• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Oct 06, 2023

How to pronounce “Mana” properly
Square Enix uses the bastardized American pronunciation "man-nuh" for the English dubs, which is not incorrect, but the original pronunciation is "maw-nuh"

they’re great for short bursts of gameplay, each dungeon takes like an hour on average. if it helps your decision, the first game is the shortest at 10-25 hrs but is also the hardest. the hd collection has an easy mode that lets you kill most weak enemies in a few shots. the DS port of 1 is the definitive version & has maps to make the dungeons easier (there’s an English patch)

Legend of Mana, although it was broken, I never got bored with encounters. didn’t have to worry about items or mana, only health. if they added a mana system (ironic) and fixed the stunlock, would’ve been more balanced

NH is one of the worst games I’ve ever played

you’ll miss some references but the prequels have a separate story from the trilogy

shadow of the colossus, metal gear solid 3 substistence

I’d recommend dabbling in the tcg live app on mobile/pc, i believe you can enter your deck codes if you still have them & practice with the current legal standard

considering some games take years to play, I’d rather pay to own than do an annual subscription. otherwise, I’ll gladly emulate

Resident Evil Revelations 2 never gets talked about since it’s a ‘mediocre’ spinoff but i very much enjoyed it

Risk of Rain 2 is a blast with a group

perfect analogy! the printing press made handwriting obsolete, video killed the radio star, etc

I used to copy from Gamefaqs, format in Word: landscape, small margins, 2 pages per sheet, large text, printed back/front

like it or not, Insomniac makes good games. my prediction for the new IP is a successor of Sunset Overdrive or a different genre

surprisingly switch has a better sale than steam for once (at least for my wishlists)

half of all remakes are worse than their originals. all we need are modern ports of older games so i don’t have to emulate

mortal kombat 8 & dark Knight rises

which is pretty much injustice 1&2

when will the industry learn that noone wants propriety hardware or software

every UBI study has had positive results, but let’s run a few more just to be sure…

i use controllers for RTS games on pc. one stick to scroll the map, other to select units. my wrists are too weak to use a mouse for several hours

sadly, as long as ppl keep buying overpriced electronics, the prices will continue to rise. I’ll stick to emulation

noone told them to make exoprimal, we just wanted more mega man & dino crisis

I’ve lived in several states, it sucks that the Green Party isn’t even recognized in several (usually Red) states. you can always write in candidates however