Thanks for the rec! Looks awesome; Imma try it :)
I second this.
I have a nextcloud instance on pi4 for personal use and love it.
It’s not good for live transcoding of video, but works great for calendars, file sharing, photo sharing and music streaming.
I have a 500 gig SSD for most stuff and a 6TB HDD for backups and archiving.
I use docker compose to map a folder called archive in my instance to the HDD.
Very good points.
In my case I just need to for a couple users with maybe a few dozen transactions a day; it’s far from being a bottleneck and there’s little point in optimizing it further.
Containerizing it also has the benefit of boiling all installation and configuration into one very convenient dockercompose file… Actually two. I use one with all the config stuff that’s published to gitea and one that has sensitive data.
I dont know anything about this. We’re they all living in the same neighborhoods or we’re they in different neighborhoods in the same city or like different towns in the same Provence?
Just curious how closely bound their networks were. In my home town folks of different faiths are neighbors and mostly go to the same schools and share a government. There’s not much segregation at all. Sure, there’s racism among all groups, but it gets much weaker and much less frequent with each generation.
Oh yeah and fuck the ole British state. Bunch of tossers meddling all about so they can exploit everyone’s resources. Their emancipated colony, all-grown-up now, isn’t much better.
Oof. Meta open source. Srsly sus. •͡˘㇁•͡˘