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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Repeating “tariffs never work” doesn’t make it any more true. America was founded and developed industry by using a combination of tariffs and free real estate (stolen land) to fund development of the internal US economy. And it worked. Same with Canada’s National Policy in the 1800s.

It was much more akin to Black liberation (and even had some ties with the Black Panthers back in the 70s) and Irish republicanism than with American right wing nationalism. I know it’s easy to group all nationalisms together and brand them with MAGA, but liberation movements often branded themselves with the “nationalist” label.

For anyone who doesn’t click the link, Google paid $26.3 billion.

my $max = $x > $y ? $x : $y;

iTunes requires usb drivers to sync with an iPhone. Wine does not support windows usb drivers so even if you get iTunes to work in wine, connecting to the iPhone with it won’t work. You might be able to use libimobiledevice to do a backup.

I thought I read somewhere that donations to Mozilla legally can’t go to Firefox.

Behind the Bastards has an ad free subscription now (on Apple Podcasts only but soon for Android apparently). Look up “Cooler Zone Media.”