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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


Basically the same reason as my reply to above reply. But in short, you’re right. AAA games basically = trash now (rare exceptions probably).

Oh I’m not playing new games anymore. WoW burned me of that years ago (shadowlands refugee). I’m playing single player/local co-op stuff only. Bg3, modded Minecraft/sims 4/cyberpunk etc.

I’m an old millennial and Ive usually preferred games to movies.

I think one reason it’s hard for me to watch movies (or even books) is having no control over the narrative. Writing in a lot of TV/movies are just too, well, stupid. Even if a game is bad, you can at least have fun with cheats/mods or having your own objectives. Movies/TV your stuck with their plot as a bystander to a story.

I’ve been team red for a very long time. I’ve never thought of them as top of the line. CPU has shifted, but I’ve got no delusions about the GPU side. My 7800xt is great. Handles everything I need it for. I don’t care about Ray tracing. And I know its not comparable to most of the 40xx offerings.

If it came across as talking bad about the game/franchise thats not the intent. It’s just rarely mentioned in the crpg mainstream articles I’ve seen over time. Usually Divinity and others are brought up more often.

Overall yes they did well, but it seems like they fell off. Poe1 has the better narrative imo. 2 had better mechanics.

Is it me or has the term remastered been changed to remake/redesigned?

To me it’s always meant that its just a visual fidelity and maybe audio updating. The rest of the game mechanics remain. Only extreme bugs should be fixed that would lead to corrupted saves or something.

Ain’t just Sony. It’s actually difficult to think of any new IP, from anyone. (I see you indie scene).

Wireguard has effectively zero impact on my setup.

And to a point I agree. But the way the story reads, it sounds like not much was done with the new machines after installation. We’ve all had money taken from faulty vending machines. But the stakes are slightly higher in this.

Isn’t a machine taking your money and not receiving anything from it isn’t?

If it’s just one or two rooms ya need wired up, but don’t wanna run the copper? There are options. If you have any old coax drops in them there’s adapters you can attach and just reuse the old coax. OR you could look into a power line adapter. Basically it uses the house electrical lines (in the wall) to create a connection.

Mostly I just use nextclouds deck extension. It behaves close enough to what I need as a solo operation.

Others have said this, but it’s always a work in progress.

What started out as just a spare optiplex desktop and needing a dedicated box for Minecraft and valheim servers, to now having a rack in my living room with a few key things I and others rely on. You definitely aren’t alone XD

Regular, proactive work goes a long way. I also stated creating tickets for myself, each with a specific task. This way I could break things down, have reminders of what still needs attention, and track progress.

I guess what I meant a bit more specifically are things like buttons, the screen, cables, any daughter boards needed for like special lights, speakers etc. stuff beyond, as you mentioned.

Xerox has been great for me. They dont just make giant copiers you need a forklift to deliver and a giant service contract. They still make small home office desk printers.

After wiring up to my network and giving it a static, it’s just worked, for all devices for everyone. No need to download or install anything either.

There are still a need for document printing at home. Granted it’s just smaller in scale these days. Mine is mostly used for the kids. Like printing out things to color on, or something educational. On rare occasions I’ll need to print some kinda form, for work or some kinda government form, even event tickets.

That said, I really don’t know anyone that’s looking to photo print at home anymore. It’s just cheaper to have it done somewhere like Walgreens or Walmart.

Can confirm, I’ve been using it for about three years now. With some minimal tweaks for my own us case.

It auto updates itself, can use LetsEncrypt. I’ve had an A to A+ rating from their own security thing. It does usually stay a few minor point releases behind, but that’s never been an issue for me.

I set mine up with a no-ip dyndns for free. Lots of options here op. But in the long run having any domain is going to smooth out the process. Also don’t skip over LetsEncrypt cert.

How much good attention it’s gotten. No microtransactions, season passes etc. It’s called a ton of attention to all the AAA enshitification since it’s released.

So, I’d imagine those studios are scrambling to shift gears.

Ya don’t need ATT’s modem. Some copy pasta I’ve put together:

If it’s fiber, you don’t need the modem. You’ll still need it once every few months.

Things you’ll need:

  1. your own router
  2. cheap 4 port switch (1gig pref)

Setup: Connect gpon (the little fiber converter box they installed on the wall near modem) wan to any port on 4port switch. Then from switch to gpon port of modem (usually red or green port). Make sure modem fully syncs. Once this happens, you can move the cable from the modem to your own routers wan port. Done! Allow router a few moments to sync as well.

Now, every once in a while they’ll send a line refresh signal that will break this, or if a power outage occurs. In such case, you’ll just plug back in their modem, move cable back to gpon port of modem, wait for sync. Move cable back to router.

Bonus: Hook up all this to a battery backup and you’ll have Internet even during power outages, at least for a while.

ChromeOS is more of an OS built to optimize a browser though. Its close though.

My new PC has 64g ram. But I’m also not using or plan to use windows. Checkmate M$!

But in all seriousness, 8g is like, the foundational minimum these days. Sad tbh. Browsers are so bloated these days. I’m surprised that browsers haven’t become their own OS yet. It kinda feels that way in some environments.

Not sure if the rpi3 can use the 64bit version, or if it’s possible for it use an SSD like the the 4 can?

I’m using an old HP z420 box. It supports up to 128gigs of ecc ram (which I have), has tons of drive and SATA options.

It could be possible to repurpose the chassis for custom builds too.

Well, your not too off. Like ASICs are made for mining cryptocurrency. Specialized processing designed for specific computations. This indeed make it’s efficiency greater than a general purpose CPU.

It has that wire to output audio on both speakers? That’s the green one btw. The pink is for mic input. USB could be for a few different things depending on the features that particularl set has.

Edit: Nvm, thought the question was for a headset, not a microphone. Unless the mic was part of a headset or something. Idk, other comments may have the answer.

Honestly, maybe having it also backup to a consumer grade external HDD enclosure. As much as it pains to say. But like one of those WD mybook things or similar. Designed to be dead simple for the average person.

If it’s fiber, you don’t need the modem. You’ll still need it once every few months.

Things you’ll need:

  1. your own router
  2. cheap 4 port switch (1gig pref)

Setup: Connect gpon (the little fiber converter box they installed on the wall near modem) wan to any port on 4port switch. Then from switch to gpon port of modem (usually red or green port). Make sure modem fully syncs. Once this happens, you can move the cable from the modem to your own routers wan port. Done! Allow router a few moments to sync as well.

Now, every once in a while they’ll send a line refresh signal that will break this, or if a power outage occurs. In such case, you’ll just plug back in their modem, move cable back to gpon port of modem, wait for sync. Move cable back to router.

Edit: (after thought) put all this equipment on a battery backup and you’ll still have Internet during short power outages.

Glad I don’t really watch content anymore. Though, between the Roku TV my kid has, and the big Samsung TV in our living room…my pihole is constantly hammered by both of them.