I’m just some guy, you know.

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Joined 5M ago
Cake day: May 07, 2024


You don’t have to know how to write your own software to install another App Store on Android.

Amazon has their own competing app store, with boomer-friendly instructions for installing it:

And Amazon’s phones and tablets use their own “FireOS” remix of Android without Google Play Store available.

I prefer the OS being open to third-party installers over any legal mandate that app stores not being allowed to curate their own store’s offerings. Closing off Google’s app store to competing app stores only makes sense if other app stores have no reasonable access to customers, which is clearly not the case.

Complete bullshit that they’re throwing this ruling at Android when iOS doesn’t even let you download and install a third-party app without either jailbreaking, or hooking up your iPhone in developer mode to a computer running xcode. Apple treats Cydia like it’s malware. Google perfectly tolerates Amazon and F-Droid running their own operations.

qbittorrent-nox is my go-to. No need for a desktop UI, just give me the web-ui. That’s all I use anyway, and I can manage it from my phone wherever I am.

I’m gonna assume you’re just a really sad person who hates everyone, and this comment is off-topic, because there’s no way you’re in the Piracy community complaining about a Nintendo leak.

Is the solution to male loneliness ripping your father’s shrieking soul from the depths of the underworld and crudely resurrecting him in defiance of God’s will?

This is like when Republicans complain that Biden detained record numbers of border-crossers, and I’m like “Isn’t that what you guys want him to do?”.

I suspect that this was something of a test case, with the regulator flexing their censorship muscle, and I’m glad it didn’t work out.

This was a POV stabbing video that people spread around to glorify violence. It’s in the same category as beheading videos.

America may have decided that child porn is the only media exception to free speech, but other more sane countries draw the line a little bit more broadly to include all forms of extremely violent crime filmed to be glorified, including things like murder, attempted murder, torture, and the rape of adults.

If you want to operate a business in places like Australia or New Zealand, you cannot be distributing violent gore videos within their borders.

I hope they revisit this as X users are pretty routinely celebrating things like the Christchurch shooting and other violent extremist incidents. Sometimes censorship makes sense, and when people are antagonistically spreading videos of people being maimed and killed, the “free speech” argument absolutely doesn’t fucking cut it.

Tl;Dr: Sharing Nude scenes out-of-context are considered a form of involuntary pornography in Denmark (portraying artistic nudity as pornography) and this man was arrested for compiling and sharing nude scenes of Danish actors from Danish films and sharing them while inside Denmark…

This has nothing to do with film studio profits or piracy, this is a man who ran afowl of his home country’s laws about pornography.

And to be fair, a woman appearing nude in a film doesn’t mean that sexualizing the shit out of her publicly isn’t scummy fucked up behavior. I think I understand the law here.

I doubt it. Streaming sites like Fmovies are used almost entirely by technologically illiterate users. It’s for people who want to pirate, but don’t want to learn anything.

These users are going to remain helpless until the next malware-laden streaming website enters their lives.

They’re not about to install additional software to try to access anything, or at least not software like I2P or BitTorrent, because that would require effort and some amount of technical understanding to accomplish.

This is like wondering why so many people still use Twitter two years into Elon’s hostile takeover. People will resign themselves to defeat if it saves them from having to learn anything new.

Did you actually read the article? The designers of this vision model used a software trick (inspired by the concept of quantum tunneling that has nothing to do with quantum computing) to allow inputs to bypass hidden layers at random, resulting in results that were able to see certain optical illusions in a way that other vision models cannot.

This can be done by just adding some noise to the image. Sometimes it gets recognized as one thing and sometimes like another, just like humans would.

Word soup by someone who knows way less than these researchers.

Signal is bad then?

Yeah. Why use X3DH when there are algorithms that already exist and we know are secure?

So in which direction you want it go? More private or more moderated?

Privacy is good, but when the public chatrooms are distributing child porn, you can’t use encryption as an excuse not moderating. Failure to moderate illegal content is a crime.

Let the pedos run their own Matrix server or something. You can’t be knowingly providing comms and distribution to child pornographers.

I love how the graphic they used subtly informs the user of where they can go to get the track, but it’s literally text from the complaint so they’re in the clear.

I recently set up Synapse just to play around with the protocol, and I do not remember this instruction at all. Where did you get this?

If the company is going to claw it back from him against his will, he should be able to name his own price for selling it back to them.


3,500 movies, 28,000 TV show episodes, 120,000 audio tracks, and pretty much every single PlayStation/Sega/Nintendo game ever released.

As someone who integrates Okta for a living, I have no idea why this would be part of the config. I can’t even figure how you would use Okta for content filtering at all.

It’s an authentication service…

From what I understand he created a streaming site with over 200TB of content, and made several million dollars selling access to it.

While 48 years is a ridiculously draconian sentence, he wasn’t exactly an amateur pirate seeding his torrents too much or giving too many friends access to his Plex. He broke the one rule we all know will get your shit turned upside down: he directly profited off of piracy.

And he did it all using domestic web services inside the USA where he has zero legal protection…

I’m not so keen on fighting for this guy, because what he did isn’t comparable to even the most impressive Jellyfin admins on this sub, and he had awful opsec. If anything just learn a lesson from this guy and just maintain your own little personal archive for entertainment purposes.

They deliberately misrepresented it. Just another person who thinks that if you oppose Goldman Sachs for their contributions to late stage capitalism that you are obligated to disagree with every single piece of messaging from them without exception.

If the CEO of Goldman Sachs shits in a toilet, and this guy finds out, he’s going to shit on the floor in protest.

Not really comparable.

AI has lots of potential for the future, and Goldman Sachs continues to invest in that sector.

They are specifically talking about the bubble of Generative AI startups, none of which have any long term viability as they either produce a novelty, or they produce something so inaccurate that nobody would trust it after using it.

They aren’t the people saying that the Internet won’t catch on. They’re the ones warning you that dot com is a bubble.

They’re right.

A magnet link is basically a torrent of a torrent, so the answer to your question is going to be the same as “why won’t this torrent download quickly / at all?”.

It could be:

  • No seeders
  • Firewall rules blocking DHT
  • No port forwarding

This only applies to Sony products, right?

I use Buffalo drives and Optical Quantum BD-Rs for archiving. It doesn’t sound like that will be affected.

Copyright infringement becomes theft when you make money off of someone else’s work, which is the goal of every one of these AI companies. I 100% mean theft.

My take is that you can train AI on whatever you want for research purposes, but if you brazenly distribute models trained on other people’s content, you should be liable for theft, especially if you are profiting off of it.

Just because AI has so much potential doesn’t mean we should be reckless and abusive with it. Just because we can build a plagiarism machine capable of reproducing facsimiles of humanity doesn’t mean that how we are building that is ethical or legal.

Funny how they argue that they are content neutral every time someone calls them out for having Nazi customers, but they are more than happy to censor for capitalists.

Well, the gigantic pile of low-end audio I ripped using yt-dlp begs to differ. Half a million tracks so far. Perfect for my OpenSwim headphones. Tiny mp3s to maximize my 4GB of storage, and shit quality to match what I’m getting from bone conductors (which are, for no compelling reason, compatible with FLAC).

I swim a lot, and have a lot of free disk space, so I promise this makes sense.

Yes, it’s a torrent site. Yes, it’s called Torrent Galaxy.

Is it related to the real Torrent Galaxy? Probably not.