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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


I’m done fiddling with software and want stuff that works without much hassle. Unraid is super easy, I am in the process of building a home server with it, similar setup to OP.

I plan on moving my media files to the server through my LAN via FreeFileSync.

Fan projects or mods should be never pre-announced, just released once they’re ready. Once it’s out there the big companies can’t stop it.

OP is already using one based on the post text.

Hello, fellow IT person. One day we will need the VGA cables we have saved.

Big companies avoid risk too much, they want to make revenue, not games. I haven’t been interested in any AAA game in some 10 years. They’re all just the same open-world, microtransaction-DLC, soon-to-be advertisement platform with uninspired gameplay features.

Independent developers on the other hand are innovating and making cool and fun games.

Most reviews seem to be related to the “personal backup” service, but still good to consider. I’ve only read positive things about their B2 storage on self-host communities.

I am interested in the game series, but it looks like there are many points to start from. Myst 2021, realMyst Masterpiece Edition, Myst Masterpiece Edition, Riven, Riven 2024.

Seems like the starting point is a relatively controversial topic amongst fans. I thought of starting with Myst 2021, then playing the original Riven.

They found the way you wrote “Yt-dlp and a cron job” sexually appealing, and went to havd some fun rub… uh, installing.

If both people have Syncthing installed, you can do that by sharing a folder between you.

But it is not like cloud services where you can generate a shareable link - Syncthing is mostly designed for syncing files between your own devices real-time.

Just downloaded this on my Deck, perfect time to try it out while sick in a hotel :/

Idk man, shooting teletubbies and shreks with funny guns as a vocaloid character while my headphones go “BOOM goes the dynamite!” every 5 seconds is still pretty fun.

That reminds me of my Linux server teacher in university. We were to buy a domain name from Namecheap or Gandi during class with some free credits, and the teacher was recommending lastname[dot]com if that was available.

I happened to say aloud “yep, mylastname[dot]com is available” and he quickly sushed me as if I had named Voldemort aloud in Hogwarts, telling me that saying it is a really bad move… lol

Lol, I often get a lot of confirmations on if my email address is right whenever I am in contact with any customer service… I use a catch-all on lastname[dot]com.

“Is your email really ‘nameofservice@lastname•com’?”

Sailing the seven seas for RS2014 is morally acceptable in this case.

pcpartpicker.com is a good resource. You can see the community builds for inspiration at least. It also tells you about most incompabilities for your build, but it’s best to check with someone so you won’t get parts that do not work with each other.

was this quote originally by Jim Sterling or someone else?

You could add a “then” to the end to make that wordplay even better than it already is!

INSIDE was cool and I enjoyed it, but I wouldn’t say it’s a game of the year by long shot. Although I guess that depends on what else was released in the year of 2016. For me it was a better experience than most AAA games, at least.

Realm of the Mad God is a fun little roguelike MMO.

There’s no need to go one more turn

Good point. I’ll take a break after the next turn.

That’s not really “the mind-blowing twist”, it’s just the game’s main mechanic - even the Steam page flat-out says you are stuck in a time loop. There are several big discoveries in the story that you may find to be “twists” depending on how you explore.

You like cool space stuff? Science fiction? Exploration? Games that don’t hold your hand? Wonderfully crafted experiences? Mysteries to solve? Existential crisis? “A-ha!” moments?

Outer Wilds is the game. If you answered “yes” to at least three questions, give it a try - you will probably love it.

Thing is, you can’t really explain much about Outer Wilds without getting into spoilers, as the whole point of the game is to explore the game’s solar system, figure out environmental puzzles and read ancient texts of a long-gone civilization to solve a mystery that you find yourself tangled in.

It is simply the most fascinating game I have ever played - it’s amazingly well-thought as an experience, every little thing neatly fits together. And there is no right or wrong way to play - after the ‘tutorial’, the game never tells you what to do or where to go next. It is all up to your curiosity and interests. Stuck on exploring one planet? Go investigate something else. You’ll probably find answers to help your exploration on the original planet! Any way you go about exploration, you will find revelations and eventually reach the game’s amazing finale.

Furthermore, if you know what to do, you can complete the game in around 10 minutes. Outer Wilds is a 15-30 hour game. There are no powerups or tools to unlock - knowledge is what gates you from answers and is what allows you to progress.


Thing is, they’d ask for even more money for all those expansions they’d label the iterations as.

Also, AAA publishers only read this part:

You don’t need to have to most polished game

It Takes Two - one of the rare two-player splitscreen co-op games on the market. And an amazing game as well - play it with your best friend or SO, get laughs, maybe even feels, and a super fun experience! Can also be played online, and only one player needs to buy it.

For online gaming, the We Were Here series is a finely crafted quartet of 2 player co-op puzzle games. The first installment is actually free to play on PC, so you can give a try if you enjoy the concept. Later games have much higher quality though, and so far every subsequent game has more or less doubled in length, and each one can be played twice as you can change the roles for each puzzle!

I for sure loved shaking mine instead of actually walking.

Looks like they are from Humble Monthly, so bought.

Are there any better alternatives for use with cloud storage?