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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Oct 07, 2023


Edge cases are for teams that have internal testing AND care about quality.

A quick easy way to know if your new job is or isn’t one of those, is when you open a 3 year project and find no unit tests.

I had to learn assembly but was one topic of many we handled in architecture. Like one question of one exam. That was one of the toughest professors we had, class was about 2001

I learned mips as graduate. In undergrad had to build with logic gates for things like 2 digit decimal counter and my architecture classes were diagram blocks for a simple CPU. But by that time we knew how to do moderate complexity circuits in VHDL simulation, and we had to make a simple VHDL circuit run for real in FPGA.

Oh yeah I’ll do a full research next time I enter a web page to see who hosts it. If it’s by Amazon or Microsoft I’ll give green light.

That’s why le mans exist, to show that 100m races with muscle cars are a farce

But to write such a file you need a few quantum computers map reducing the data in alternative universes

Yeah this is the only post that I agree with so far.

To op, also have in mind that re watching movies many years later can feel a bit cringe even with great and recognized movies. People change their expectations over time and the collective aesthetics do too.

Another speculation from the suse team was a private company with intent to sell the exploit to state across actors

I think there’s lots of known backdoors that are not publicly disclosed and privately sold.

But given the history of cves in inclined to believe most come from well intentioned developers. When you read the blogs from the Google security team for example, it’s interesting to see how you need to chain a couple exploits at least, to get a proper attack going. Not in this case, it would make it very straightforward to accomplish very intrusive actions.

Your editor is happy with either, but is it happy with both?

Pfff just randomly replace tabs with 4 spaces and see the world burn

Yep do that except if it’s Amazon, they’ll grind you into dust.

Mate Im writing this after reading the top half of your comment.

This is a normal path, and the insecurities are going to stay with you for a long time even after growing into sr

If you’re not passionate that could be either in you or on your job, and the best way to see is if you search for other jobs and that excites you. So give yourself a chance and look what companies around you or far from you are doing.

Going into a library is like choosing a movie from Netflix. If you don’t know what you want it’s fine. But if you’re after a specific book, big chances it’s not there.

Example: I’ve read over 100 star Trek books, none of the libraries around me have any in the series, and I’m on a 3M people city.

That’s weird, I’d expect my battery life to be at least 30h for reading books.

Though if I use an app like the guardian it goes down faster because of the scroll. So maybe change to another app for reading. I like moon reader.

Underrated answer

I recently found out about this and at random searched for a Brazilian author, obviously expecting in Portuguese. I was not disappointed.

Most answers and places are heavily biased to English books, it seems to not be the case here.

Though I’ll add a couple of my favorites for works that are free of copyright already

Wiki source. For example, Chekhov page has kinks to both English and original Russian texts https://en.m.wikisource.org/wiki/Author:Anton_Pavlovich_Chekhov

And probably the biggest, project Gutemberg. Searching Cervantes gives you only one book, Don Quijote, though in many editions, and both English and Spanish which is a bit limited.


Difficult is an understatement.

I’m traveling overseas now, and my totally valid Paramount subscription doesn’t work in Portugal and I can’t watch lower decks anywhere even if I’m willing to double pay for it.

The irony if that I downloaded episodes to watch offline on plane, they’re literally inside my phone.

You’re right, that’s a feature if you’re a regular phone user and a bug if you want it as a server.

Also, even if the application is still running you can have the os almost fully shutdown even if it’s charging. Again, it’s a behavior tuned for a typical user.