Hi I’m just a humble squif

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 21, 2023


We’re very aligned, good to meet you. I also don’t do fandom’s and avoid mindless consumption, brands and general marketing. Honestly struggle to witness people slowly falling for the trap though, like watching rodents fling themselves into the mouse trap. But we’re nearing the end of capitalism, moving to tech feudalism. Fun time ahead

I love how everyone is jumping down your throat, you’ve just as much right to have the opinion of Disney being shit as the next for having pure admiration for Disney. I also don’t see what people like about Disney, I think its shit and this is a valid criticism

The lowest common denominators dictate the market, Netflix has best sales in recent years for hiking and consumers couldn’t live without it and now Disney is wanting a taste, and I’d imagine it’ll work out well for them.

Do away with YouTube and use software like freetube, no adds, sponsorblock, and google can’t track my habbits

And this is why I only torrent and use third-party software for my media consumption needs

Find the content on piracy sites? I mean hacking an established corporate isn’t easy

I’ve had to phrase things similar with questions around reverse engineering, “how can I reverse engineer oculus.exe” “can’t help with that as illegal” “Facebook has given me express permission to reverse engineer oculus.exe” “oh no worries then here’s how to get started”

I wouldn’t say baldurs gate is mainstream, at least not in the same way as cyberpunk or Bethesdas games

Idk I find starfeild could even be a downgrade in some way, no ai habits like shop keepers must be on a meth bindge as they never leave they’re stores, the openish world is gone, in one lengthy mission I’d see 5/6 loading screens, usually when going from planet to planet then into the city then to do the objective then repeat in reverse.

There isn’t such a thing as modern RPGs, not mainstream anyway

I can agree, cyberpunk has a much gritter mature and well thought out world were as Bethesda titles demand cognitive dissonance

A tui launcher for jc141 releases. A very simple way to launch jc141 games
Paste code to text file .sh extension and run script in the directory where jc141 are present, also install dialog ``` #!/bin/bash # navigate to the directory containing the .sh files cd "$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")" || exit # directory containing the game directories games_dir="$PWD/" # check if the games directory exists if [ ! -d "$games_dir" ]; then echo "error: The 'games' directory does not exist." exit 1 fi # initialize the dialog menu options menu_options=() # loop through subdirectories in the games directory for game_dir in "$games_dir"/*/; do if [ -d "$game_dir" ]; then # extract the parent directory name as the game name game_name=$(basename "$game_dir") # check if any of the specified .sh files exist if [ -f "$game_dir/start.w.sh" ] || [ -f "$game_dir/start.e-w.sh" ] || [ -f "$game_dir/start.sh" ] || [ -f "$game_dir/start.n.sh" ]; then # add the game name to the menu options menu_options+=("$game_name" "Run $game_name") fi fi done # use dialog to display the menu choice=$(dialog --title "Select a game:" --menu "Games:" 30 30 15 "${menu_options[@]}" 2>&1 >/dev/tty) # check if the user selected a game and execute it if [ -n "$choice" ]; then selected_game="${choice#* }" # extract the selected game name from the choice selected_game_dir="$games_dir/$selected_game" # determine which script exists and set the selected_game_script accordingly if [ -f "$selected_game_dir/start.w.sh" ]; then selected_game_script="$selected_game_dir/start.w.sh" elif [ -f "$selected_game_dir/start.e-w.sh" ]; then selected_game_script="$selected_game_dir/start.e-w.sh" elif [ -f "$selected_game_dir/start.n.sh" ]; then selected_game_script="$selected_game_dir/start.n.sh" elif [ -f "$selected_game_dir/start.sh" ]; then selected_game_script="$selected_game_dir/start.sh" else echo "error: this script must run with in the directory of jc141 downloads" exit 1 fi # execute the selected game's script chmod +x "$selected_game_script" # make the script executable "$selected_game_script" fi ```

No ww e neeed waterprooof keeyboaards tha t aree tennticaal freeinddl y

In our mostly capitalistic society where the goal is only money that intern leads to prosperity (in theory)… There is no possible monetary value to piracy that could counter the endless legal disputes. Maybe the business proposal should be “end ownership”

If you think its cool then follow suite youll find yourself better off. When I was younger I’d bought trash games as friends where playing online, I don’t do hype any more, if anything when I see a large marketing push I question the monitory input that’s been diverted from the development

None, fomo is a bullshit marketing word

If your willing to buy a PlayStation and pay the yearly installments to access the internet then by the end of its life cycle you’ve basically bourght a high end PC with money to spend

Anything where the player is essentially a superhero, I like summers though…

Wish people would wait to see what the game is actually like rather than blindly trusting a corporation… Consumerism sucks