• 7 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 31, 2023


I can swear the pixel 6a still has at least 2 more years of security updates not sure if that’s considered to be soon eol but yeah that’s a solid setup

How to keep track of files?
Its pretty much the title I'm just genuinely wondering how you guys are keeping track of all of your legally sourced files. I'm pretty much just relying on a spreadsheet but is that really the best way? Especially for the less technically inclined individuals such as myself Edit: I apologize thought it was obvious but looking back I could've been more specific. I was referring to movies, TV shows, YouTube videos, books, audiobooks, etc. I haven't taken the leap to self host anything yet just growing my library for now on a couple of encrypted drives until the time comes. You don't really need to provide tailored answers towards my situation I just want to know what's out there in terms of keeping track of stuff. Thank you in advance since this account is a burner and I check it like once a day Edit #2: appreciate all of your feedback. Seems the majority rely on jellyfin and other software to automatically check what you have stored which I didn't even know it could do that's interesting.

I’m late to the party but damn that’s a kick to the balls. For subdl I noticed there’s also an org version, do you happen to know if they’re related to each other?

Yeah their MX series have been nice to me

Just saw the edit and if you don’t want to go the router route + LAN for some reason guess another option would be a ucb c dock that allows power pass through. I have an anker one that I use on occasion and recommend it. You can then either get an external drive or a SD card.

Pretty sure some even have an SD card slot too so even less weight to carry

Kinda doubt that tbh think at most 15-20 years then we’ll look at USB A like how we see serial today. We’re still in the infancy stages of companies phasing it out even though it started like 8 years ago.

This looks promising. I keep some media on an external, encrypted ssd when I travel and just been relying on making a note of the episode and using haruna’s playback time feature.

How much data are we talking about and how convenient do you want it? I just learned about the storagebox service that another user posted but personally I brought used large capacity drive for cheap and keep them offsite but that’s just because I have less than 4 terabytes of data still. Anything above that I’ll commit to the storagebox service

Damn never heard of them looks great. Is there any catch or is it like a small company that might go out of business in a few years? I still haven’t had to backup more then 4tb but once I do get up to those numbers they might be the best option compared to offsite hard drives like I been doing

Agree 100% about the smart data and hate the excuse of “I have too many drives…” but I guess I understand since they’re a wholesaler. They mostly rely on their vendors for the testing. The only words of advise I can give since I was in the same exact shoes as you a couple months ago is this on ebay: stick to known sellers (serverpartsdeals and goharddrives are the big, reliable ones on there), aim for something less than 5 years old since actual powered on hours aren’t really reliable like miles on a car, look for a seller warranty and a free return policy not a manufacturer warranty since they were kinda a bitch to deal with, make sure you message them about packaging the drives correctly (bubblewrap + antistatic bag + box) can’t tell how many of them thought it was fine sending a drive in a yellow bubblewrap envelope, and the biggest one is multiple drives since you already have that covered I don’t need to explain it. For 4tb I wouldn’t go anywhere above 35$ USD think that’s 33€ but could be wrong. I wish you luck

Dang was hoping to do that with mkvtoolnix. That way I could have 2 different resolutions of the same video in one file

Cathode ray dude did a great video on this the 90s were a magical time. There’s also a dvd version iirc

100% agree but personally seems like a hassle to get, exchanging giftcards or another crypto for monero, etc…, especially if you haven’t dipped your feet into the whole crypto world like me to begin with. For my personal threat model if i do end up liking mullvad, amazon vouchers will work just fine or if this whole mailing system works I’ll continue doing that. But yes you’re absolutely correct though

Gosh darn spudtacular, but for real thank you for the help. Think I was honestly overthinking everything. I have a standard envelope at home so I’ll just use that and get the stamp at the post office. It’ll be my first time sending out something in years so hopefully I do things correctly, haha

Wait til it rains then wear a hoodie and sun glasses lmao. Guess you can also hire a homeless guy/kid to do it for you

Yeah you’re right. Appreciate it thank you for your help

Yeah I read that but I’m just getting a little hung up in the details. Like what envelope to use and what stamps? I keep getting mixed result online, a standard us white envelope, an A4 yellow envelope, 3 forever stamps or an international stamp. It just confusing me a bit

Oh god thank you was thinking the same thing regarding the return address. I think I’ll be fine with amazon knowing that I paid for a VPN as long as mullvad doesn’t know about me but if the mailing process works smoothly I’ll continue going that route instead. I am really confused though on what stamps and envelopes should be used? Keep hearing “oh use 3 forever stamps or an international one” and “tape up a standard white envelope or use an A4 yellow envelope” I might just be over thinking but I have no idea

Paying for mullvad via mailed cash
God I hope this isn't a stupid question to ask but how exactly do I send out cash? Do i need to add a return address and won't that defeat the purpose? I really just want to try the service for 2-3 months after that I'll probably switch over to the amazon vouchers since I don't want to deal with monero. I think I sent out an actual physical letter maybe twice in my life and all the research I done was for sending it out internationally ~~even though there's a us based address AFAIK~~ so I'm really a noob here and I appreciate any help you can provide. Edit: Just want to apologize if this is really stupid to ask I feel like an absolute idiot right now, haha Edit #2: Thank you all for your help think I got an understanding on what to do now

Why stop there? Just ban everything that isn’t Nintendo. That’ll give em the old 1-2

Noob here: How do you handle editing tags and album covers on that large amount of music? I recently started to experiment with learning how to use a batch script on mkv files to edit their metadata and was wondering if there was something similar with music files?

Hey long shot but I did end up buying one with a year of manufacturer warranty still available and was wondering if you went through the process of getting a replacement from WD (the manufacturer of my drive) that was brought from eBay? I made a new post but couldn’t get answers and I just got a couple of questions.

I actually never brought something from Facebook but I’ll take a look at it. Appreciate it.

Need advice about used drives and Wd warranty experience with drives brought from unauthoirized resellers
*Copy & paste since I don't know how to crosspost on my client. Hope this is alright* Well I went with your guy's advice and got me a drive that still has a year of manufacturer warranty on top of the eBay 1 year warranty, but a bit of a sketch seller ngl. The drive itself seems legit visually with matching serial numbers (if you know another way, I'm all ears), but womp womp it doesn't work. At least it fails to initalize, data error (cyclic redundancy check) on windows and some kinda fsync error iirc using "Disks" on Linux, both errors are relating to hardware. I used both a tested enclosure and connected it via sata cables on different machines and the same problems continue, hehe. I'm just wondering how the limited warranty with WD (the manufacture of my drive) works and what you're experiences are getting a replacement from them? I keep reading horror stories that they won't help since it was brought from an unauthorized reseller, etc... Also is it worth even sending it in? I read the replacement is another refurb with no warranty afterwards. The alternative would be going the eBay route and getting a replacement that's also used but will retain the warranty from the seller. Which is the better option? BTW don't worry about data loss still practicing the 3,2,1 method this is purely about the best bang for my buck. _Goddamn wall of text, I'm sorry..._ **TLDR**: Wants to know about the warranty and replacement process of WD and concerned about receiving assistance from WD if the drive was purchased from an unauthorized reseller. Also considering whether it is worth sending the drive to the manufacturer which means receiving a refurb drive with no warranty or if getting a used replacement from eBay seller, which comes with a warranty, is a better option? Edit: Decided on sending it back to the seller and getting a refund

Appreciate it, I’m fairly new to Lemmy so I wasn’t sure what communities are available.

Even more questions about used drives
Well I went with your guy's advice and got me a drive that still has a year of manufacturer warranty on top of the eBay 1 year warranty, but a bit of a sketch seller ngl. The drive itself seems legit visually with matching serial numbers, but womp womp it doesn't work. At least it fails to initalize, data error (cyclic redundancy check) on windows and some kinda fsync error iirc using "Disk" on Linux, both errors are relating to hardware. I used both a tested enclosure and connected it via sata cables on different machines and the same problems, hehe. I'm just wondering how the limited warranty with WD (the manufacture of my drive) works and what you're experiences are getting a replacement from them? I keep reading horror stories that they won't help since it was brought from an unauthorized reseller, etc... Also is it worth even sending it in? I read the replacement is another refurb with no warranty afterwards. The alternative would be going the eBay route and getting a replacement that's also used but will retain the warranty from the seller. Which is the better option? BTW don't worry about data loss still practicing the 3,2,1 method this is purely about the best bang for my buck. _Goddamn wall of text, I'm sorry..._ **TLDR**: Wants to know about the warranty and replacement process of WD and concerned about receiving assistance from WD if the drive was purchased from an unauthorized reseller. Also considering whether it is worth sending the drive to the manufacturer which means receiving a refurb drive with no warranty or if getting a used replacement from eBay seller, which comes with a warranty, is a better option?

Really appreciate it they actually also have an eBay store which I’ve been stalking religiously I’m just waiting for a lower capacity drive, 8-10tb is my realistic sweet spot. In the meantime I’m just browsing and looking at other well known sellers.

You reassured me thank you. Was straight up looking at 10tb hgst drives but was hesitant. I’ll still check out other drives that have manufacturer warranties on them but its nice to know I can fall back on my old plan if I don’t find a good deal.

Another question about used hard drives
Did decide to go the used drive route just saving up and waiting for the right deal from a good seller. I did notice on eBay specifically that some sellers have tested drives for a great price per tb with a shit seller's warranty (30 days to 1 year) but offer insurance for a significantly longer length of time for a few more bucks. I'm wondering if that's a good alternative to having a long seller's warranty? Just assume I will back everything up properly so drive failure won't be a massive concern I just want the option of returning it or getting a replacement if need be.

I’m a little dumb and late to this so please forgive me if this is not a good question, but can you not develop an app under a pseudonym or any other way to protect your identity or was this like they tracked each dev down, got their info and legally threatened them?

Edit: I’m referring to Tachiyomi I forgot to mention that

Might be stupid to ask but how would you go about weeding out the bad sellers from the good ones when it comes to hard drives? Especially on secondhand markets like eBay and amazon

There has to be a terminator meme featuring the tagginator somewhere out there

Questions regarding Old-new Hard drives
Hi, I seek your help once again. I'm in the need of upgrading my storage now and I found what I consider to be a good deal via Amazon on an older gen enterprise WD drive that supposedly hasn't been used, but I'll let the power on hours tell me the truth. The price is about 16usd/TB and I'm wondering if this is a bad idea due to the age of the drive? I'm guessing the drive would be about 10 years old maybe. The plan would be to buy 2: 1 for my cold media backups and the other would be a backup for the cold media backup.

Wow I’m so sorry I missed this. You are truly a big help and I really appreciate everything you wrote thank you so much.

If thats the case, yeah think that guy is wrong too. I guess they would have to rely on using some kind of frontend like piped through their browser

If anything adding those extensions would just make you easier to fingerprint, right?

Holy jesus 1800 discs and god I hope you or someone else finds it. I might have to just grow a pair and research how to download safely because I still have my blu ray collection to go through too

Thank you I’ll compare them and yeah its just for watching I’m no video expert haha. Talking to a guy who used to watch episodes of anime on youtube that were split up into 16 different part in spanish at 240p.

Haha not going to lie should’ve done that in the beginning I’m just new. Felt this was safer and said “screw it, might as well use them.”

Hail the tagginator (I still dont understand what it is but its a badass name)

Question regarding ripping dvds (yes DVDs)
I know the majority opinion is not to do it for various reasons, but basically I started to backup the majority of my dvd collection that I created over the years since I have the time and they were just collecting dust. Turns out though I guess I'm doing it "wrong" or at least not in the original quality since I used handbrake instead of makemkv. I'm already 160 dvds in and about 40 more to go, is it worth, quality wise, going back and actually ripping? Is there a way to compare them? To clairify, I'll be using makemkv from now on for the rest.