a big neurodivergent pile of vegetable matter // 29 // sf bay area

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 06, 2023


It was actually a reference to Eminem’s song “Stan” about an insane fan who murders his family or something.

Toot actually isn’t official anymore. They changed it to notes (p sure), but the userbase decided to keep using toots because it’s cuter.

Godzilla: Domination! Developed by WayForward, which is probably why it’s so good.

Fitgirl is a repacker. She doesn’t crack; she’s just a compression nerd.

Why do you say that? I feel like it would be problematic if she were half-white, but she’s not.

Then, on the way home after the hunt, as Noem stopped to talk to a local family, Cricket escaped Noem’s truck and attacked the family’s chickens, “grabb[ing] one chicken at a time, crunching it to death with one bite, then dropping it to attack another”.

Cricket the untrainable dog, Noem writes, behaved like “a trained assassin”.

When Noem finally grabbed Cricket, she says, the dog “whipped around to bite me”. Then, as the chickens’ owner wept, Noem repeatedly apologised, wrote the shocked family a check “for the price they asked, and helped them dispose of the carcasses littering the scene of the crime”.


I was a little kid in 2000; all I knew about him was that he was a presidential candidate who wasn’t gonna win. This interview opened my eyes up to who he actually is, what he did for America, and just how similar my views on politics in America are to his. I’m glad I don’t see him as just a punchline anymore.

Also, he was kinda daddy when he was younger.

I know the Fate games are available on GOG and therefore would be on gog-games. Considering the nature of their games, it might be difficult to find them, so you might have to comb through the available sites. Maybe also check archive.org?

No clue why it isn’t on there, but bsnes is available as part of higan, ares (kinda?), standalone, or as one of many bsnes RetroArch cores (bsnes-mercury is generally the most recommended from my experience).

ETA: If you’re not into RetroArch, I’d highly recommend ares.

It’s good for low-power devices that can’t handle more demanding emulators, but bsnes is considered the gold standard for accuracy now.

Last I heard, which was admittedly a long time ago, Pale Moon was dangerously out of date with respect to security and web standards and not much more than a meme. I feel like I remember a significant change in leadership relatively recently, but has Pale Moon actually become a viable alternative?

Beyond that, WebKit is still a thing. Ladybird is too though it’s still quite a ways from primetime.

It’s used in academia, especially social sciences to represent the demographic usually studied: western, educated, industrialized, rich, democratic.

Most available “landlines” nowadays are just VoIP anyway tho. It’s why my dad got into ham radio.

The Lidarr database is just MusicBrainz. I’ve taken to just editing in whatever I need.

Is it not well-known that trans people are generally more private about their bodies and sex lives than the general population?

Not by a long shot. Trans people are thought of as pornographic and obscene because most people’s only knowledge of them is unfortunately through porn.

I think they were saying the CFPB should take up stopping all predatory fees as their top priority.

My interests are being gay and TV shows about middle aged women.

I tried it, but it was way too full of cryptobros. I felt like I didn’t fit in.

For people asking what it means, my Spanish is not great, but I think the first sentence is something like “These are stories relating to ECM(? don’t know what that is) of experiences surrounding death (I would assume near-death experiences?)”

Not directly concerning on the surface if they’re just talking about near-death experiences, but I have no idea what the content of the videos is.

EDIT: Found the English version of the channel. Definitely some woo-woo shit, but I wouldn’t go so far as to call it a suicide cult.

It reads to me like they’re saying that they feel like they might be attacked by Meta employees.

That said, it’s uh… quite a choice to have made to say that.

I read the whole thing, and the one thing that stuck out to me the most is that this Diane Baird is an disgusting person. I had such a visceral reaction to this article, and her use of pseudoscience to take advantage of foster parents and rip children away from their birth parents is absolutely horrific. The more factors you load onto one variable (in this case, eye contact), the less it means, and she uses people’s lack of understanding about that to draw absolutely insane conclusions that no competent and ethical psychologist would.

I love it, but I wish it were open source. I have since switched to LogSeq, and now I’m even trying out TiddlyWiki.

That’s… not a very good analogy. You chose to have kids. None of them chose to have evil/idiocy incarnate for coworkers.

That part is actually a direct quote from the article; it hasn’t been changed at all.

The Dems have TRIED being the adults, and it hasn’t worked; it’s only gotten the country to where it is now. Might as well sabotage the party and let them wallow in their misery for another couple weeks.

“Both sides are terrible, but at least one doesn’t wanna kill me.”

Or similar. Just damn the Dems with faint praise.

It’s a multilayered visual pun. A visual punion, if you will.

I use Adventurer’s Codex. It only works for 5e, and you have to enter and maintain things manually, but it’s really flexible because of that. It’s a web app, but it works pretty well on phones or computers and it’s FOSS.

If you need stuff to reference and help fill it in, I recommend either 5e.tools or dnd5e.wikidot.com. Both of those sites have all the released content for 5e in a well-organized format. I prefer 5e.tools for spells and the wikidot for… basically everything else.

In other words, Trump is only three years younger than Biden.

Also a high school tutor. My students would’ve caught the grammatical error in the title immediately.

I would actually highly recommend the [World, Star, Citie]s Without Number systems. They’ve been going for about ten years, and while the individual systems themselves are genre-centric (fantasy, sci-fi, and cyberpunk respectively), they’re all inter-compatible and offer a good midpoint between crunchy systems and rules-light.

Also, I think Savage Worlds is setting agnostic and a little bit crunchier than most rules-light systems, but I have little experience with it.

Charmed did the reverse in that Hell is basically a bureaucracy.

Please remember that SpaceX and Tesla have entire teams dedicated to handling Elon and reversing his decisions. Twitter did not have the infrastructure required to handle the sheer level of stupid that is Elon Musk.