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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 04, 2023


Thanks for this.

We’re all Canadians, and your family would trace back among of the originals in this country. It’s sad that people would think anyone lesser for it, but that says more about them - the ones that need to stand on others to feel big themselves - than your family or heritage. While there will always be those types, I hope the years ahead see them as the minority so the rest of us can help each other make this country a place we’re all proud to call home.

Because water heating with heat pumps is currently garbage on the residential scale.

Also because we’re already stressing electric infrastructure with what we use now, and few plans to add capacity in any reasonable amount to deal with the massive increase in population, plus electric cars, AC during heat waves etc let alone home heating.

Gas is efficient for heating, and there’s plenty of other stuff we can and need to look at before we replace that.

What, you mean people wouldn’t want to potentially for for a country that abandoned them before service and had a history of doing so after?

Well, if you consider the collusion and price fixing that happens in some stores, it kinda is

If they did that here, we’d just be hearing about how the government spent 50b on building and “online grocery ordering system” with Loblaws Food Consulting Inc

And the system would be down and crash within 5 days of launch

Just do a “RetroPie” install on Linux. It was originally built for Pi’s but works fine on 64-bit Debian/Ubuntu etc

Also, if the person has NO indigenous upbringing and nobody knows they’re indigenous (including themselves) them where exactly is the “generational trauma” that’s supposed to inform special consideration when sentencing, because without that it sounds like good ol’ fashion racism (in favor of the offender) to me.

Not to mention that some shittier companies actually only take opt-out/cancellation by mail, in order to make it more difficult.

A properly addressed and tracked letter should absolutely be enough

Yeah but if the primary maintainers are in the US it’ll take a bit before a new group can really work on it in a productive manner

It’s not about the politician, it’s about the pulling out crap that happened decades ago before he even was one.

Seriously, get a new schtick, it’s not like there’s a leak is current issues to pissed at JT (or as you say, other politicians) about.

If he makes new ones in the future that would be possible if they could be shown to cause harm, but you don’t actually get to retroactively charge somebody for something over a decade ago that wasn’t a crime then.

Speaking of over a decade ago, maybe you should move on eh?

The same people that would use the “they made the software that was used for infringement” will be the ones stating that “the manufacturer of this firearm is not responsible for it being used in this mass-shooting”.

Kinda funny how the main driving point behind their argument is “does this affect me and my bottom line”

When the landlord says “just the tip” that’s not what that alluding to

For companies that have a legacy product depending on the old OS, but unpatched vulnerabilities because said OS is EoL, maybe this may one day be an appealing option.

So let me get this right, they both had an potentially inappropriate sexual relationship, many of her claims can’t be verified due to how long it took her to come forward, and years later she wants just the male member to be punished after he didn’t leave his spouse for her.

Kinda sounds like a revenge-report to me.

Yeah the Docker version hated me, mainly due to it sometimes getting a bit behind on updates and then having schema mismatches if I ran an update in that missed the previous one. No issues with the Snap thus far

There are a ton that have weird fucking usernames. I was confused at first why my Bluetooth was showing BobByJimSmith4345 as the “artist” after telling it to play a song, but yeah they’ll pretty much just look whatever up by name from YouTube and play it.

Shouldn’t you? How about what an organization does with private money?

Financials of large’ish organizations can be complicated, and CBC is spread out across the country from large cities to small. That’s why businesses hire accountants and people with financial backgrounds.

That said, I don’t discount that CBC might have some fat to be trimmed, but I wouldn’t expect to be able to figure that from just financial reports. It’s awhile back but I worked with a bunch of people who migrated out primarily because of the overly-bureaucratic and often “it’s who you know” atmosphere.

By upping the number of people willing to work for lower wages/benefits, which undercuts the bargaining position of the populace at large? Yes

The way they’ve underestimated living costs and increased the ability to work for students, all while ignoring diploma-mill schools points at a pattern of knowingly allowing exploitation

Depending on the install method, the key may be in the EFI (motherboard) or on the drive.

If it’s on the drive, then “magic jellybean keyfinder” can grab it for you.

If it’s in the EFI, then you may not need to enter it when replacing the drive, or you could not a Linux disk and look in /sys/firmware/acpi/tables/MSDM

Yeah Handbrake does fine for my collection. Results depend greatly on what encoding you options you use

Yeah, not necessarily a problem with going electric so much as going cheap

The way we jump on this particular issue and make assumptions seems off to me as well. The comparison to Russia/Ukraine is apt as Russia very much attempted genocide against Ukrainians in the past (Holodomor) and their current actions similar involve many atrocities, yet - while we have done some things in regards to sanctions etc - very little seems to come up regarding the fairly obvious spouting of Russian propaganda etc. Ditto, where’s the jumping on idiots driving around with shit like Confederate flags?

I’ve heard excuses like “they don’t really understand” or “it’s complicated” for the lack of consequences, but then we have this particular phrase which seems to just be a lightning rod.

This isn’t to say that that what’s happening isn’t terrible, but why is the reaction so much different versus other terribly things?

(And no I’m not trying to hint at some grand Jewish conspiracy or that sort of bullshit, though maybe it’s politicians with their lips planted more firmly on some asses than others)

Uh, the government were the ones that said it was. The courts overruled it, and they’re now appealing.

Well yeah, because if we raised taxes on multiple priorities, then by the time I’m able to afford multiple properties with one of my great plans to get rich, I’d have to pay more taxes. I wouldn’t want my hard earned money going to supporting the lazy bastards like Bob over there - one of those people, probably

What’s kinda scary is that the numbers even for people whose parents own MULTIPLE properties are still only 30%'ish.

Nasal decongestant is generally only supposed to be used for a few days in a row otherwise it can also start to cause damage (and one can have some type of dependency as well)

Sounds like it does work, but not really when taken orally.

So perhaps a nasal spray - or even some form of injection- might be effective whereas the pills they were marketing for this purpose were barely effective (due to it not actually reaching the sinuses in any significant amount)

For somebody with recurring allergies or some other chronic condition, yeah you can go through these a lot. You have to balance not taking them too often (which can make things worse) against potentially not being able to sleep properly at night

Digital format wars were a thing while Blockbuster was still around. They know both

TBH I’d kinda expect that much at least is a troll rather than a serious post, but the thing is that with the way things are these days you can’t really be 100% sure

Honestly yeah. Saw it in theatres. Somehow the US has the most powerful military tech, with the enemy having advanced AI but also living in barely better than mud huts. Effects wise it’s good, but the plot just doesn’t stick together in any meaningful way and the acting reminds me of a bad TV drama

Instead, politicians dragged their feet, bickered, and accepted Putin’s lies

Also his bribes. These fuckers aren’t just lazy and ignorant, they’re complicit

If you read the rest of what they wrote, yeah that’s pretty much the point.

Killing a bunch of people and even toppling governments is a lot easier than establishing a peace after doing so