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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 16, 2023


De-Googling was what got me started as well. Wanted to be able to have my own Google Drive clone with Nextcloud. From there it was just one little improvement / additional service at a time as I learned to use Linux and docker. Now I run a Linux laptop and am considering an android phone.

Engineering background for reference.

It was just always so annoying having to go into the iPhone keyboard punctuation twice for each domain

Man, some people have really thought of everything. I am so impressed.

Honestly, I learned a ton from these guys: https://www.smarthomebeginner.com/

I’ve diverged a good bit since then of the services I’ve added and the specifics of how I configure things (I still use Traefik whereas I think they’ve shifted to Nginx), but they have a great example of a GitHub repo and what it looks like to manage a self-hosted server.

For #2 and #3, it’s probably exceedingly obvious, but wish I would have truly understood ssh, remote VS Code, and enough git to put my configs on a git server.

So much easier to manage things now that I’m not trying to edit docker compose files with nano and hoping and praying I find the issue when I mess something up.

You don’t need portainer for it to be easy! The wiki is quite great at providing setup examples for docker compose, regular docker, and others!

I figure if I’m already using their proxy, may as well have my domains there as well… one fewer party to trust.

Not something that I need but absolutely beautiful UI and congrats on the 2.0 release!

I believe the synology DSM should have a feature for this. Try the storage manager app and it should tell you SMART info.

Yeah tbh if I’m already going to be using Cloudflare for DNS, might as well use them for their registrar as well. One fewer entity to trust.

They own the domain instead of you. They can then act as a middle man between any inquiries and you, and as a company, they’re able to shield you from many 3rd parties.

Although in the subscription version, SSO is not available unless you purchase the “Contact Us” version. https://sso.tax would like a word.

Yep, I use Fastmail and it has this well integrated within the service as “Masked Emails”

I use Fastmail.

My domain has me plus the wife, and she’s not willing to tolerate any amount of fiddling or bugs or anything, so we needed something that would Just Work™, and Fastmail fits the bill quite well.

Their features are great, I actually prefer their app over the native iOS app, and they’ve been rock solid since I signed up. I can also have any amount of aliased and I can put all three of my domains on there. Plus they’re not Google which was the biggest thing I needed them to be.

Love / hate how it’s always the easiest answer. For me it’s always fucking DNS.

Without specific experience, my assumption would be no. Much like when plugging into a desktop computer’s motherboard HDMI port instead of the GPU HDMI port.

Curious what it is about those countries that would cause you to advise against using them?

I switched to Proton VPN and the gluetun docker container for port forwarding.

I’m not entirely sure on the absolute best, but I always use Switzerland. I believe they have extremely strong privacy laws that protect individual privacy and I believe they have a relaxed view on downloading so long as it is solely for personal use, though uploading / sharing torrenting is still very much disallowed.

Kindle no longer supports MOBI for their send to kindle feature (as of Nov 1). Not that it really matters, most people should be using EPUB nowadays anyways.

It’s just too bad that the iOS TestFlight is full… maybe someday!

Go and interview for a tracker like RED (https://interviewfor.red/). From RED, you can get just about anywhere within the private tracker world if you’re a good member and rank up.

Dang I really like your idea of testing the backup in a VM… I was worried about how I’d test mine since I only have the one machine, but a VM on my desktop or something should do just fine.

I’m sorry, but I’m with the person above you… 4K movies should be 20GB+ if you’re getting true HDR, appropriate bitrates, and high quality audio. My copy of the Hobbit movies are as high as 75 GB each (extended version but still).

If you do you can have your domain taken away if they care enough to investigate. Agreed on the no privacy, it’s annoying.

I started out by setting up a Pi-Hole for my house and learning and failing small to get my head around how Linux worked and how to actually use a command line / SSH / the works.

From there I went to the website https://www.smarthomebeginner.com/ (specifically this guide) which was extremely helpful in understanding the basics of services, networking, DNS, etc. I’d say that if you’re able to get a full setup going with Traefik on Docker, that’s a really good setup for success for self hosting just about anything that can be Dockerized (which is basically anything).

Now I’m able to just read the documentation for a service at hub.docker.com, figure out how I want to customize it for my specific setup (e.g. putting gluetun in front of specific containers, setting up cron jobs to automate some container tasks, and creating a suitable backup) all with my knowledge of how this stuff works which I gained through lots of trial and error with the above guide.

That’s really all there is to it: just diving in, making mistakes, and learning from them until you start to build your knowledge of how stuff works and are comfortable going above and beyond copy and paste.

Same here, I moved my domains from Namecheap to Cloudflare and Cloudflare has been rock solid (no shocker there though).

Cloudflare provides at-cost domain name registration. It won’t be as private as njal.la, but if you end up using them for your site, then it would be one less entity to trust if you have your registration and DNS with them.

Can you help me to understand how to bypass the CDN while using Plex?

It was streaming locally from my 920+ directly to my LG tv using the official Plex app on the tv and the Plex docker container on the NAS with iGPU passthrough. Tried it in both mp4 and mkv formats. Since the tv doesn’t support DTS it was transcoding into (I think) AAC. When I would change the playback from DTS to any other codec (for files with multiple formats), the video would play flawlessly, it was just the audio transcoding.

Only problem that I have with mine is it just doesn’t have the power to transcode audio flawlessly. I have a lot of DTS content and it just stutters all the time. I had to set up a Tdarr pipeline just to add EAC3 tracks to everything.

Just make sure you get an Intel box. If OP ever wants to use Plex it only plays nicely with Intel and Nvidia hardware transcoding.

To be fair, the SMTP RFC (5321) says that senders MUST retry sending upon a failure (source), but it only specifies that they SHOULD have a retry of 30 minutes, and an even weaker recommendation to continue to try for 4-5 days before giving up.

This is definitely the way to do it long term. I’ve used a hybrid download + VPN client but in the end I moved to a split gluetun + client since it offers the best flexibility.

That integration with Proton VPN is what I’m using as well. However, to automate the updates of my service’s port to match the currently forwarded port is what I wanted a script and cron job for. In this manner, the service will always have the latest forwarded port even after docker service restarts, machine reboots, etc. (since Proton uses a dynamic port allocation that changes quite quickly when disconnected).