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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 19, 2023


Well that’s what I get for not reading the label

Painters tape is great… but it’s blue. Maybe attach white tape to the top of painters tape? Not sure how it’ll look. Right now I just have the cable running at the floor and I’ve forgotten about it

There’s a lot less Maintenance and tinkering involved with consoles, and Im spending a hell of a lot more than $500 every 7 years to maintain a PC capable of playing the latest titles well enough. A lot less cheating in PvP too.

I was thinking they’d use:

Bronze: just the account Silver: “Essential” 3 free games a month Gold: “Extra” game library Platinum: “Premium” game streaming and classics

These are Extra games. Essential has 3 this month: The Callisto Protocol, Farming Simulator 22, Weird West

there have been many posts about YouTube detecting blockers recently and warning users it’s against the ToS. Not sure if they are widespread or not.

Maybe, but they have two major competitors that they need to stay around the cost of.

There are some scripted podcasts with more enthusiastic narration, background music, etc than some audiobooks I’ve listened to. I thought Walter Isaacson‘s recording on his Dell podcast was better than one of his books from a few years back.

Yea, and podcasts usually have better production. I guess ads are that lucrative idk.

I have no idea about the economics of audiobooks personally, I am more of a short form reader, so when I do read a book, I bought it used for a couple bucks off eBay or from a local used book store. I am far from the target market for audiobooks.

Seriously, people need to stop complaining about absolutely everything. It’s so tiring. This is something no one was paying for yesterday. Audible is what? $15 a month for one book?

Case, cooler, power supply, storage at minimum, dongle/adapters probably too.

I’m agreeing with them. By the time you buy the Pi 5, and all the add-ons you need, it’s going to rival these SFF systems with full x86 Intel chips with efficiency cores.

You can buy beelink small form factor pcs from Amazon for around $150 with cases and power supplies included.

This was the problem with my Synology recently. System would light up and “click” off over and over again. Replaced the PSU was all it needed.

I’d rather be able to filter these topics from sites like Lemmy, I’ll never actually go to them. I’m curious what you’re really trying to accomplish.

Nintendo was founded in the 1800s as a playing card company. To some extend every manufacturer started with something else. You’re misrepresenting my point. Sony entered the market and competed based on actual merit. They have grown their own in-house talent, in-house IPs, and technology just like Nintendo. Microsoft almost threw in the towel in 2013. There recent moves scream Embrace, Extend, Extinguish where they don’t have to worry about pesky things like making good games, but can force gamers to pay them monthly for whatever they feel like putting out, or just let third parties do the work and use their power to force them into whatever pricing Microsoft wants. People thinking GamePass is great should brush up on their history of what Microsoft does when they get the upper hand. I say this as a someone who uses a ton of Microsoft Products outside of gaming.

In the context of gaming, Sony and Microsoft couldn’t be more different. I can get over Sony’s terrible store backend or refund policies. I know how they work, how to avoid pitfalls, etc. at the end of the day, they make the better games that I like to play and have shown over the course of thirty years to support gaming first.

I get called a Sony fanboy for calling out Microsoft for being terrible for gaming. I haven’t owned a Nintendo device since N64, but I have nothing bad to say about them. They make great games.

I’m just speculating, but maybe the vast majority of people running on VPS are doing these things. Idk if it’s even allowed in their terms of service.

If the vast majority of people on they host were selling access it makes sense. Users don’t want to hear it but Plex has to shield themselves from lawsuits. If you willfully let people break the law with your product as a feature you have no argument in court. Same goes for why they add all these features they core users don’t want. They need a reason to argue that they don’t just make money on piracy. FOSS doesn’t usually get sued though, but nothing is preventing it. Everyone needs to be careful and if your going to illegally download movies don’t be greedy and sell access to it.

If DNS wouldn’t constantly break I’d be more open to learning. Right now what’s the point?

Maybe, but I have yet to see another home ISP with the same problem.

It fucking sucks. I’ve been hearing about it for twenty plus years and it’s caused me more problems than it’s solved. Comcast DNS routinely breaks connecting to niche sites like Microsoft 365 😑. Its overly complicated and easier to screw up. If turning off IPv6 would stop solving more problems maybe I’d give it a better go, but as it stands it’s like the USB-c standard of a clusterfuck of poor design and implementation in practice.

It’s long past the time to stop caring what they think. They’ll make themselves the victim no matter what, there’s no reasoning with them.

They of course stop updating old devices. The 5 year old iPhone XR is getting updated to iOS 17 this month, and they are still putting out security updates to the 9 year old iPhone 5S.

They started limiting the CPU clock on older devices that had poor batteries in situations where it would try to draw more power than the battery could maintain. Identical devices with good batteries were not slowed down. Literally the opposite of planned obsolescence, but they failed to communicate what was happening which very likely lead people to buy new phones instead of getting their batteries replaced. At that time I had an iPhone for personal use and a Galaxy S5 for work. The S5 started doing the exact thing that Apple prevented when my battery started wearing out and random apps would crash the phone. However, unlike Apple where I could pay them $99 to fix it, Samsung and Verizon essentially told me to go pound sand and wouldn’t even sell us an official battery. We resorted to buying some sketchy thing off Amazon that never seemed to be as good. Kinda funny how Apple got all the hate, yet Samsung was the one that let me down.

Apple doesn’t force you to upgrade. They have the longest support length in mobile. What they are fantastic at is convincing you that you need to upgrade.

That’s Microsoft’s M.O. Meanwhile Sony and Nintendo routinely put out bangers more polished than anything Microsoft releases.

Microsoft has no taste. They don’t know what makes a good studio or a good game. It’s clear by now with over twenty years in the industry. They have a ridiculous bank account and can’t even buy good taste. Every company they’ve bought, so far, hasn’t been improved by the purchase. It remains to be seen what happens with Bethesda or Activision, but so far all I’m seeing is forced exclusively because they can’t make anything themselves.

GamePass is their attempt to buy the market through guaranteed subscriptions where individual game quality doesn’t matter. Good not great is their bread and butter.

I wouldn’t claim pc games run on consoles. It’s *nix users trying to claim all PC games that’s the problem.

Typically with PC Gaming people are custom building. If you get it through the OEM, then you’re good.

Lemmy doesn’t have that much content. I reply to my messages when I have time.

Those are grey market keys. It’ll work, but you’re paying someone for a key that’s not legal for you to use.

So it’s comes out the same as the Viper Wireless you mentioned.

No, it comes with the console. So to be fair, just subtract $70 from the cost of the PS5 = $330 for the Digital Version

How the fuck can you compare build qualities between a controller and a mouse

Easy, the Plastic and Switches on the Razer feel cheaper / more brittle. There is more flex to it when squeezed. The charging dock connectors are less reliable. To be fair, the mouse did come with a dock with my model, I think it may be a bit cheaper without it.

you can easily get a good quality mouse with bells and whistles in the $60-$80 space.

You absolutely can, but you didn’t include anything originally and that’s why I made a point of bringing it up.

you’re also deliberately shopping in the $40 range for stuff like the Anne Pro II Keyboard

I paid $90 for in in late 2019. Assuming that’s not a counterfeit listing (Official site lists it for $90 with $10 off but OOO). The macros and software customization is incredible… when it works. Bluetooth was worthless, I had repeated key presses from time to time, and the config kept getting erased randomly when I would unplug it.

Anti-cheat has also been on consoles for decades now

I meant anti-cheat preventing the game from working. I stopped playing competitive a long time ago.

Linux has gotten some really good support though.

Subjective I guess. ProtonDB still lists a lot of games with issues. Not a lot are natively supported by the devs.

You made it a point to talk about the price of the computer versus a console, not the ease of use of it.

Yea I did, and the Ease of use is tied to the cost through the Windows license or lack there of. In all of these comparisons the PC side neglects to include the cost of Keyboards, Mice, and Windows.

Because you deliberately chose to spend that much on a GPU that outperforms a PS5 in graphical power? I bought a $400 GPU that slightly beats the PS5 out a couple of years back, so that’s moot.

That’s the entire cost of a PS5, and a few years back an equivalent SSD was $200.

cherry picking

That’s basically my original point. You can’t leave out a mouse and keyboard.

I can steal a PlayStation 5 too if theft is part of the discussion. Games too.

How is that a bad faith argument? The PS5 Controller is not entry level quality. It’s not my problem equivalent PC peripherals are expensive. My Razer Viper Wireless cost $150 and the build quality is just slightly worse than a Dual Sense. It’s built to be lighter weight so that’s understandable. But it’s twice the cost, and that doesn’t include a keyboard. I tried the G305 and didn’t care for the build quality personally. Equivalent wireless keyboards with the quality control of Sony are $80-$100 too. I’d probably cheap out on the keyboard before the mouse, but every keyboard I’ve used under $85 had Quality control issues from switches stop functioning to buggy software (Anne Pro II), and Wireless was terrible on all of them.

I’ve heard issues dealing with multiplayer and anti-cheat as recently as this summer, so it’s nice to see it’s better, but until games are officially supported with no third party patches or workarounds, I don’t count it.

PS5 is FreeBSD based, so yes it’s Unix-like. But that doesn’t mean anything. MacOS is also Unix-Like and it’s terrible for gaming. It all comes down to support. At the end of the day I don’t want to have to deal with drivers, or configurations to play a game. I want to press a button, and start gaming. For me personally Consoles are going to win that war 95% of the time. But I’m dumb. I spent almost 3 times the cost of a PS5 on a Graphics card last year for some reason.