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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


I always start a session with disabling auto commit (note, I could add it to my settings, but then it would backfire that one time my settings don’t execute, so I’m making it a habit to type it out every time, first thing I connect)

BTW: what kind of genius decides that auto commit should be enabled by default?

Those are more to punish companies and change their behavior, which I think is what was desired here.

Of course they are a gold mine if you are a lawyer.

I wonder if that would hold in court. They could simply use “rent” or “lease” in their ads, but they purposely are trying to mislead to imply permanence.

Obviously California or Canada.

Ah sorry this is a tech community so obviously it is computer animation.

Yeah, fuck Microsoft. They haven’t changed at all.

For example I remember when they held monopoly in a browser market and purposely broke their sites for other browsers.

Now the IE is gone, they have Chrome based Edge and are doing it again, if for example you try to use their office and make Teams call in Firefox it will refuse saying you should use Edge or Chrome. I’m guessing they are now trying again to claim they support another browser in case of antitrust, but Edge and Chrome is essentially the same thing. They just want to kill Firefox.

The problem I have with it is that all the time it saves me I have to use on reading the code. I probably spend more time on that as once in a while the code it produces is broken in a subtle way.

I see some people swearing by it, which is the opposite of my experience. I suspect that if your coding was copying code from stack overflow then it indeed improved your experience as now this process is streamlined.

It is, but the idea how it works is roughly the same.

Exactly, it is as much serverless as the offering that allowed to host php sites back in the day.

They are doing same stuff as the other companies, but are better at PR.

If you use their products you are even more locked down, but for some reason that’s more acceptable than on pc. I think many apple fans are wearing rosy tinted glasses and don’t notice any of that for some reason.

For example there was a big deal recently by Google adding attestation mechanism that likely will be used to prevent ad blockers blocking ads. Safari already has this implemented.

The current Google approach is adding attestation to Google Chrome. They claim that it is to stop bots, but it can (and will be, they are slow boiling us) also used to block adblockers.

Anyone who cares about free (as freedom) should stop using chrome and clones and switch to Firefox.

That’s too figure out which extension is causing an issue. If everything works right then you have nothing to worry about.

If things do not work, the easiest is to get to a working state (latest version, removing any custom filters, disabling extensions) then once confirming that it works, gradually enabling things back until you can identify the offender.

Still better than my Go experience 2 years ago.

  • fails when deployed, after adding debug statements looks like in one structure there’s 2 instead of 1, and looking at the code that should be impossible. Issue happens every single time.
  • the same exact unmodified container when downloaded and run locally works correctly every time.

So, how does it work when you are accessing account from a different device? How the other device knows your fingerprint?

I kind of don’t like to store my fingerprints with Google. Even FBI collects them when you are indicted.

What about allowing us to log in to services via asymmetric keys?

If the application doesn’t say anything about MariaDB or MySQL then it won’t work. The SQL statements are different enough that there needs to be an explicit support.

You could contribute and add support, but that might be a bit of work.

Also the glory days of MySQL are over. MySQL started with goal to be fast, and placed correctness as an afterthought. Meanwhile PostgreSQL placed correctness as the most important goal. As time passed, PostgreSQL made many speed optimizations, while MySQL was forced to replace fast MyISAM engine with slower but more correct InnoDB, but the old design decisions still cause issues. As an SRE I’ve seen multiple times where MySQL and MariaDB also corrupted its own data.

I actually don’t know your reasons to still sticking with it, but if you can I would recommend to give PostgreSQL a try it is much better experience for developers as well as for operations. There’s a reason that less and less apps support MySQL/MariaDB.