Am definitely human.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


Dragging a floppy to the bin would simply eject it… 🤷 Well all right, maybe the story is from before the intro of the “Insert disk Foo”.


I’ve read most of and do not recall any such story. In fact, how do you even “drag the computer to the waste basket” as the first/only icon would be the System floppy and afaik they’ve never had / still don’t have a “computer icon”. 🤔

That false constructor parameter is golden.

Yes, I’ve been on Norwegian Dvorak since 2002 or so.

Biggest problem I’ve had is with keyboards and OS’es (cough 🍎) that don’t support the Insert key, because (a) I cut my teeth on the DOS editor and (b) XCV are all over the place on this layout.

I will always use a proper full size keyboard if at all possible. Those 60% and whatnot are not for me (it’s bad enough when they move the arrow keys).

Oh, and the languages insisting on ${} characters are a pain on any non US layout.

I’ve been extremely fond of “Our Groceries” for many years. It strikes a sweet spot between features and simplicity of use, and the devs are very responsive and have added several features after my suggestions. Really the only downside right now is that it can’t use the front facing camera on my wall mounted android tablet for scanning barcodes.

For added fun, macs use CR.

This used to be true, for sure, but I thought this changed with OS X (which is essentially PrettyBSD) ?

I loved win XP, but it’s been steeply down hill since then, to this unbearable toddler ui. So I’m with you on that one. I’ve been on *nix for 20+ years now.

If you want to do basic window manager things, like press the meta key (also referred to as the winows key on non-macbooks) + direction arrow to have a window snap to a quadrant of your screen, you have to install a 3rd party application with Homebrew.

you don’t need brew to install a window manager, although the fact that brew lets you treat it like a linux box is great.

Please tell me more.

My new job gave me a Mac. First one I’ve used … that has a colour screen, and boy have things (and myself) changed in the interim. I spent the entire first day figuring out what the buttons even do. Am I really expected to use the mouse (well, trackpad) this much? The first port replicator I bought only did one screen, I’m hoping the one now in the mail does better…

So you are the one who killed YouTube.

Never let it be said that a single person can’t make a mark on this world.

😉 No really, I just wish you success with your endeavour.

Good bot.

I am so happy to see some of the useful bots make a reappearance here. And you got yourself quite the nifty name, too.