pay attention to differences in the remake. I went the entire game with only the Buster sword, and thus did not learn any new abilities. Still beat it though.

Edge has become so hopelessly bloated in the past two years. Really sad. They had a good thing going.