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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Nov 17, 2022


I would consider using your Synology for what it’s good at - storage.

My homelab has a Synology DS1618 and servers are Lenovo M90q systems. They have enough compute to get the job done, and use the Synology NFS mount for storage.

Yeah, for the integrated CI/CD, give GitLab a shot - it saves on spinning up a Jenkins or ConcourseCI server.

CI/CD can be useful for triggering automation after merge requests are approved, building infrastructure from code, etc.

I’ll come out with an anti-recommendation: Don’t do GitLab.

They used to be quite good, but lately (as in the past two years or so) they’ve been putting things behind a licensing paywall.

Now if your company wants to pay for GitLab, then maybe consider it? But I’d probably look at some of the other options people have mentioned in this thread.

Oh snap, are you the developer of Viewtube? If so, first off - great job. I do the infrastructure side of IT for my day job but aside from some basic go, I couldn’t code something like this to save my life.

I wish I had the chops to contribute to the project.

Self-hosted YouTube frontend with some additional features
I've been running [Viewtube](https://viewtube.io/) in my homelab for my family after the actual YouTube started misbehaving. Was it because I use Firefox? DNS adblock? Unlock origin? Who knows! I absolutely love that with Viewtube I can make the front page only my subscriptions. It seems to be relatively low on resource usage as well. But lately, the lack of features is starting to get to me - namely closed captions and "Add to queue". Are there any other self hosted options that are more feature rich in this regard?

Heck, you could do a pre-stage play where you delegate to localhost an ansible.builtin.get_url to download the compose file before doing the rest.

Adding to the Nazi comment - substack is basically a long form blog format, very similar (AFAICT) to Medium.

It’s anonymous bulk text posting - great for sharing logs, but don’t discount the more grey side of the internet. If you browse recent public posts there’s often some fun things like scam links, credentials, etc.

It’s definitely fallen out of favor for password dumps though.

Yeah, after the yuzu debacle, if I were anywhere close to the gray side of piracy I would pull down any and all links to funding.

I’m not sure how you would actually get that necessary funding - maybe through discord links periodically?

I didn’t intend to use it on the chest freezer - it was mostly for the modem, but since I had spare battery capacity and outlets I thought what the heck.

The power load is practically nothing until it cycles, and even then it’s fairly efficient - my current runtime is estimated to be about 18 hours, more than enough to come up with an alternative if we lose power in a storm.

Seriously, make an effort. These took me 30 seconds and only a slight reprompt tweak.

While I appreciate the sentiment, most traditional VMs do not like to have their power killed (especially non-journaling file systems).

Even crash consistent applications can be impacted if the underlying host fs is affected by power loss.

I do think that backup are a valid suggestion here, provided that the backup is an interrupted by a power surge or loss.

Edit: even journaling file systems aren’t a magic bullet. I’ve had an ext4 fs get corrupted when IO was interrupted by power loss. I get the down votes for mentioning non-journaling FS, but seriously folks, use the swiss cheese method of protecting your stuff… backups, redundant power/UPS, documented/automated installation/configuration.

I agree that 99.999% uptime is a pipedream for most home labs, but I personally think a UPS is worth it, if only to give yourself the option to gracefully shut down systems in the event of a power outage.

Eventually, I’ll get a working script that checks the battery backup for mains power loss and handle the graceful shutdown for me, but right now that extra 10-15 minutes of battery backup is enough for a manual effort.

This is why I have about five of these bad boys: CyberPower CP1500PFCLCD.

One is in my utility room for my cable modem and our chest freezer, three back up my homelab and wifi AP, and one is for my office.

They’ve been bulletproof through storms, and when we’ve lost power, but not Internet I can’t keep on working.

The big thing to look for is number of battery+surge outlets vs just surge outlets. Typically they top out at 1500VA - the more overhead for what you’re powering, the longer you can go without mains power.

A screen/display is helpful for at-a-glance information like expected runtime, current output, etc.

“The new study adds significantly to the rising concern about an AMOC collapse in the not-too-distant future,” said one scientist. “We will ignore this at our peril.”

Narrator: And everyone who could actually affect change, or meaningfully prepare the population for the collapse ignored it.

This is the right answer. I have dockerized Calibre and Calibre-Web for initial intake, then use Calibre-Web’s OPDS feed with my Moon+ Android app for reading on my tablet/phone.

Calibre handles type conversions, metadata sync, and file organization.

Calibre-Web works well for browser reading on my PC.

Documentary by the For-profit side of Noclip!

They’ve been hush-hush about this for months on their Patreon, it’s delightful to see what all the secrecy was about.

I just got into act 3 of Balder’s gate and took a break because I don’t want the game to end. Instead, I have fallen back on my old favorite on the steam deck, Dave the Diver.

Adding to this - I have those adapters to, ans fyi they don’t support jumbo frames.

I’ve switched over to using a publicly resolvable domain name, but with a lan prefix (e.g. lan.mystuff.dev) so that I can do DNS challenge let’s encrypt certs.

Paired with PowerDNS that acts as an authority for the lan.mystuff.dev domain, I can go to a legit certificate/SSL protected https://sonarr.lan.mystuff.dev url. If I wanted to, I could add cloudflare records for the same services exposed through my router (Like for vpn.lan.mystuff.dev) so that both internal and external resolution is possible.

Well, I’m slight embarrassed. I think that was part of my confusion about Matrix - it seemed to me that it was both a protocol and a platform. That colored my memory of XMPP too. IIRC, Jabber was the client and protocol before the protocol was renamed to XMPP.

As for what I’m interested in - I’m not sure. I don’t really use discord save for a few Patreon follows; my friends use a group Signal chat. I think maybe I’m interested in recapturing the old IRC feeling of finding a chat room and just “hanging out”? I suppose I could always dig out my Irssi client config and just join Freenode again.

(Ye gods, wtf happened here to Freenode/Librachat?)

XMPP - now that’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time. I thought the woke Google chat federation and subsequent drop pretty much killed it off - but I’m glad to be wrong.

Are there XMPP based group chat/Matrix/Discord alternatives?

Does there tend to be logical groups for Matrix channels/servers? (Meaning you don’t really just join Matrix, you go to a Matrix instance for Jerjoba support, or other common interest like Hockey?)

Okay, help an old-timer out.

Lemmy :: Reddit

Mastodon :: Twitter (I refuse to call it “X”)

Matrix :: ???

Is it like discord? The olden days of AIM/ICQ/IRC?

She also seemed to be legitimately happy in her latest twitch stream.

From Mastodon: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1884973353?t=1238s

It really depends on what you want to run. I have a clusterHat (four Pi Zeros on a Pi4) that runs a Hashicorp Vault cluster with minimal usage.

The big thing about self hosting is what happens if you (or other people) start to depend on your service - what do you do about hardware failures? Maintenance windows for patching?

To start off, a Pi is fine, but you’ll probably start maxing out your compute and memory (again, depending on workload).

Does anyone else start freaking out when we have such complex programs that researchers don’t fully understand how they work?

Dropbox keeps hounding me to upgrade to a paid level - back when they were incentivizing sign-ups with free storage for the inviter and invitee, I spin up several throwaway accounts and VMs to give myself bonus storage (I’m just over 21GB).

It’s plenty for some critical secondary backups of wedding photos, docs, and an encrypted volume or two - but I absolutely cannot see myself paying for even their cheapest tier.

Psh… That’s amateur, I just keep incrementing the number at the end ‘password1’, ‘password2’, etc. Gotta fool the password reuse counter!

After about a year of using Keycloak for some #dayjob side projects, I literally just stood it up in my homelab.

It does have a learning curve, but it supports OIDC and SAML - those two should get most internal services covered.

Back end can federate with AD or LDAP - for the real stinkers who refuse to support SSO. (Looking at you Netbox)

What possible reason could a microbloging app need to know my health information? Ignoring everything else about threads - that alone should cause people to pause before using it.

Maybe if they notified users like, “We’ve detected that your heart rate is elevated and you’re sweating excessively. Maybe don’t engage with @xerses5434 on this political topic, lest you have a heart attack.”