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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


Harper heads the IDU, dude is pushing it globally. It’s been long enough that we forget the Harper years, lots of hints of things we’re seeing now

Tories will be even pissier than usual if there was a legit coalition government, hell it’s even in the wording of what Pierre sent Jagmeet, that the s&c is propping up something that wasn’t elected and the like, literally the same shit they did back in the Harper years.

Shocking, a Harper minister sounding like Harper.

SW was great to use back in uni but holy hell is it full of phone home stuff and really annoying these days, I scrapped my license, they straight up wouldn’t let me cancel within 30 days of renewal so I yanked my cc and “cancelled” that way.

Use FreeCAD, mentioned in a few posts, it’s got some clunk but it’s 100% useable, has more than enough features for prosumer/hobbyist use, personally I’d make an argument it’s fine for enterprise use too, Ondsel seems to think so considering that’s the market they’re targeting with their releases. I’d recommend the Ondsel release or Realthunder’s (what I currently use) which has features/fixes that will be merged back, and 100% look at mainline freecad when the 1.0 release drops

I’m probably over remembering, but even 5 km/hour would do for a lot of commutes if you could slow charge at home and work, just at home would go a long way to push needing to go to a charging station.

I’m totally in favour of higher amp circuits being available, just thinking that there’s not as big of a barrier as some people suggest there is.

Seriously, the 120v everywhere is a big step, afaik you’ll get 8-10 km per hour on a standard wall plug (depends on model obviously) just plugging in wall at work for the day would more than recoup the charge needed to get to work for most people. We still need some fast chargers but slow charging is totally practical for how most people use their vehicles every day, need to change your mindset to keep it topped up instead of refill when empty like ICE, but it’s totally doable.

Seriously though, it’s been some time be afaik any microsoft product file that ends in x, .docx, .xlsx, .pbix are all just archives and you can totally interact with them programmatically if you want. Really easy to corrupt them but hey, found it interesting years ago.

The Tories have been attacking Trudeau from the outset though, I know people from when I lived in Calgary that still blame Trudeau Sr. for a lot of their problems so Trudeau got that from the outset.

Historically we have red Tories but imo the “big tent” of the CPC is just reform 2.0 and while they’re still there (I recall Michael Chong for example being one of the few people who acknowledged climate change and had a plan in his platform when he ran for leadership) it’s still definitely reform party at its core. I had hoped the PPC would peel off the more hard-line side of the party and they could stop courting them but yeah, that didn’t happen.

We’re an exporter though of the hardliners, I brought up Harper and the IDC a while ago but I kinda forgot about the og Preston Manning who Farage in the uk modeled his recent campaign after and is an admirer of. We like to point at the states for the shift in our Tories but we’re absolutely more than capable of trailblazing ourselves…

I was writing a rant, but yeah, I’m tired of our industry being snapped up and run into the ground and important crown corps or public works being sold off for pennies.

We didn’t get here overnight and we won’t get out overnight either, there’s definitely been some movement, lots of strategic plans and investments plus the technology superclusters are working to update our industry, just would like to see the needle move faster and like, more reporting and messaging on what’s being done at each level of government because I don’t feel like we’re generally aware of that.

Totally agreed, the site formerly known as Twitter especially. At least the CBC posts articles to mastodon, so there’s that.

I’m always personally wary of storing blobs in a database if for no other reason it’s going to totally be more expensive to store on a server rather than in some sort of blob storage.

Wow yeah for real, 100% my view. Was curious, looks like the owner of the trucking company got off with $5000 fine https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humboldt_Broncos_bus_crash after pleading guilty. The people pushing behaviour that leads to incidents like this need to be held to account, What’s the company doing now to ensure its drivers comply with regulations? Why did sidhu only get hit with criminal liability if the company isn’t complying with regulation?

It’s mildly insulting how cheap some people can be bought for. Like a few grand “contributions” from a multi billion dollar company is enough? Come on, have some self respect.

Is ham sandwich still there?? It’s been ages since I’ve been on /r/Canada, was taken over a very long time ago.

Bit of a rant because it’s been on my mind.

Also thank them for killing the per vote subsidy, proroguing parliament to effectively kill a coalition gov, trying to convince Canadians that coalitions are somehow antidemocratic and a seizure of power, muzzling of scientists, barbaric cultural practices hotline, robocall scandal, mandatory minimums, missing more but there was a lot to cover in those years.

I don’t know how anyone looks back at the harper years and thinks oh it wasn’t that bad, we should totally elect one of his cabinet ministers, no it totally was a taste of things to come, dude’s the chair of the idu which totally pushes this shit on a global scale.

Harper SHOULD be the Tories’ Bob Rae in terms of making them toxic to the general population, literally the reason so many people voted strategically. Maybe it’s a bunch of us not remembering, a lot of what I mentioned was some time ago, maybe it’s that a lot of Canadians anecdotally seem more interested in what’s happening stateside than their own backyard and are generally don’t pay attention to politics but it seriously concerns me.

Supposed to be an easy, if not a drop in replacement afaik, it’s under a permissive licence (Apache 2.0), beyond that it’s authored by RedHat I can’t tell you much else, it’s something I’ve been considering moving to personally (and work, pretty much for licencing and the few of us that want to use more open tech stacks) I just haven’t had a chance to work with it.

Supposedly able to pull docker images and work with docker-compose, just not swarm.

I swear historically they (the NDP) would have been vehemently against this as I recall them being very pro privacy in the past.

Crawler is possible, still need to get into the line though, I recall there being a few options for tethered camera crawlers meant for sewer inspection. Visual does have drawbacks, can’t really size defects, as far as I recall it’s difficult to get full coverage and cleanliness is even more important, and you’d general need the operations on that pipe to cease. Ideally you want your inspection regiment to allow you to know something’s coming and be able to plan for it, example if I start seeing vibration increasing on some bearings, I can monitor them and start planning for their replacement on a scheduled shutdown.

No inspection is actually a totally valid mitigation plan for some assets. Criticality and failure consequences play a large role in that as well as the feasibility to inspect. Electrical devices for example follow random failure patterns and historically don’t really have a timeframe between failure initiation and functional failure that’s actionable, so a mitigation strategy I’ve seen done is something like hot spares if it’s critical. On the other hand, something that is inspectable but won’t result in high consequence of failure (death and injury are the things that are usually weighted heavily) it might not be worth inspecting either, it’s all about trying to get the most out of limited maintenance budgets.

I did smart pigging and challenging pipeline stuff years ago and reliability engineering up to a few years ago, also got out of o+g for similar reasons.

Totally agree and just adding on to all that, even if it was steel, I’m super willing to bet it’d be impossible to run a normal pig through, so much infrastructure is just full of diameter changes, unbarred tees, really tight back to back bends etc, I can only imagine the challenges to pig a line like that, let alone costs involved with specialised tooling and support work, I know some people who did a short run through a downtown core on a gas main and that needed hot taps, road closures and a really special pig for what was less than a kilometre.

Supposing it could be pigged without blowing up their entire maintenance budget, I wouldn’t want to touch any of the water coming out of that line during operations, so you’d also interrupt water service for a while, having a solid reaction plan really would be one of the best solutions.

We’re an exporter of it, former PM Stephen Harper is currently the chair of the IDU which promotes it globally.

That sure looks like a list of things that were once crown corps and then sold for pennies by Tories to the detriment of the Canadian population

Don’t forgot about the pizza or one single box of slightly stale Tims donuts for an entire office. We’re a family here and our culture is important!!!

Yeah but all it takes is for people to stay home on election day, look at Ontario’s “majority” government where the Tories only got 40.8% of the record low 43.5% turnout and somehow got 83 of the 124 seats. The tactics aren’t limited to getting people to vote conservative, making the left less likely to vote works just as well, if not better.

Like I get it, I prefer the NDP platform but I will always abc so long as we have to live with fptp.

I swear ive got a phone book worth if fliers in the past month. Many trees died to bring me news of deals at Canadian Tire and Food Basics

That’s the boat I’m in, I swapped my laptop from kubuntu to Debian which is solid for me. Server has a lot setup on it that I could move but for now Ubuntu server works, not really feeling the push to change.

The 880s are bulletproof, I daily drove mine for a decade (even back then recommendation was also audiophile headphones and a mic) before replacing the pads and modding them to have a detachable cable. I use a pair of DT1990 now with the same dekoni audio pads I used on my 880s, I keep meaning to get some other headphones for variety but I’ve honestly had no complaints with Beyerdynamic.

Original often tastes like what I imagine a cup of water someone has put their cigarette butts into, found it pretty variable from place to place and time of day, you do sometimes get alright coffee. I tend to drink coffee black but I totally understand why so many people get double doubles at Tims.

Oh eww I haven’t booted insomnia in a bit, that’s irritating. From a quick glance this looks solid, going to give it a try.

Most of the comments focus on death states, as far as I recall you can totally beat TES 3 Morrowind after an essential npc dies. The game will tell you it’s doomed and will prompt you to load a save, but you are largely able to continue, just have to live with the consequences, it might be a pain to do or rely on cheese, but apparently technically possible.

Wait that’s not on steam anymore? Is there an easy way to find what in your library can’t be purchased anymore?

Crave /w HBO is near 26, add that in to the number as the streaming libraries are so fractured these days you pretty much are going to bounce between them.

I’ve gone back to grabbing physical releases and ripping them, I’m really tired of what streaming has become.