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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Still not enough, or at least pi is not known to have this property. You need the number to be “normal” (or a slightly weaker property) which turns out to be hard to prove about most numbers.

Docker is lighter and easier to manage than a VM. I run a collection of services as docker compose services inside a NixOS host VM. It’s easy to start, stop, monitor, update etc. even from a different computer (via ssh or docker contexts). It’s great.

It’s just as easy to run in a Docker container and I would recommend this anyway.

What platforms would you like your app to run on? Then, which UI framework supporting those platforms would you like to use? Then, look at the framework’s documentation to find a sample starter project that you can run as an app, and modify it from there

That’s… not the point either. The point is that “reporting false positives isn’t a bad thing” is only true up to a point. The discussion is then “is this before or after that point.” Which, given the context of the bug, isn’t really a given. But I don’t want to have that discussion with you anymore because you’re annoying.

“What if the boy who cried wolf got lucky and didn’t get eaten in the end”? Seems to have missed the point of the parable a bit.

I didn’t say the CVE was valid. I explained why it was a mistake. I didn’t say “disclosing security bugs” is, in general, a bad thing, I said raising undue alarm about a specific class of bugs is bad. It’s not a matter of “less or more information,” because as I said, a CVE is not a bug report. It is not simply “acknowledgment of information.” If you think my argument has no merit and there is no reason why “more information” could be worse, you’re free to talk to someone who gives a shit.

C# tells you the call site/method name and line number right at the top. It’s only really annoying when you have aggregate exceptions, which sometimes occur because someone async’d wrong

Uh, no. But thanks for guessing. It’s frivolous because it violates several principles of responsible disclosure. Yes, the scope of impact is relevant; the availability of methods of remediation is relevant; and the development/patch lifecycle is relevant. The feature being off-by-default and labeled experimental are indirect references to the scope of impact and availability of remediation, and the latter is an indirect reference to the state of development lifecycle. Per the developer(s)’ words, this is a bug that had limited risk and was scheduled to be fixed as part of the normal development schedule. Escalating every such bug, of which the vast majority go without a CVE, would quickly drown out notices that people actually care about. A CVE is not a bug report.

It’s not worthy of a CVE and whether it applies to me is irrelevant. I didn’t say a CVE is a black mark. Frivolous reporting of CVEs damages trust in the usefulness of the system in identifying critical vulnerabilities. This is a known issue related to resumé padding by newcomers to the cybersecurity industry.

Frivolous CVEs aren’t a good thing for security. This bug was a possible DOS (not e.g. a privilege escalation) in a disabled-by-default experimental feature. It wasn’t a security issue and should have been fixed with a patch instead of raising a false alarm and damaging trust.

C# dev with reasonable experience with java, python, and rust:

Rust is harder

I find it a little disturbing that YAML seems to be going nowhere, and appreciating JSON all the more, but it’s still interesting to read

It’s designed as a “data serialization language” but its primary use case seems to be a base syntax for a trillion different DSLs

Yeah but survival is the worst part about minecraft.

You’re right, but looking at this analogy backwards tells us the problem isn’t the ability for Uber/ISPs to ban users–this happens and isn’t a problem with Uber-- it’s that Uber, unlike ISPs, doesn’t hold a monopoly on feasible means of transportation. We can’t reasonably expect a business to act outside its own best interests, so it’s insane to allow a business to exist in such a form. Short term, sure, regulate; but really, nationalize it.

Why would you need to set up a postgres db…? Unions are a fundamental set theoretic operation that are applicable to all set-like collections. You may as well say “an in memory hash map / list is absurdly inefficient compared to a relational db.” Is it efficient, to you, to spin up a postgres instance to hold a dozen key value pairs?

No, this is insanity. Mod-tap has an inherent delay. Using it for anything but the most rare operations (like “shutdown”) would drive me crazy. If you can’t reach mod keys, unless you’re arthritic or have otherwise reduced mobility, change your technique instead of doing this.

The only substitution I do is to replace Caps Lock with Super and Super with Escape, plus standard F key mappings when using a <75% and arrow key mappings on 60%.

The analytic continuation of KB(x) to the complex plane subject to a superconvexivity constraint is unique but doesn’t necessarily have a straightforward geometric interpretation

Start a project with a good template and learn by tinkering. Some languages/frameworks have some canonical starter templates (.NET, Phoenix/Elixir) and most others you can find by googling “x boilerplate.”

GPT-2 medium will run on a toaster and generate replies in a second

yq is a wrapper around jq iirc and has the same syntax, but it do yaml.

Small disclaimer that i think there may be 2 tools known as yq and this is only true of one of them.

People ITT hating on null coalescing operators need to touch grass. Null coalescing and null conditional (string?.Trim()) are immensely useful and quite readable. One only has to be remotely conscious of edge cases where they can impair readability, which is true of every syntax feature

Oh yeah, you shouldn’t. But people do this for fingerprinting, bot detection, and other “adversarial” scenarios where you really don’t like the person executing your code. It’s somewhat plausible Google would use this technique to do something scummy like this (although that is not the case).

Relevant article and a great read: https://www.nullpt.rs/reverse-engineering-tiktok-vm-1

The assignment syntax is too close to comparison, which is what is more typical in that position. I would recommend

const bool _isFeatureEnabled = false;
if (_isFeatureEnabled &amp;&amp; ...)

if not a proper feature flag (or just remove the code).

Automata and formal languages were pretty much my entire “Theory of Computation” class. It’s what’s in Sipser.

You can build a virtual machine in JavaScript and execute compiled code on it

Some of those boards are impossible, and there are multiple ways to get to most of them, so you only need maybe half of that. There are 5,478 possible valid boards in total if you allow the computer to play any legal move.

And that has to be just about one of the pettiest to distinctions known to man.

If it’s a petty distinction, why not acknowledge what I’m saying and move on? What is the point of this conversation for you?

It’s still built to write code. Yes text is code, but vim is not a text editor in general,

It’s built to edit text, not just code. Yes, text is code, but Vim is a text editor in general.

The features are in the editor.

Once you put them there, yeah.

They are integrated with the editor.

Once you put them there, yeah.

Yes, it’s through plugins,


but they’re still part of the editor

Yeah, there is a generic syntax highlighting scheme. I had forgotten because it’s not very good for some languages, I’d replaced it with a LSP-based implementation years ago.

Vim is designed to edit code

To edit text files. It doesn’t matter if it’s code, configuration files, or plaintext. There are no interpreters, no compilers, no debuggers, nothing designed to support any particular framework or language or workflow. All of that is possible to add through the extensibility features.

Vim is a highly configurable text editor built to make creating and changing any kind of text very efficient.

Vim is an advanced text editor that seeks to provide the power of the de-facto Unix editor ‘Vi’, with a more complete feature set.

Vim is a highly configurable text editor built to enable efficient text editing.


Vim is a text editor which includes almost all the commands from the Unix program “Vi” and a lot of new ones. It is very useful for editing programs and other plain text.


It has scripts for the sake of those scripts enabling integrated developer features.

Those features aren’t enabled nor integrated. They’re added to Vim at its extensibility points. Baseline vim doesn’t have them.