• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 16, 2023


That’s assuming people actually use a parser and don’t build their own “parser” to read values manually.

And before anyone asks: Yes, I’ve known people who did exactly that and to this day I’m still traumatized by that discovery.

But yes, comments would’ve been nice.

On one hand I agree, on the other hand I just know that some people would immediately abuse it and put relevant data into comments.

As much as I’d like to see this game preserved, I don’t think the dev can be held responsible when they’re refunding everyone who purchased the game.

At the very least, a save game editor wouldn’t be too hard to create when running your own server.

Though that got me thinking if there’s some kind of GDPR shenanigans one could already utilize to get all your account data. I kind of doubt it, but it would be hilarious.

Looking at this map there seems to be at least some correlation. There really needs to be popular advocates for each language and country, particularly for the smaller ones and those with a low english speaking population.

Agree. I don’t know this person, but at best he didn’t understand the campaign and also overdosed on defeatism. At worst he’s intentionally misrepresenting the campaign and lobbying against better consumer rights.

It was the early days of homebrew when there wasn’t much information out there and the tools were much less advanced. I didn’t really care about the risk either, so it could’ve been anything. I wasn’t immediately banned either. Took about half a year or so.

But yeah, emulation can pretty run all the relevant titles, meaning the exclusives, much better than the Switch itself.

Yeah, I pretty much hopped on it as soon as it was hacked so there wasn’t much knowledge of what could lead to bans. Granted, at that point I was already a bit dissatisfied with the Switch, so I went in fully aware of the risks and not really being afraid of the risk. I even had a preorder running that I got locked out of, though luckily enough, that got a PC port not soon after.

It was similar for me, except that Nintendo made the decision for me by prevening me from purchasing (or downloading) any game from the eShop. Of course, it wasn’t entirely unexpected to get banned since I also hacked mine in order to dump my games and transfer saves for games I owned on PC and Switch.

Still, since Nintendo apparently didn’t want to have a customer and the SteamDeck was announced shortly after I jumped ship day one and only turned the Switch on once again to transfer my saves back.

And Linux will slowly turn into Windows.

Some distros maybe, but I’d say that instead we’d quickly have another golden era of malware.

I hate how oddly specific “Moved from Jekyll to Hugo people” is, mostly because that’s exactly what I did as well. I don’t use it to write any blog posts though. It’s more a “Here’s a list of things I’ve created”-generator.

Looking into the metadata of the included PDF version reveals that it’s from 2004, so even a bit older than that.

Yup. I’ve always loved having a handheld device as a companion to my PC. The first few months with the Switch were great, but as time went on I just wanted a better designed Switch that’s also just a PC, particularly after getting hardware-banned for trying to fix some of the issues myself with homebrew apps.

I never would’ve thought that we’d actually get to see a device that’s real so quickly (anyone remember the Smach Z?), is actually pretty good and how quickly it’s now becoming its own market segment.

Don’t worry. There’s still plenty of ESP32 waiting to be flashed with ESPHome and placed into their own little enclosure out there.

Source: Me, who’s got a Bluetooth Proxy for my adjustable desk and some small LED strips running, with a soil moisture sensor planned as my next quick project.

That whole industry can cease to exist from one day to the next and nothing of value would be lost - if anything value would be gained for the average person

That last point can’t be stressed enough. The whole marketing sector is essentially a net negative to society because neither an actual product gets produced nor any useful service is offered.

I just got the (first) completionist achievement after 60 hours plus however many I spent on the demo. I might try a few of the challenges and try to win with the final stake at least once, but after that I think I’m done.

It’s an absolutely amazing game and has secured its place in my deck building hall of fame beside Slay the Spire and Wildfrost.

I was going to recommend chairs like these as well. Super comfortable, doesn’t really get dirty, doesn’t get hot in the summer and can be outfitted with a blanket in the winter. Usually not too expensive either.

As a German I have to admit that the ANSI US layout is the one American standard that’s superior to the European ones. That said, I still need some Umlaute and accented letters from time to time, which is why I use the EurKEY layout, which adds all of those keys back and many morek, most of them accessible without having to use a dead key.

A bad voice probably also just feels much better and complete than having no voice at all. At least based on the observations I’ve made when adding sound effects to my games as a hobbyist. A silent game just feels bad.

That article is a bit out of date and wasn’t really true anyway. The people who are creating Pretendo, who wrote the blog post this article is based on, did an update on the situation, specifically calling out the media for their sloppy articles:

With that said, some outlets did a less than stellar job at reporting our last post, not covering some topics fully or accurately.

TL;DR: Many of the issues have already been fixed, even going so far as there are now entirely new servers in place to act as a proxy for Amazons servers to work around some security related incompatibility issues.

A nice grid lined notebook and a mechanical pencil is still my favorite.

If only my default font wasn’t so bad that it causes data loss.

That looks very interesting, mostly because it’s so different. I’ll have to take a closer look later.

I didn’t mention it, but that’s actually my one (small) gripe with Joplin. It would be neat if I could access my notes with any markdown editor without having to open it through Joplin. That said, I don’t know how I would’ve handled the file structure differently while keeping features like the history alive.

Just tried it for a bit. Looks pretty sleek and has some nice features, but it seems like it’s not open-source, which is something I’d like to avoid.

What’s your favorite note-taking application?
Currently I'm using Joplin with Syncthing-backed file system synchronization. I'm pretty pleased with it, as I do like tagging- and Markdown-based systems. I plan to upgrade to server-based synchronization, but before doing that, however, I wanted to see what other people are using. Edit: So far I see a slight favor towards Joplin and Logseq, but I totally didn't expect (and appreciate) getting so many different answers.

i don’t understand how i connect the pc to the domain.

Yeah, that’s the part where I think there’s some misunderstanding. You don’t “connect” the server to your domain. Instead, there is a Nameserver (most run by your registrar, GoDaddy) that hosts a list of DNS records, that you can edit, which point to IPs. So you need to edit those to point to your public IP (or set up stuff like DynDNS if your IP isn’t static) and once that’s doneand the port forwarding is also set up properly in the Fritz!Box you should be able to connect.

That said, what’s wrong with VPN? Particularly if you’re using Wireguard VPN, which was recently added to Fritz!Box, there shouldn’t be any performance differences. Plus, it would be safer than exposing services to the whole internet, doubly so if you’re not a networking expert.

Yup. Ideally there should always some kind of indicator, like a bar, that lets you easily see how many steps there are and which one is selected.

Also: If there are graphics presets available, if there’s one that’s called “highest” or “max” then that should actually crank everything to the highest possible setting.

That’s because EV certs were not only a pretty awful idea in hindsight (A, B), but also because humans aren’t really good at checking the security and trustworthiness of a website (C) in general, which is why browsers have collectively started to stop signalling HTTPS as something to be trusted all together.

Simply going one step down from buying every “halo” product would already do wonders for a significant price/performance increase.

That said, when building a new PC I usually start with the recommendations listed at Logical Increments, which has a neat table sorted by budget. Anything at or above the “Suberb” should give you what you want at 1440p.

I’d also very much recommend a high refresh rate monitor, preferably 1440p, which has either GSYNC or FreeSync with a good variable refresh rate range. It really helps with maintaining a smooth presentation as you aren’t forced to keep your game running at a fixed framerate anymore.

Something I completely missed, due to the insanity that is the runtime fee, is that they’re also getting rid of their Plus subscription.

While Plus never had a bunch of benefits, it was basically the edition for individuals and very small teams who just wanted to get rid of the splash screen. These users would have to use Pro now, which is 5x more expensive at 2040$/year/seat.

The roadmaps over last few years already showed that they don’t really care about indie devs anymore, but now it feels like they’ve become actively hostile.

This is also why having a strong standard library and/or framework is so important to a language. Otherwise you’ll end up needing a third-party library for every little thing, each coming with their own programming paradigms and dozens of dependencies.

The difference between generating JSON and generating HTML is minimal for the server

That should be true, but have you looked the HTML of any “modern” site? Dozens of nested elements, each tagged with multiple lines of attributes. Generating that is probably 10x the cost of generating the JSON.

Plus, with server side rendering you also have to recompute the HTML for the entire site, which often means re-computing a whole bunch of non-trivial queries as well.

*different thing to VS for Mac, because Microsoft had to give three entirely different products the same name.

I was initially also a bit surprised by the amount of it, but after thinking about it for a bit, Blizzard seems to have engineered the perfect conditions for this to happen:

  1. Create a massively successful game for PC, which also creates a giant group of people who care about the game.
  2. Make a bunch of bad decisions, which are particularly bad for the existing user base.
  3. Only then release the game on Steam, meaning there are no positive reviews from the launch period and a bunch of disgruntled former players, all of which are allowed to review the game because the game has become F2P.

I’d lean towards the SDI Origin version since it’s the only one still being maintained, which, on the surface, seems kinda important for a tool that’s supposed to fetch the latest drivers.

(You’d better not ask me for my opinion on these crappy modded versions of Windows though. Using a OS that’s not capable of getting updates is a mindbogglingly stupid idea.)

First up: You don’t really need these tools from Win8 onwards, as every driver should get automatically get installed. Just download the newest GPU driver if it’s a gaming PC and you’re done.

That said, this seems to be a case similar to uBlock and uBlock Origin: SDI is the “original” version and the last update was in 2017. SDI Origin was split off some time in 2016 (due to some controversy?) and is maintained to this day.

I was about to say, aren’t most e-Bikes still “dumb”? At least that’s my experience here in Germany.

The problem is less about e-Bikes specifically and more about companies locking product features to their cloud, which is frustratingly happening more and more with just about everything that’s electrical.

Had a hard time finding any recent information either, but with the recent release of 1.20 I’ve noticed that an Activitypub endpoint got added in the API and that permissions for it can be added to tokens. Seems very rudimentary so far though.

From my experience the “default” experience, which is Docker Desktop, is a pain, due to what you described. In particular, Linux containers and Windows file permissions just don’t mix well.

Other than that, there’s three options:

  1. Docker Desktop, but used from WSL 2. This seems to be the cleanest solution nowadays. Never personally used it though. Officially supported.
  2. Installing Docker inside WSL 2. Configuring this correctly is a bit of a pain and not really supported AFAIK.
  3. Installing Docker in a VM, using the integrated Hyper-V functionality for example. The least amount of integration, but most reliable.

It doesn’t make any sense to me from the perspective that I’ve approached it.

I think you’ve already identified the issue. Docker is pretty “simple”, but you’ve got to approach it from the right angle or else it doesn’t make sense. Apart from suggesting the official documentation I can’t give you much advice on how to learn it because my path to understanding Docker was pretty much just trying things out and iterating on it. That said here’s a tips that could help:

  • If you aren’t using Docker Compose already, you really should. Just having your entire configuration for a service in a single file really helps.
  • Aside from debugging, you normally aren’t meant to run commands manually in a container. It’s best to act like every container is just a black box that simply does its thing.
  • If you need to edit config files, the easiest way is to just directly on the host if you’re using bind mount volumes, or spin up a temporary container running Debian or Alpine for example that also has the Docker Volume mounted.

As @housepanther@lemmy.goblackcat.com has already mentioned, building your own images is also pretty helpful since it strips a lot of the “black magic” away and teaches you how to further “mod” existing images.

I’d guess that it might be related to how you’ve set up the virtual network adapter. This depends on the specifc virtualization software you use, but the adapter for HA should be be set to something called bridged network, meaning the VM gets its own IP on your home network, no routing or NAT in between. HA will struggle to connect with devices otherwise, as all these protocols weren’t designed to work across multiple networks.