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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


The problem is almost always with our society and not the technology itself. AI is fine, the way people are using it and the fact that people need jobs to exist in society isn’t.

Duck duck go is practically broken. I switched to startpage which worked alright until I got a VPN, then I just started using bing with better results. So it is somehow worse than bing even. Duck ignores my quotes and minuses and such things.

I have to wonder what kind of ammo that is really, I’m a firearms enthusiast and have never seen armor piercing ammo for sale anywhere. Pretty sure it is illegal everywhere.

This is like that “the worst person you know (California) says something you agree with” meme right now for me

It and the Galaxy Nexus are the worst phones I’ve ever had by far. Going all the way back to the Treo 600.

Not even a little. I hate my Pixel 3. And the battery barely lasts half a day now. I just felt bad replacing it earlier than 5 years.

I’m so stoked, been holding off with a aging Pixel 3 for this release since the 14. “one more year,” I said to myself.

Neat. Does the playdate even have a headphone jack?

I’m so excited to finally play this game without feeling like I’m missing out on future gameplay updates

Sublime Text is really good too. It is a paid app but the free version just has a message suggesting you might want to support them by paying that pops up every 10 manual saves. And you don’t need to save more than once per file since it autosaves on every character. WinRAR style basically. I rarely see the message myself.

FWIW my official dock has been working great

My parents never would have got me something like that just for one or two games.

I’ve never known any different but it still always felt like paying twice to the Internet to me. My first console with online connection was an Xbox which required Live. Before that they just didn’t have any network connectivity at all.

I’ll never understand how console peeps can justify paying for online access as a necessary thing.

It is exactly as shitty as I expected it to be. Another crappy bethesda game in a long line of garbage. I think the last game from them I truly enjoyed was Morrowind. I don’t think New Vegas counts. Fallout 4 was depressing being so close to good. Every moment in that game screams half baked. That quest where you help the robots out with their ship showed me just how possible it was to make the game good, but then it was the only good quests besides maybe the silver shroud one.

At least I can finally play the game without worrying that they are going to make improvements after I finish.

Yeah, I played it on release. Been trying it again lately with mods and it seems much more polished. The writing quality is still a pretty big disappointment, and the yes/yes/yes/no chat system.

I expect all games to be bad by default now and don’t let myself get hyped up at all anymore. I waited on the edge of my seat since before the first teasers for CP2077 and still haven’t bothered to play it. I backed Star Citizen in 2013 lol… Was disappointed by Fallout 4 and 76 too, as a huge Fallout fan. I don’t remember the last game that legitimately lived up to my hopes and expectations. Fallout New Vegas I guess.

That’s not what I mean when I talk about a case, I mean something I can keep on all of the time. Something like an otterbox fre would be more appropriate. Or the old lifeproof cases like I had for my iPhone 4S. I live in a climate where it is pretty much always raining. My Pixel 3 can get drenched to the point you cant even use the touch screen anymore with no issues. Plus it can mount straight to my handlebars with a quadlock case instead of having to put on my tank bag and strap it to that.

Doesn’t seem like there are any waterproof cases for the 4, so I doubt we will see any for the 5. Maybe more likely now that the phone is available in the US at least. Not a fan of the waterproof bag idea myself.

At least my tank bag has the option for a waterproof cell phone pocket though, I doubt the touch screen would work through the thick plastic. Never tried it because I don’t have the pouch required to keep the phone in place on the bag.

I wonder if IP55 is enough to mount to motorcycle handlebars in heavy rain.

I had this issue but refreshed the page and it has gone away since. I’m guessing that didn’t help for you?

I think they would be a lot less issue if people wore gear more like motorcyclists, the only wearing a half helmet approach that most bicyclists go with only makes sense because pedaling a bike in full motorcycle gear is hell. People should be encouraged to wear much more extensive gear on an ebike.

Anyone else remember those giant scale maps that used to be in shooters? e.g. bathroom, kitchen, office, backyard, that made you feel so tiny?
I miss those so much. Any modern games still playing with this concept? I remember Half Life had the bathroom, kitchen, and office, and I remember a backyard one in Quake 3 that was really cool.