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Cake day: Jun 16, 2023


Play the first one its amazing, and if you are wondering what it was that was missing watch

Stfu old man you got ratfucked bent the knee and now are shilling for genocide

It’s tempting to think it’s like building a house, and if you have the blueprints & wood, it’ll just be fast and easy. Everything will go on schedule

it never goes according to schedule eve if there is blueprint & wood

But thats true about nutrition in general. A lot of people have deficiencies without being vegan, this stereotype that veganism is somehow dangerous unless you know what you’re doing is just wrong. People need to be more educated about nutrition in general independently of veganism.

a vegan lifestyle actually requires a fair amount of effort and learning about nutrition

I was actually surprised by how little effort it really took? Like replace butter with margarine, slave milk with oatmilk and, unless you’re baking, eggs aren’t actually that important.

The rest is just choosing different meals. Roasted vegetables, fried rice, bulgur, beans etc. instead of steak or sausages or what have you. Get some starchy stuff, some veggy stuff, some proteiny stuff = heathy meal. Most nonvegans live less healthy than that. Then there really is only the B12 debate left, and if you want to err on the safe side just take some supplements. They’re really cheap.

Sure, it wasn’t 0 effort, but it wasn’t exactly rocket science either. Just kind of look at what you’re eating, throw out the non-vegan stuff and go from there. If you have any qualms about the exploitation of beings with a consciousness, who can feel the pain and suffering when their kids are killed just give it a try.

I will never understand how XML came into being when lisp already existed.

I already hate people who send voice messages in a world where dictation software exists. I hate whoever even thought of joking about this even more.

The claim was within the context of AV software, not a general one.

So if I’m reading this correct the vulnerability was patched before the worm got programmed and it peaked at 2000 machines infected when it targeted apache servers running openssl, which back in 2002 was basically any encrypted website.

Don’t know how an AV would have helped there.

I mean thats what its mainly for? To quickly update CAs without needing to do it as a system update that the vendor needs to vet first

The author may be a right-wing fellow. Nonetheless, the data he exposes is not fake!

This should not be noteworthy much less be sufficient to make the article seem credible.

I sync webdav via Davx5 to my android. It integrates seamlessly

I use keepassxc and save the DB in WebDAV. Can’t imagine it getting easier. Can access it from any device.

Why doesn’t the article write about the actual threat to the fediverse? Embrace extend extinguish is such a common tactic it’s hard to imagine this isn’t what Facebook is doing.