Programmer by day, burnt out by night.
Don’t give it internet, return it if it “needs” internet.
What you’re doing is a losing battle; once internet connected everything is normalised they’ll stop working if you block tracking and suddenly you’re the weird one.
Instead, vote with your wallet, talk with others about how annoying/bad this is and get them to vote with their wallets, too!
days may be longer than years (hello Venus).
I could see why it has use for professional accounting esp. when live editing. LibreOffice still doesn’t do live editing.
But what accounting do you do for your personal life itself that would require MS Excel? I’m asking since it’s the topic of the post; buying MS Office pro with a laptop for home use.
sidenote, LibreOffice does have xlookuo and I’ve happily used it a number of times before, I thought it’d be nice to know
Nah that’s chamomile: [] (
Jokes aside, I can’t find anything on a virus named that, not even when setting my search engine’s region to US or UK, it only gives me info on Covid or the Norovirus.
Also, I low-key consider Camellia as a girl’s name, even if it just means “tea” it just sounds gorgeous, at least in a Dutch context!
Not to play the devil’s advocate, but with compiled languages you can just install the language, “run” your script and it’ll work, if not the language will catch undeclared variables for you, and more. With interpreted languages you need to not only install the language but also third party tools for these fairly Barovia things.
I can currently visit just fine from NL, even without browser cache.
Is this already resolved, or is it only a problem in some regions such as the USA?
Good human!
Seriously, though; thank you! Not for my mobile viewing pleasures, but for findability and accessibility!