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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 07, 2023


I typed it like that with the slim hope that someone would misinterpreted it, lol.

I switched to AirVPN right after I used mullvad but I was not that happy with their speeds (max speeds were around 500-600 Mbit/s), so I now use Proton. Proton is nice except that the port changes with every connection. Fortunately I found a fork of the VPN app that has support for automatically changing the port in qbittorrent. Other than that I’m pretty happy with Proton. :)

Mullvad is great. I unfortunately had to switch because they removed port forwarding, but I highly wish they didn’t.

Yeah, absolutely!

I actually like the change.

It’s just that it will create a lot of work for us (especially for me and my colleague) short term. I would very much appreciate it if Google actually bothered to give an exact timeline (optimally a few months or a year in advance).

PSA: All public certificates (private internal certificates won’t be affected) will have a lifetime of only 90 days soon. Google is planning to reduce their lifetime in 2024 but considering that they haven’t given an update on this since early this year, I doubt it will happen this year.

But it will happen soon.

This will be a pain in the ass for my workplace because we primarily use Digicert and manually renewing certificates every 90 days is just impossible for use. We are currently looking into a way to switch to letsencrypt or similar.


We don’t know yet. It would depend on how it was integrated.

But yes you would need to crack the app.

Google didn’t really do anything wrong imo. App developers/publisher’s are the one that is actually using these APIs

Yeah, that’s also fair. I have a tendency to overcomplicate things like this when all I wanted was a simple service.

Fair enough.

But personally I would recommend trying to setup wireguard if your router doesn’t have it integrated. It’s just so much faster than OpenVPN (usually the only built in option).

Moving to another port isn’t a bad idea though. It gives you cleaner logs which is nice.

You don’t have to host the VPN on the router. You can also host it on a separate machine or the same one that’s running the Minecraft server.

Personally I don’t give a shit about justifying my piracy. There are a lot of people in this sub that can’t do anything else.

You don’t have to have a technical background though. Anyone from any background could learn it if they wanted too. A technical background obviously helps though.

Sure dude.

I paid for the product, now I’m gonna use it the way I want to.

Well obviously you are too scared to do that, lol.

P.S. If you dislike Nintendo don’t buy their products in the future and just pirate on a PC

I never said there was anything wrong with that, I have pirated multiple terabytes of various stuff including Nintendo games (though I play them on my Deck).

I was just explaining what your “philosophical” (🙄) reasons were.

Also you could just sell the switch if you don’t like Nintendo. Don’t pretend that you are forced to pirate or something.

While I am also not a huge fan of their DLCs it does actually make sense.

The base game is still a good game many many years after release and it’s even better now than it was at release due to the free updates that come with the paid DLCs. There is also little reason to buy every single DLC at once or at all. You buy the ones with features you like. And there are obviously sales too. Don’t buy at full price! Everybody knows that.

I have never had any problems with it either but don’t get me started on YAML.

Yep and I’m all for it, lol.

She is fucking insane and it’s pretty damn entertaining (and a bit sad).

But why are people even discussing that?

This is about an ICANN decision. TLS has nothing to do with that. Also you don’t really need TLS for self hosting. You can if you want though.

They didn’t make this too be easy to use. They don’t give a shit about that. That isn’t their job in the slightest.

They reserved a TLD, that’s all.

You can use any TLD you want on your internal network and DNS and you have always been able to do that. It would be stupid to use an already existing domain and TLD but you absolutely can. This just changes so that it’s not stupid to use .internal

It does work fine with Thunderbird but you need their bridge app.

Because that is a different feature.

And did you notice they call them “mitigation” and not “protection”? 🙂

Yeah, typo on my part.

You claim that Cloudflare doesn’t live up to their words. Please cite where in the terms of services it says that the DDOS mitigation is limited on the free plan or sources of free customers being affected by this. Or are you just saying “read the fine print” without having read them yourself and you are just using that as some magic way to win all arguments?

Anyway, I really don’t understand people’s obsession with DDoS, particularly self-hosting people. The chances of their little website ever being the target of a DDoS are astronomical. Many of them don’t take proper backups, and don’t worry about theft or fire or electric spikes, which are far more likely, but go frantic when they hear about features they’ll never use.

Yeah, I absolutely agree and I have said that to some in this post. But it’s even more worthless to argue about the free plan. It’s not like some private person is ever gonna be DDOSed so aggressively that Cloudflare would even notice. If an enterprise (like where I work) is in real need of ddos protection they would already be on the enterprise plan or they would be forced to it by Cloudflare.

Do you have a source for all your claims?

Everything I can find online says that cloudflare DDOS protection is unlimited and unmetered on their free plan. https://www.cloudflare.com/plans/

But honestly, even if you are not prioritised I doubt Cloudflare will ever run out of resources due to ddos attacks. And if they did the whole internet is pretty much down anyways.

I wouldn’t worry about DDOS attacks at all.

People simply don’t care about whatever small website you plan on hosting. Unless it’s something extremely controversial and you gain a lot of exposure suddenly.

It’s worth worrying about if you ever get big but until then just forget it.

I.E. do something about it when/if it happens and not before. A ddos is fairly harmless unless you need to stay up for some reason (and you don’t need to stay up).

Everything I have read before says that there is no limit for cloudflare free.

Are you sure about that?


I really really don’t want cloudflare to gatekeep what is or isn’t allowed on the internet. That is the job of the hoster and/or NIC and at very worse the ISP of the hoster.

Or just set up your home network and services properly. Ideally with reverse proxies and maybe a proper DMZ.

Victim? He did something he knew was illegal. How is he the victim in any way? Should it be illegal? I dunno, but it is. That’s the end of it.

Dismissing something just because it’s digital is pretty stupid.

I think the sentence is very extreme but there are a LOT of crimes and maybe serious ones that can be summed up to “did stuff with ones and zeros”.

Here, the government negotiates the price for all medication and there is a cap of around 240 EUR per year per person. After that, all prescription medication is free.

You also get an increasing discount the closer to the limit you get. Before you have spent roughly 120 EUR you get no discount at all.

After that you get 50% off and after ≈ 180 EUR you get 75% and finally after ≈ 225 EUR you get 90%.

The cap and discount system also only pay for the cheapest available (in stock) medication at the pharmacy you go to which is usually a generic alternative. You can pay the difference (usually very little) if you really want non generic. Your doctor can say generics aren’t an alternative, and if that is the case the discount obviously applies anyways.

Prescription medication is also completely free for anyone under 18.

This system works pretty well as far as I know. The main problem might come from the fact that people with specific and expensive medication will have to pay 240 EUR out of pocket at the beginning of each period (but nothing after that) this can be hard for some individuals. Fortunately you can ask for a partial payment in those cases.