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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


It actually seems more like a windows 10 compatibility dilemma for developers. You can support older systems but it would require some effort. The problem is not the absence of some specific certificates, but the absence of newer ciphers altogether.

This does give security but also removes backwards compatibility with some clients that might be important for some websites.

Installs are nothing. Fork it. Improve it. Even better if original devs would still contribute.

He can say whatever he wants. Navalny was specifically moved to that distant colony so they could have kill him without much fuss. He is not the only one in that colony but the only one who has died.

Yes the availability will remain an issue but at least I imagine that solving other issues could make it less serious.

More specifically, the issue (a feature too but still) with torrents is how spread they are. It’s difficult to know what is available and in what condition. There are dozens if not hundreds private trackers etc. This all makes it more likely for new torrents for the same content to be created multiple times, and overall seeding resources to be spread out across multiple versions of the same things. Some centralized public index might have helped everyone find things faster and prolong those things’ availability as the result. What such an index might need to stay damage-proof and useful is unrelated to this discussion, but I imagine it might work as some blockchain and thus may not require much in terms of resources.

I didn’t mean syncthing itself but some theoretical derivative that would have relevant features.

It would help to involve a kind of software infrastructure where users would choose how much resources (mostly disk space) they are willing to give in order to contribute to the overall availability of stuff.

A different, better protocol for sharing. Torrent is cool but files on it tend to die off, and also can’t be updated. I’m thinking something like syncthing might be the future.

Well I never touched sidebery css. Just using the default visual settings while the browser is in night mode. Looks good enough to me.

Steam is using CEF v85 (not Electron but still). Should have gone “please be aware to not visit even slightly shady websites until we update it” but instead went “oh you must like security, so we announce that we will drop Windows 7/8 support in half a year (because CEF Microsoft doesn’t support it anymore) so you could play your games more securely”.