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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 22, 2023


Moms for Liberty flourished when they came out in numbers while reasonable people were being cautious about covid.

Somebody spent the money on a research team and five years is why it is very attainable now.

Someone trying to write the code from scratch would still take a research team and years to replicate it from scratch.

When Netflix was under $10 I stopped pirating and just watched stuff on Netflix because it was worth it for the convenience at the price point.

That is how they solve piracy. Everything they have been doing over the last couple of years is the reason for the increase in piracy.

A creative interpretation of the firearms policies of 1627.

That is what they pretend it is, but sales like that are intended to be FOMO to convince people who were reluctant to buy ‘just in case because it is so cheap’. Like not even someone who balks at the price, just someone doesn’t want to risk changing their mind later.

That is how companies entice people to buy things they were not even interested in before the sale.

While I am the same way with games, there should be a clear distinction between owning something and access to something with clearly defined limitations.

Some shows I watch once, but I am rewatching Futurama for probably the 20th time or so. Sometimes it is nice to revisit familiar things.

“Short term rentals ignored laws for hotels and ride shares ignored laws for cabs, let’s do media and ignore all those laws!”

  • AI companies

Opposite of my experience, FF + uBlock Origin made browsing the web on my phone enjoyable because the filtering of ads makes page layouts readable.

Government websites are really bad about needing to fake the user agent string because of low bidder contracted work that often starts and ends with Internet Explorer/Edge and is rarely updated due to how government budgeting works.

You are clearly more interested in blaming drivers than acknowledging reality, so have fun with that.

This is clearly an indicator that Tesla doesn’t make their suspensions as beefy as they need to since it keeps happening.

Maybe you should read the articles instead of assuming there are holes in them based on your uninformed conjecture?

You are still making things up by assuming every failure involves prior noises and symptoms.

His exuberance came to a “grinding halt” one day later, with 115 miles on the odometer, Jain told Reuters. As he drove with his wife and three-year-old daughter, he suddenly lost steering control as he made a slow turn into their neighborhood. The vehicle’s front-right suspension had collapsed, and parts of the car loudly scraped the road as it came to a stop.

Jain is one of tens of thousands of Tesla owners who have experienced premature failures of suspension or steering parts, according to a Reuters review of thousands of Tesla documents. The chronic failures, many in relatively new vehicles, date back at least seven years and stretch across Tesla’s model lineup and across the globe, from China to the United States to Europe, according to the records and interviews with more than 20 customers and nine former Tesla managers or service technicians.

You got a downvote from me for making shit up about something other than the issues being reported.

I mix it up and play a wide variety of character genders, races, ethnicities and species. Whatever catches my eye during character creation for the most part, and if I replay a game I actively pick something different on different play throughs as it is a reminder that I’m playing this character instead of a different character.

So I don’t actively or exclusively play female characters for a significant reason, just aesthetics of the game.

The dictionary definition, which also includes one for remembering information that does not require any physical movement, is not the same thing as a vehicle recall. A vehicle recall is about implementing fixes, which have traditionally required being serviced in a physical location even for software upgrades, but there is no reason to have a new word just because the fix can be made remotely. It isn’t like the thing that they are doing is any different than being recalled to a dealership for them to install the software updates.

Do you think phone calls should be renamed for cell phones because they don’t use physical land line connections?

Should electric cars be called something other than cars because they run on electricity instead of fossil fuels?

Who cares where the car is when the recall fix is implemented? It is still a vehicle recall, just handled remotely.

I remember reading Santos implied he had kompromat on some of his colleagues. I wonder if he’ll release it now.

I’m sure it is with his volleyball trophies!

Someone has that, but it sure isn’t Santos if he implied that he has it.

Looks like Santos will be starring in The Departed 2.

It wasn’t that the airlines were losing money on baggage, it was included in the ticket. It was that they wanted to double dip by charging for the baggage because they could also sell the space to the shipping companies.

But then I get a bunch of free steam decks, and surely they will be just as cute and cuddly, right?

Yes, it is like that if the lack of tweets indicated that you might be hiding something. It sucks if you never participated before, but the idea is that they want to interact with reliable accounts and time and activity are used for that since that us pretty much all they have to work with.

It does suck, but there really isn’t a good alternate.

That is also now Nord works, they just clarified that they would comply with a court order if necessary which is how legal businesses work.


“From day one of our operations, we have never provided any customer data to law enforcement, nor have we ever received a binding court order to log user data. We never, for a second, logged user VPN traffic, and the results of multiple audits prove that we are true to our policies,” the company said.


“From day one of our operations, we have never provided any customer data to law enforcement, nor have we ever received a binding court order to log user data. We never, for a second, logged user VPN traffic, and the results of multiple audits prove that we are true to our policies,” the company said.

In the event the company does receive information requests from a law enforcement agency, NordVPN says it “would do everything to legally challenge them.”

“However, if a court order were issued according to laws and regulations, if it were legally binding under the jurisdiction that we operate in, and if the court were to reject our appeal, then there would be no other option but to comply. The same applies to all existing VPN companies if they operate legally. In fact, the same applies to all companies in the world,” NordVPN said.

So they don’t log and are just admitting that they might need to if they were forced to. That is extremely reasonable.

A company admitting they comply with the law when ordered to by the court is a positive to me as it means that they don’t do it unless they don’t do it on a whim and they are complying with the law, which would most likely also include privacy laws. Any company that would refuse a court order is going to be shut down and probably have all of their records turned over instead of the narrow subset that would be ordered by a court.

We disregard the rights of our own citizens too!


Plus private only offers better until public goes to shit, then private does whatever the fuck they want, which is prioritize the wealthy who will pay the most. Profits!

Apparently the cost of failure in many US states is much lower than it is in Canada: they have more forgiving bankruptcy and corporate law than we do. Meaning serial entrepreneurs don’t have to get it right the first time, and can afford a few locks at the can.

This favors the already wealthy/born into wealth far more than everyone else which contributes to the wealth gap. Especially since a single medical issue can undermine any progress while growing with far more financial impact than in a country with universal health care.

The US situation is favorable to some entrepreneurs.

They will get UBI too so worst case they hit the same floor as everyone else.

But they will never reach that point because taxing the rich will never make them anything other than the richest of the population. They will still be rich, just with a smaller gap between them and everyone else.

As a side note, why are you worried more about the rich than the poor?

Retired people can contribute time to their families, the community, and other non-capitalist endeavors. So could one spouse in a single income family, or those that don’t need to work for income, but to generate profit every adult is now expected to work and never retire.

The flip side is they raise prices anyway so you might as well have UBI

Exactly! They raise costs to increase profits even when their production costs go down due to automation and other system streamlining.

It is also why there is so much attention paid to the stock market as an indicator when it is just rich people gambling that got more people to invest in it for retirement by playing coin clots.

“The economy” never represents the median person, or even the lower 3/4 of the population.

And some parents would want to know so they can support their kid, but are not answering with the context of other kids who have the opposite of supportive parents.

Like if my kid revealed something like this to a teacher I would want to know to help be supportive, but sure would not want teachers to be obligated to tell all parents because my wants are not as important as the safety of students with terrible parents.

The US has not turned a blind eye, it has gone all in on supporting the war crimes of Isreal.

The right of moralistic jack off parents to force their close minded views on everyone else’s children.