Programmer by day, burnt out by night.

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 22, 2023


Okay but programing or Unix jokes are whole different cake than openly admitting piracy unless you’re Meta.

Hold up is this real?

EDIT Holy fucking shit it’s real:

Have you checked software links from the megathread from the sidebar?

I know there’s a lot of links, but that makes it all the more sure at least some of them will have what you’re looking for.

Turn off JavaScript, it stops the banner from loading. This works for most of these sites.

This can be done per-site using uBlock Origin, as well:

  1. Click op UBO so it opens the pop up as shown below
  2. Click on the JavaScript button on the right, so a red cross appears over it as shown below
  3. Click on the reload-button that shows up above it.

screenshot of uBlock Origin with JavaScript turned off and the reload-icon visible

This works both on desktop browsers as well as on Firefox/Fennec on Android

I also can’t listen to podcasts but mostly because I’m quite deaf and I understand 70% of speech through lip-reading ☹️

My grandma is the opposite of this, he embraces learning new technology and wants to stay informed with new developments.
So far my dad is like this as well.
I strive to become like them, they’re both pretty great people all-round!

I think with “ro access” they meant “read-only access”.

I think it’s because in the US downloading and owning is by far not as risky as sharing is.
They get out of liability like that.

Final Fantasy Tactics (1997) quote "If the penalty for a crime is a fine then that law only exists for the lower class"

That aside, there exist other charges such as jail time however long or short and penalties as a percentage of assets (such as in some Nordic countries)

Don’t, just archive pages for future reference, especially if they’re news articles!

Right, uBlock Origin does have a cosmetic filtering-only option, as well!

I would recommend against it, for your privacy.

I’m disappointed with this spiteful crowd that literally gives the least helpful answer you specifically asked not to receive.

Just click on uBlock Origin and disable scripts for that website, then reload.
A lot of the tips down here (reader mode, archive, NoScript) di just that but with other tools.
This works on desktop on any browser and on Android using Firefox/Fennec.

If that doesn’t work, click on uBlock Origin, then on the lightning bolt, then on the pop-up, to delete it.
You may need to repeat these steps a few times until it’s gone.

I have been that friend from the alt text at every place I have worked. I shudder to think how they’re going about their projects without me, now.

Also the funny fact that the four male characters look like gnarly men, while the sole female character looks like her only talent is wearing make up

Yeah, just check the PHP section!

My favourite is

var_dump(true == 'bob') . PHP_EOL;   // bool(true)
var_dump('bob' == 0) . PHP_EOL;   // bool(true)
var_dump(true == 0) . PHP_EOL;   // bool(false)

Yes, the backend web dev can sanitise their inputs.

Or code is expanded/injected, like what happens in some CSS/JS frameworks.

In the FE part of my work, line numbers don’t mean anything in an error.

This one’s a missing ) on line 263, though.

Good human!

Seriously, though; thank you! Not for my mobile viewing pleasures, but for findability and accessibility!

Or notebook colours, as the user suggested:

📕: error message
📙: warning message
📗: ok status message
📘: action message
📓: canceled status message
📔: Or anything you like and want to recognize immediately by color

Why, Apple? Why?

*glances at PR*

Man why does your code look so… *Different? *

That’s just binary with extra steps.

Over 30 anime piracy websites shut down

Holy crap! Are any private trackers hit?

streaming sites like Aniwave

Oh so nothing changes for me, gotchu. They could’ve been clearer in the title.

and at least with a pc you can control it


most people don’t

Also true, and why I was skeptical.
Heck, you have people saying they control their computer but Chrome is going around scanning their entire system without them realising it!

That’s just because they sell them at a loss, and the games at a massive profit. This is widely known.

Don’t give it internet, return it if it “needs” internet.

What you’re doing is a losing battle; once internet connected everything is normalised they’ll stop working if you block tracking and suddenly you’re the weird one.

Instead, vote with your wallet, talk with others about how annoying/bad this is and get them to vote with their wallets, too!

days may be longer than years (hello Venus).

Hello back