Just another reddit refugee

Avatar/PFP by TmiracleART

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


Even Haru’s billionaire ass can’t afford all these subscriptions 😭

It’s much cheaper for you to buy a disk PS5 and install an M.2SSD yourself (up to 8TB), it’s incredibly easy, and Sony has a page/videos on how to do it yourself.

I’ve seen disk PS5 go on sale as low as $400USD at big box retailers, presumably to make shelf space for the pros. The used marketplace is there as well.

Hating Toronto is really the great Canadian unifier, even for Torontonians.

Come to the ARAM/TFT retirement home, it’s where the chill people are.

Shounen Jump is a great example. It works, it’s readers find value in it enough to pay for subscriptions, and it clearly has some sort of profitability. A great model of what other manga magazines could do, but they refuse because most of them are run by dinosaurs and would rather cry “piracy is ruining our profits wah” when they DON’T EVEN HAVE A PRODUCT in the market to profit from!

Sorry Japan, manga piracy/scanlations until I die. There are so many niche authors/manga that never get officially translated to any other language because your industry thinks everyone just wants to read shounen and only the top 1% of shoujo/seinen/josei. Don’t even get me started on BL/GL.

Meanwhile some fucking random scanlation team does a better job of translating and making a chapter of Rose of Versailles more accessible to modern audiences than the entire Japanese manga publishing apparatus ever will.

I don’t think many people would claim overall valuation has much of anything to do with the value labor brings to an organization.

Apologies, can you clarify what exactly you mean by this? Because when I say their labour is not being valued, I do extend that to the Wall Street orgs that are doing the evaluations. They look at the “product” on offer, not the people actually working and developing it.

Are you saying because stock prices aren’t steady, we can’t correlate that to salaries?

Brilliant, thanks for this!

I said in a comment on mastodon that I don’t think the batch of newer employees hired at Nvidia are going to have anywhere near the same compensation as the current employees do, and this kind of helps support my suspicions…

Which could lead to a morale problem in the company too (speaking from experience)

Well, they technically will see SOME cents of this because I’m pretty sure Nvidia gives employees stocks too.

But yeah, I also posted this because it’s a clear illustration of how most salaries will never reflect the value your labour brings to an organization.

"...For Nvidia, after this latest run-up took it north of the $3T milestone, **the company is being valued at more than $100M for each of its 29,600 employees (per its filing that counted up to the end of Jan 2024).** That’s more than 5x any of its big tech peers, and hundreds of times higher than more labor-intensive companies like Walmart and Amazon. It is worth noting that Nvidia has very likely done some hiring since the end of January — I think the company *might* be in growth mode — but even if the HR department has been working *non-stop*, Nvidia will still be a major outlier on this simple measure. We are running out of ways to describe Nvidia’s recent run... but a nine-figure valuation **per employee** is a new one."

This is why I report the job postings to the website posted, and to my country’s department of labour. I know it seems futile, but I’m petty and I have time.

Turns out, it’s actually helpful, I had someone reach out to me saying they were investigating a certain company, and if I had any more information about the screenshot I sent them a year ago.

Apparently the backend of this merger is so fucked up many people can’t get access to their money currently. I have three friends who bank at RBC that can’t see/access their mortgage, chequing, savings and one can’t even use their credit card.

They contacted their banks and said they’d hear back in 3-7 business days. Absolute clown shit.

Thank you for the links! Someone else has also mentioned Mint, and I love the Win7 interface, so that’s probably what I’ll be playing around with.

Thanks for the link, I’ll take a look at the guide over the weekend! Someone already mentioned Linux Mint as a starter, but if I have any questions I’ll definitely take you up on the DM offer!

Thank you, I’ll take a look at the video and at the Lemmy Linux communities!

Thank you so much for writing this out, I really appreciate it! Looks like I’ll be installing Mint on my old laptop this weekend to see how I fair.

Oh absolutely. Looking back I probably asked in a hardcore Linux enthusiast community (no fault to them, we all get tired of our parents/siblings/coworkers asking us to “fix the wif”)

I just don’t know where the Linux-noob safe spaces are. Is Lemmy’s Linux community one?

I want to switch to Linux, but I honestly don’t know how/where to even start or the proper way to even ask.

I asked once on a Linux forum when the whole Cortana debacle happened, and I was called a moron or sent a link to “Linux from scratch”…which was definitely above my technical knowledge at the time. I’ve been scared to post on Linux communities ever since lol

Just wondering if the Mandadex and Bato.to extensions work on these forks? Since this whole thing started off with those two getting delisted from Tachi.

Ok no joke, I discovered Dead Cells, one of my favourite rougelike games currently, through Netflix. I was browsing through Netflix mobile, saw that they had a gaming section, and that was one of the first suggested games.

I now own 3 copies of Dead Cells+DLCs (one for every platform I game on). However, I don’t have a Netflix subscription anymore, lol.

Every other game Riot releases outside of League is better than League.

Mageseeker is my top choice by them this year.

Ok grandpa, let’s get you to bed.

Jokes aside, I didn’t even know there was a paid version of Counter Strike.

Amazing. A Quiet Place was propaganda, but Iron Man was a piece of high art because

-checks notes-

it was made before 2016.

The title is really burying the lede, considering one of the Chinese athletes got disqualified, then was allowed to race, and then disqualified again afterwards for her false start. Think that’s kind of weird…

Lmao you probably don’t blink an eye at the US Military funding the Transformers movies or having veto power for Marvel scripts.

But yeah, sure, Barbie’s the propaganda.

The RE4Remake VR, not the original. It was announced in May.

I mean isn’t RE4 VR coming soon? Great candidate for the Apple VR headset (that I have seen no one irl have)

Because Bethesda knows that the modding community will polish the game up for free.

Yeah Ayre is the boss my friend got and he also had a hard time with it. I won’t tell you who I got, but it definitely wasn’t as bad.

I decided to Google why we got different bosses, and turns out Ayre is actually intended to be the NG+ boss lol. I have no idea why FromSoft would make two final bosses available for the first play through if they have an intended order for them.


(ending spoilers for Armored Core VI)

Doesn’t the game have multiple endings, each with it’s own boss fight?

My friend and I both got different endings on our first play throughs, and now we’re in NG+ trying to figure out where we diverged.

Scotties is owned by Kruger Paper in Canada, not Kimberly-Clark.

I hope you enjoy the Apollo Justice series! Will you be playing the Investigations series with Edgeworth too?

I played all the Ace Attorney games for the first time during the pandemic and had an absolute blast! The Great Ace Attorney duology is definitely my favourite of the bunch by far, but they are all so charming!

I’m kind of sad this got 6 upvotes. You’re right, lots of people do suck, but there are also a lot of people in the world trying to do good (some right here on Beehaw even). They just don’t get the attention they deserve because doomscrolling and negative news gets more clicks and interactions.

Also an asteroid would also wipe off a lot of other non-human species on the planet, and honestly they don’t deserve that.

Who is Oliver Waters and why should I listen to them regarding economic theory? I read the post, and it reads more like a philosophical thought experiment than any applicable economics theory.

While I don’t believe someone needs a higher education degree to speak on complex topics, I’m not going to take a Medium blog post from someone who lists no demonstrable experience in theoretical or practical economics as a central source for discussions, sorry.