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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


DRM just slows down how many people pirate stuff by making it non-trivial. If piracy was extremely simple and completely without risk everyone would be doing it, which in turn would start to cause harmful effects that they justify all anti-piracy stuff. I dont think corporations see it that way though, they are likely just bunch of idiots that want to squeeze even more from us.

Not defending drms or generally any anti-piracy stuff, but humanity might not be quite ready for 100% free information. Hopefully it will eventually happen though. All of you are fighting for our freedom by not giving up on this.

You are right.

But I try to think things as objectively as possible and hope others would too (but dont expect it).

No one probably thinks what they are doing is wrong or at least try to find justification for it, objectively there are things that cause good or bad things regardless of your intentions. While good results don’t excuse evil actions, bad results are still bad results regardless of your intentions. Its ok to try even if there are risks, but one should always consider if the risks outweigh the results. And sometimes even if everything goes according to plan, it might still cause things to happen you end up regretting and it would have been better for everyone if you had thought it more.

That is what i wish people thought more instead of limiting themselves to just political things and easy terms. Ultimately it doesn’t matter who is in power but what it causes.

Those are good points. But what i mean by that kind of thinking/system resulting in us killing eachothers is that its what i think to be the “endgame” for it. Ones in power exterminate those who they see undeserving of life, criteria for it keeps changing/rising and eventually last human kills second last human, to generalize a bit. And even if it doesnt result in that, it will result in life that isnt worth living for anyone but those select few that are on top of it, except for the hope of toppling it. Its deadend for humans.

If you think about it logically, there are some core things that are always good. Like considering everyone to be inherently equal. While there are things that muddle even this point, it still wont take away that you should always keep those core principles in mind. Religious teachings have pretty good point about this with “treat others like you want yourself be treated” and “love even your enemys”. That is the only logical way to do things because to do otherwise leads to all of us either just killing each other or making life miserable so we want die.

I had some other thought about this too, but i cant seem to be able to properly put it to words at the moment. But the idea was that we should all try to think about things without ego getting in the way and to never lie to oneself about anything or atleast admit to ourselves when we have to do so. The part i cant seem put to words is the part that ties to the previous thing i said.

entire “left and right” spectrum is quite stupid in my opinion. While it generally points towards what kind of thoughtset someone might have, it doesnt seem very beneficial and has been corrupted quite badly so that term for other side is red flag for the another side and drives people to think you cant have something from both ends.

There should be something else in its place, but i cant come up with anything better on the spot though. Personally i have tried to start thinking it on spectrum of beneficial to humanity as whole vs not beneficial, though with enough mental gymnastics even that could be corrupted to mean awful things

for everyone who thinks about what they buy, there are so many those who will just buy and scream how they will do what they want with their money. Relying on people to do intelligent decisions or even care about their own interests is fools errand.

i wonder if devs would rather have their work eventually erased like it never existed and never pirated or preserved and appreciated by people

this makes me want to learn how to jailbreak hp printers and modify one to be able to accept ink from jerrycan via gardenhose or something.

I already moved to firefox, this made me think about stop using google drive and gmail too.

Technically I would be fucked if google decided to just block my account and they have demonstrated they will do it if they feel like it

(the case in 2022 about someone sending picture of their own baby to the doctor and was automatically flagged for it. google blocked that persons account and didnt unblock it even though it was proven he did nothing wrong. The pictures werent even sent via gmail, i think, so google just scanned their private photos.)

I have separate account for youtube, but I worry in the future they might connect it to my main account and start threatening to ban it if i continue using adblock. Now i’m also kind of worried if google decides in the future that something is unacceptable, like making comments against corporations or something.

If they ended up adding him him in any way, he should be just removed. That piece of shit parasite shouldnt get any recognition anywhere. Not even negative.

Everyone should also be lobotomized so they cant have illegal copies of intellectual property in their head either

Idlegames, though I kind of dont want to count those as games in the first place. What make them anathema to fun to me is that they are designed for you to waste your time on them. They dont teach you anything either, maybe some prioritization if you really get into them.

Its probably not even about productivity at this point but asserting control. People might start getting dangerous ideas like unions if they arent properly suppressed.

All worthwhile content from reddit needs to be gathered and archived somewhere outside their reach or it will be lost.

Project gorgon might be worth a look, its pretty good relatively small mmorpg

and try to speak about this to anyone who doesnt see it you are basically labeled as conspiracy theorist or something and just dismissed.

Meta can never be trusted for anything. This could very easily be them trying to make tools to snuff out our “rebellion”.