• 4 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 28, 2023


I can recover all, but the time to redownload will be too long :)

If i goes to raid5 i lost one disk of space, to go to raid6 i have to lost 2 disks.

Its a pesonal proyect, and the motherboard has only 6satas, one of them used by the SO disk, and i want to be able of upgrade it in a future…

That is a clever aproach, and its just my caseuse, two 12 TB, about 19TB used.

And its for a personal project, so, i don’t have any hurry.

Only for clarification several days could be 1 or 2 weeks or we are talking of more time?

Yes, dietpi is main for SBC, but also has an iso for PCs, its and old computer with 6 sata ports

Interesting, i think it will be made for my usecase. i’ll check it

Thanks for your answer!!

I know its not backup, but, for me, its the sweet point between money and security. Not only for this 2 hard disk, also for the capacity of add more HDs and don’t have all redundancy.

Thanks for your answer!!

Make a raid 5 with two almost full disk and another one empty
Hello, I am going to upgrade my server, taking advantage of the fact that I am going to be able to put more hard disks, I wanted to take advantage of this to give a little more security (against loss) to my data. Currently I have 2 hard drives in ext4 with information, and wanted to buy a third (same capacity all three) and place them in raid5, so that in the future, I can put more hard drives and increase the capacity. Due to economic issues, right now I can only buy what would be the third disk, so it is impossible for me to back up the data I currently have. The data itself is not valuable, in case any file gets corrupted, I could download it again, however there are enough teras (20) to make downloading everything a madness. In principle I thought to put on this server (PC) a dietpi, a trimmed debian and maybe with mdadm make the raid. I have seen tutorials on how to do it (this for example https://ruan.dev/blog/2022/06/29/create-a-raid5-array-with-mdadm-on-linux ). The question is, is there any way without having to format the hard drives with data? Thank you and sorry for any mistakes I may make, English is not my mother language. EDIT: Thanks for yours answers!! I have several paths to investigate.

i don’t know this was an option, so, if i buy this disk shelf, and still using my sbc that gives me enough power for my services, and add this has “a hard drive”?

I have to get more info about this option, thanks!!

added this info in the post, is really usefull and i don’t think about it. Thanks!!!

Advice to upgrade from 2slots sbc to a 4/5 slots NAS
I currently have an Odroid H4C that has two SATA with two 12TB hard drives. It's starting to get too small, so I was thinking of taking the step and move to a 4/5 bays NAS and reuse the disks (the other option was to add disks via USB). What NAS do you recommend me to continue being able to have my *ARR suite + torrent + nextcloud + syncthing + small services(gitea, trillium notes, etc)? I would like to already have some redundancy, can I use the hard drives as they are or will I have to do something to them besides adding other hard drives? (my idea was to add one more disk of 12 to have redundancy and already expand space with a fourth disk) Edit: I wan't to buy and forget, so no to build myself. I really don't think in any budget, but as cheat as can be, without loss any funcionality that i stated before. I run my services mostly in docker Currently stream in my lan without any web, in samba folders but jellyfin could be interesting (not Plex, trying to FOSS to maximum) The redundancy is for data safe Thanks for your answers

i’ve got a RPI and other SBC, once month, make a copy of the MicroSD card, as the data is in the HD

I recommend you to check casaos. It’s a frontend for docker containers with his own “app store” with all you want and more easily configurable.

Maybe is not for you, as is so easy that maybe you don’t learn anything, but maybe it’s a way to start and investigate without frustrating blocks.

I feel myself at the same level than you, and currently investigating how to setup a DNS + VPN server, only for fun/learn

Currently I’m using casaOS that does the deployment automatically. I installed portainer to have more control of the containers.

I’m going to read both links. Thanks!!

Tutorial for docker selfhost of sonarr and *Arr family
I just started to selfhosting services and want to try with the *Arr ecosystem. What newbie tutorial recomend for start with it? I am currently learning by deploying docker containers in rpi5 Thanks for your time and patience


The fun of this games are learning what are good or bad combination of traits.

Its true that if you already have playe Dungeon and dragóns or are used to play this short of games need less tries until you found something that works

I’ve gonna read this carefully later.

For now I have a doubt. I have a decent amount of games on steam. My account is in danger with these external games? Can I have 2 steam installations?(I know I can have 2 accounts)

Uff, hard to say, a lot of the ones comented before applied to me.

As old pc gamer still missing one of the most influent scariest games. Alone in the dark… when you have to deal with the monsters added to frustration of bad controls…

Also dark seed, with all those HR Gigger stuff…

Technical books and courses
I'm searching for some courses and books that apear in some humble bundles. It's there any "mirror" where this content is stored? Also interested in the same content if not from a humble bundle