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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


I view the term “social media” as a continuum and not a box. There are degrees of “social media” with the extreme being sites built around using people’s “real-life” identities.

Defense in depth – maybe I’m paranoid, but just because something is unlikely doesn’t mean an extra layer of security isn’t advantageous. Particularly when I already have a VPN, so there’s little reason not to use it.

Plus, my logs are easily checked as a side effect.

I don’t get why people leave interfaces the public doesn’t need access to open to the public – especially SSH.

Use a VPN if you need access to those interfaces from the “outside”. They’re stupidly easy to set up these days, particularly with Wireguard.

I was working with a buddy on a “startup” that was more of a hobby than anything (and didn’t go anywhere). The early prototypes were controlled by Arduino and Pis early on – ease of software development was key as we experimented with and dialed in the hardware. The later prototypes used an ESP32 though, because we’re aren’t idiots.

I’m a hobbyist at best: it kills me that there are well paid “professional embedded software engineers” out there that can’t work with actual embedded hardware. All I could think of was this article on electrical engineers that can’t solder. The complete lack of real world, hands on experience with the hardware blows my mind.

The trick is not engaging him in a way he wants you to. Laughing at how ridiculous he is and blowing him off are fine. Making fun on him in a way that gets across you don’t take him seriously is also ok.

He doesn’t deserve interactions with anyone/anything that legitimizes him, but casual mocking is a good thing. Treat him like like the clown he is so others start seeing him as such.

They’re just lying about pirating to look cool.

I highly doubt there are any actual pirates on here, it’s just users being edgy. A bunch of dorks that don’t even own a boat role playing badass pirates.

Because we owe the younger generations a better future. The rallying cry of narcissists and fools is “I suffered and therefore so should you!” – we’re better than that.