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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 09, 2023


Lol… The Twitter offices are even in a nicer area of the SF business district. I’ve walked around that building many times in the middle of the night and during the day and have never felt unsafe.

What a weirdo.

Do one of the following:

  1. Tell your mother you’re not comfortable hosting that type of content as a non-believer.
  2. Lie and hand back the propaganda movies and say you couldn’t rip them to some unknown rip protecting they use and there’s not enough resources online to figure it out.
  3. Host the content and let your mother liver her life and don’t say anything.

I’d personally use option 1, but you do you.

I’m an American, I won’t get the luxuries of the EU court rulings.

And you’ll have a choice to not install them. Or to install versions that you know how they were trained and have guardrails you approve of.


Format your README better. And don’t be a condescending jerk and say “wikipedia is your friend”. If you can’t explain what you’re doing here we’re going to question your solution. You don’t have to write a white paper, but enough to show you actually understand the concept enough to explain it in brief then you provide links to detailed refefences.

Comment your code. Meaningful names are great, but you should be explaining complex concepts and algorithms within your code. This provides clear intent to people using and maintaining your code if implemented directly.

As somebody that’s been working on computer hardware since the early-to-mid 90s, installing the drivers before connecting the printer was the norm. It was actually the norm for most peripherals. Just be glad you didn’t have to do manual irq assignment. Hell, that is probabaly the issue, is that the driver installer borked the irq assignment when the device already had a handshake agreement with the hardware.

I digress though, this shouldn’t have been the pattern for a modern printer in 2007, when PnP had been standard for several years at that point.

And the jobs are rarely worth the stress of picking apart the terribly designed, chock full BizDev rushed ads-on features due to foolish promises, and a manager that’s stressed out due to how few experts they’re are that’s going to try and micro-manage you because his skip-level is breathing down his neck about when something is going to be fixed.

No thanks, not again.