• 6 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 15, 2023


I pay yearly more for IPv4 address space for virtual machines on my dedicated server than for that dedicated server itself _(ツ)_/.

Let that thing die.

Monthly summary:

54.40€ - 30 IPv4 addresses
0.00€ - 18 quintillion IPv6 addresses
38.39€ - whole server for dozens of services

Checklist for Migrating to HTTPS:

  • Disable all 443 port traffic

Yes, your server needs to be full domain name. Otherwise, when typing a username (like @myusername:myserver.com) other servers would need to know where that myserver.com is.

Conduit needs to know it’s domain Because it is part of usernames.

Only for yourself or so you share?

If share, please say how well it use the disk.

No problem.

Overall, purely technically, no. This has to be the hostname of the computer the Conduit is running on. And it can be in the local network (LAN) with your own name.

But practically, yes. Because you must buy a domain name and point that domain to the server localtion (IP address). And the only global domain names available to register have TLDs :).

So, yes.

Is Conduit (Matrix server) sustainable, do some of you host it?
I plan to host Conduit for my friends and family. Even if I invite absolutely everyone there would be no more than 50 users, max. But would it actually sustain and work, as it is not yet on 1.0 is a question. I do not want to host Synapse as I had bad time with it's (lack of) garbage collecting. We do not plan to join very big rooms. Most importantly, if you host it yourself, host is the usage (mostly disk) with how many users?

SimpleLogin is for mail aliasing, not transactional mail.

They are planning a first stable release this year. Give them time, it’s much easier to develop software in first stares when you don’t need to think about backwards compatibility and tech dept.

Migadu is great but they state in their policy that automated (non-human) outgoing email like for password resets are not allowed.

What I want to do. But the question is how?

VPS as a proxy… but when I point A record to VPS and AAAA record to server in my home, how would the VPS know which traffic to pass and how.

Make my IPv6 selfhosted service available on IPv4 network.
My ISP provide me with good IPv6 connection with support of opening ports how I like. But IPv4 is behind a CGNAT and makes me unable to host a service on the legacy Internet. Unfortunetely some of my friends I want to host (Jellyfin and Nextcloud) for does not have modern Internet connection, so I have to put some proxy. Now I need suggestions of a solution. VPN on some VPS they would need to connection to is one of them, but it should be as simple for them to use as possible.

You can sync their data folders with Syncthing. This is a program that let’s you sync folders on two computers in the background.

But you don’t want to run Akregaotr on both of them at the same time to avoid conflicts, because it is not adopted to be synced. If want program that is made for sync you propably need to selfhost FreshRSS or similar.

I wouldn’t want to run proprietary software even if it had negative price and the developer paid me.

Syncthing is not a cloud storage or tool for sharing. It can be used like this on a stretch, but it’s a continuous two-way synchronization tool.

I portrait it like this: select a folder on one device, select a folder on second device, Syncthing would keep their content synced as if there were one folder :).
This is in contrast to Nextcloud that needs central location and user, to rsync that is oneshot and not two-way.

I love it. The only thing keeping me from switching is two-way sync. Or at least make apps updates edited photos.

I keep photos of the current year on my phone and all photos on my computer. That’s because I want to edit them or use. Unfortunetly Immich currently is typical black hole, where I am expected to download file from cloud manually, then edit, then delete original, then patch creation date and then upload it again.

monokuma - my PC
monomi - my Android phone
monokid - my laptop
monosuke - my PostmarketOS phone
junko - main VPS
mukuro - main local server
hifumi - Jellyfin/*arr server


Then why not just turn on I2P on regular torrents on regular clients like qBitTorrent?

I spend a huge amount of time configuring and setting up stuff as it’s my biggest hobby. But I got good enough that when I set something up it can stay for months without any mainainence. Most I do for keeping it up is adding more storage if it turn out to be used more than planned.

I2PD is an implementation is I2P, a way to anonymously share Disney’s IP without showing anyone IP to the ISP.

I had to migrate shop from WooCommerce to PrestaShop.
The store is for both Poland and Germany, so two countries, two different currencies, languages and tax zones. With WooCommerce every simple thing like multicurrency requires a plugin. Then you need a plugin for multiple languages, then for multiple tax zones, then multiple client bases (retail and B2B)…
With PrestaShop all of we needed for that basic but two-country store was a payment plugin.

I have created a couple of small stores and being FOSS lover myself I can give some advice.

First, your options are WooCommerce or PrestaShop and alike. Don’t fall into being idealist and JS-free now, because there is no software suite on the market that is going to give you that. Except payment provider, it can be done, but you would need to write e-commerce software from scratch yourself and I guess this is not in your capacity. Both of them have no trackers, just choose a lightweight theme because some third-party themes include fonts or scripts from Google-alike because of lazyness. You can use build-in ones and modify them. PrestaShop themes are much easier to modify, because those are Twig templates instead of full PHP scripts. WooCommerce is GPL so plugins must be free software too, but many of them are from shitty devs who provide only obfuscated scripts, so you must check each plugin by yourself. PrestaShop plugins are more often proprietary, but you need much less of them, as almost everything internal is out-of-the-box. With Presta you need payment provider plugin and basically that’s it, while on Woo every single thing like different tax for a region would require a web of plugins.

After some time with both my scheme is: WooCommerce if you have a blog-style website and just want to sell something as a bonus. PrestaShop if you start a real small or big businesses and selling is the primary goal.

As for VPN, what can I say other than this is not sustainable. You are literally selling stuff with your name so there is no privacy or freedom benefit with additional routing. Just get an ISP offering a public IP (not beind a NAT) and open a firewall port. Or if you cannot do that, rent a VPS. I don’t see a point in anonymity here, pure clearnet is more than enough for shopping for physical thighs.

And I say this as a quite hard level FOSS person. My machines are all on Linux, being able to connect Yggdrasil, I2P, Tor at once, with seedbox running 24/7 and tracker blockers everywhere.
In commerce, there is no point to fight here, just use the popular thing and not make it worse than vanilla, that’s it.

Purelymail, cock.li and similar are on the more edgy joking side, while Migadu is just honest and can be used in professional environment.

Migadu is so great. I really want to see more services like that, with so much focus on just being honest and good.

Our admin panel won’t win any beauty contests and that’s a good thing. It’s built to be obvious and efficient.

I’m in love.

My favourite aspect of their service is the super lightweight website that works with almost no scripts.

This is true. But honestly even if most of media I watch is from “sharing” sources, without seeing nice covers on my Jellyfin instance and Kodi app I would not buy so many movies and music eather.

Not speaking for everyone, this is just how I am but once every a couple of months I order some movies even if already watched because I… like this. Having separated bought and downloaded media is nice and seeing bought directory is satisfying, even if media companies seems to not let me easly buy things nowadays…

Remember kids: If you find a solution to a problem nobody on Google (or your search engine of choice) seems to has, put it as a blog post on your site!

At this point why not just run… no software? A plain Linux VPS server. And plain files.

You can do two-way sync with Syncthing or Unison. One way sync with rsync. Can mount external or network drives for almost unlimited storage expansions. Easy access from mobile devices via SFTP. Everything with single (passwordless) login for every member. And above all run any arbitrary command.

If phone has supported USB networking and close to mainline kernel in PostmarketOS, you can try that.

It was mostly made for simple scripts to embed on a website for animations and handling updates without refreshing whole page. Not to make a full portable client (browser) side app.
Hating JavaScript is mostly a meme, it’s just a programming language. But its very loose syntax, fact it’s often someone’s first programming language to learn and how most programs written in it nowadays are a hack build on top of a hack on top a hack makes this language easy to laugh at.

Fully open source version of Intellij IDEA?
Hi. Is there some fully FOSS version of Intellij IDEA CE? Because the official download includes some proprietary bits.

Any domain registrar/hosting provider that does not require propietary software to run?
I gone through a lot of hosting service providers and unfortunetly cannot find a single one that can be used without running nonfree programs, all of them require loading bulky obfuscated JavaScript apps. I know of Codeberg Pages for static sites for example, but it is not suitable for any business or professional use.

How do you manage your Docker-compose or Podman data?
All the times I just put docker-compose.yml to one user (my user) directory and call it a day. But what about a service with multiple admins or with more horizontally split up load?