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Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Is the law he broke stupid? Yes. Is he stupid for breaking the law on stage? Yes.

There was a point I was convinced he would never be charged for anything. It’s not enough, but it’s still much better than the worst case scenario, so I’ll take it.

We had a board of supervisors runoff and it was a brutal defeat for the republican candidate. I’m in San Diego, which many would think is a blue hotspot. However, by Southern California standards, not so much. It was quite purple for a long time due to a huge military presence. However, in the last decade or so it has begun to go super blue, and I am so happy to see the trend continue and get stronger. Really hoping to see this again next year. Keep voting everyone! In every single election. It matters now more than ever!

Interesting. My point still stands though. It’s crazy that a party would have a 22 year old on said list, and that anyone would support a party that has a list with 22 year olds on it.

I’m all for voting in younger representatives but I would never in a million years vote for a 22 year old. Or a racist for that matter. But the most shocking part to me is his age. Like, 22 year olds have not been alive long enough to develop any kind of meaningful wisdom. I’m only 36 so my wisdom is only just developing and I look back on all the 22 year olds I knew when I was 22 and holy shit do not put any of those people in charge of important decisions.

Completely agree. They demand more than most communities, while enjoying one of the few products that has dodged inflation in a huge way. I remember paying $60 for games in 2000. 20+ years later, and I’m supposed to be livid that most are still $60. The amount of whining is so crazy it’s embarrassing.

I pay $20 to watch a mediocre rehashed superhero movie for 2 hours. I can absolutely pay $60 or $70 for something that gives me 10 hours of entertainment. And most games I pickup give me way more than 10 hours. So I find gaming to be worth it pretty much all the time.

Picked up Warhammer Dark Tide since it’s on gamepass. I played 8 hours straight. This could be bad…lol

So glad to see this sentiment supported on beehaw. It’s a shame that people equate the two.

Some people truly have nothing going on in their lives. I’d feel bad for them if they weren’t destructive. Alanah is awesome. The line about them being jealous of her successes is accurate here.

Lessons learned in school are often social in nature. Learning that queer people exist, and that they should be treated with respect is an incredibly valuable lesson.

Hmm. I haven’t taken him to be as scary as some of you. I agree with your assessment, in that his skill set in the wrong hands could be dangerous. But he is much different than trump. Most notably, he’s not white, and the people he is courting actually do care about that, whether they admit it or not. Second, he does not have the name recognition or place in the American zeitgeist that trump had when he first ran. I saw someone mention he is probably angling to be a conservative pundit, which makes sense to me. He has to know that the conservative base will never embrace a brown person like him, so running seems like it’s more about setting up a career for himself, rather than truly seeking the office. At any rate, he’s insane and a truly dispicable person, so here’s hoping he eats shit.

This is so true. I bought the anniversary collection years ago. When I went to play SF1 I was flabbergasted. It’s legitimately terrible. Even by standards back then. Though, as someone who is a bit obsessed currently, I am so glad they kept up with it.

It’s a pretty interesting scenario to imagine. What is bothersome is that I can’t see a situation where it wouldn’t lead to more right wing domestic terrorism. Which is just terrible, but almost seems inevitable next year no matter what happens really. Here is hoping we get through this with as little harm as possible.

Eternal Champions. Such a cool concept, a great cast of characters, and great graphics for the time. Spent so many hours playing it with my brothers growing up. Xavier was the fucking best.

That’s a pretty spicy date. Mostly, I’m happy they didn’t schedule it for 2026 like they’ve been asking.

That last bit about pardons only being available 5 years after serving the punishment is great to hear.

This deserves its own post. Thanks for sharing! This part killed me…" “Some people just “don’t get the responsibility side of being libertarians,”…which is certainly one way of framing the problem."

Nice read and very happy for Galante! He is clearly a fan of gaming who made something awesome for fans of gaming. It’s not exactly a game I got addicted to (played maybe 10 or 15 hours total?) but it truly is such a refreshing treat. If you haven’t tried it, give it a go. It’s super nostalgic and super easy to pick up immediately. Mostly, I’m excited to see what other things Galante and his team can do! But as long as they are happy continuing to make Vampire Survivors as good as they can, I’m happy for them.

HA! Your edit just floored me, I didn’t even catch that. Lowest common denominator and all that jazz lol.

Read the article folks. This is very different from covid, and they had a similar outbreak in 2019. Sounds like it’s something to do with their food sanitation practices?

Nice read, thanks for sharing! The NES will always be the epicenter of my lifelong love for gaming. I will always remember receiving Megaman 2 for my bday. We had other games, but as the youngest of three boys, it was the first game that was truly mine. And I will never forget the weird ass cover art it had lol.

As a massive Destiny fan, I was around for all of that as it happened. So so so glad to hear this is how it turned out. These kind of people need to be made examples of, and I hope he has a miserable time trying to recover.

Do you have a source for your initial claim? That is something I have never heard before, and I taught for 13 years.

Been using the fediverse since the 1st of June, don’t miss reddit at all. As a matter of fact, it’s made me realize just how plagued reddit had become with bots and ads and just terrible communities of hate and perversion. I was on reddit for like 13 or 14 years and since it was a slow process I didn’t realize how awful a lot of the site had become. So glad to have left.

It’s unreal to witness, isn’t it? For the rest of my life I will never believe everything that has happened surrounding him. It’s just so baffling.

So much Street Fighter 6. I’ve played fighting games my whole life, but I’m enjoying taking this one a little more seriously. I still suck in online but am slowly improving! Also playing Back 4 Blood with some friends, which is always fun!

This setup looks like a dream. Jealous, but also stoked for you all!

I want to echo this sentiment. I was surprised how smooth it was. I have faith this will be just as good.

Wow. This is so macabre. Crazy to be following this story. Thanks for sharing these details.