Hi you’re reading content by a non-AI person, 100% humane or at least furry.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 09, 2023


Don’t Google hold the keys to the kingdom on that one? I see it as unlikely that Signal adds support.

A friend got me into Monster Hunter and now I have nearly 5000 hours split across various games, the bastard. I guess I won’t be doing cocaine or gunpla or toy car collecting anytime soon! XD

It’s a really great experience, I often say good MH games (that is, MH games in general: bad games are a rarity in this franchise) bring out my three preferred Ms: music, monsters and marvels, the latter one meaning the landscapes, the maps, the exploration. You haven’t experienced what kind of comfy immersion can game developers go for until you wander about the Sandy Plains at night to bbq up some Aptonoths and Rhenoplos into steak, and you watch the shooting stars in the night sky. And then you get distracted from the bbq serial griller and you end up with 2x Burnt Meat instead…

Started out with 3U. Underwater is great btw, don’t listen to people who say it shouldn’t return. The first time I tried the game I just Didn’t Get It and thought it was not for me… but man the music was so cool (the Sandy Plains battle music!) and the monster designs (Barioth!) insisted that I should make another try. Grabbed it back after a long break, followed the instructions this time, found a weapon that was to my liking (switchaxe, or as we call it, the Swag Axe), and haven’t really stopped much since then. I take good care to backup my saves often as well, juuuuust in case I don’t really like to grind hundreds of hours for the most random rewards on the double. By this point the only gen I have not played is Gen1, I’ve played Dos, FU, Tri, P3rd, 3U (1400 hrs), 4U, XX, Gen, GU (1200 hrs), Rise, Sunbreak and Stories 2 (800 hrs). Nowadays I can sometimes be found on the LanPlay network on MHGU and MHRS, and I’m waiting to get a better computer so I can try Frontier and maybe Iceborne.

Now, everyone has an opinion and so do I, so I’m clear on a number of things. Starting with World the game has casualized so much. Some casualization is fine, as a treat, and I like some QoL such as the tree view for weapon upgrades as much as the next person. But sometimes a game can be casualized to the extreme, to the point even TDS and NCH have taken jabs at it at points, like getting you infinite Ancient Potions, or the loss of most technical inventory management or environment management in Rise. It’d be nice to see Monster Hunter come back to form, with a properly numbered game (Monster Hunter 5, maybe call it “Quinto” or smth!) and fights that are more about besting a monster in its own turf rather than simply hiding under a beast’s legs (or far away at a ledge) and spamming X or R (hey, gunners!) to win.

But the music… oh, the music! And the ambience SFX. Now that has never faltered. Despite its many mishaps, World has some of the best and comfiest music in the series.

But the right solution is inconstitutional and anti-corporate! Even socialist and maybe even “woke”! So, this is the option TPTB are leaving us with.

Don’t like it? The second most useful thing to do compared to this is to ready your guillotine. That is the language they understand.

Oh yeah that should be cheap considering Cuba is right around the corner, for example.

I plan to keep using my current 2015-ish phone to watch my media at home, so it’s likely I’ll keep off of AV1 until phones are made somehow hardware upgradable (Fairphone?). Plus, in a general sense, in order to reacquire new media in a better codec you have to at least keep the old media around until you have finished verifying the new, otherwise you run the risk of ending up with no good copy.

I won’t dispute that both of these likely abuse the subscription model for their benefit. But they definitely have a social responsibility (and in many cases a legal responsibility) to keep updating the software in these products and the network infrastructure that go with them.

I mean, it would be zero cost if it was a fucking normal device. Someone had the idea that a juice squeezer or a toaster should be online… for… what, exactly? Remove the online (or even better, remove the software), you completely remove the cost that you want impugn on the user with “subscriptions”.

This. With digital feudalism now crossing into the physical realm this way, it’d be nice to see people finally sharpening their guillotines.

Considering Presidents and CEOs exist, I don’t think they’d be bad. You might even get out on a golden parachute.

Is there an english equivalent?

Yes: “gratis”.

English is literally about mugging other languages in a backalley for words (and boning them for grammar). It’s the ISO standard procedure.

Then they have the right to not continue publishing their stuff. That doesn’t affect the rights of the persons who already got their copy alongside the associated rights to consume it. Depending on the licensing terms, it might not even affect their granted right to redistribute, if any.

Want to put some economic incentive to pirating? Make it a shared / solidarity pool. Or get in touch with a state / nation that has more active interest on digital sovereignty and preservation so that it can be set up as some sort of UBI.

cracking the games

to put some DRM on them

to sell them

Fam, half the point of pirating is getting harmful middlemans out of the way. If I wanted a game and it was available on the Cracked Store for, say, $10 plus $15 for the DRM unlock, I’d just go to 1337x or somesuch to get the normal pirated version.

I feel so silly that I wouldn’t even know how to describe it.

I know! I’ll pirate hundreds of books from well-known authors so that I can easily find a useful metaphor.

If Meta can pirate stuff, then the Internet Archive can pirate stuff and I can also pirate stuff. Fair is fair.

Where do you find such downloads? Most torrent sites I’ve seen barely give you anythng under 720p that is not 480p (or 144p 3gp for the lulz value, I guess?) these days.

Huh, didn’t know the 3DSXL could do 480p well, I always thought its limits were at about 360p (or 400p if such a profile existed). Can I ask how do you perform such encoding? Like, what encoder and options are you using. Oh and the battery usage. It’s for a book.

So that means, since I’m paying it whether I pirate or not, I might as well pirate, right?

Public funding, public access!

ATM I’m using Quad9 and OpenNIC but I’m not sure how much of everything do they cover. I’m also not well aware of any other good “flat DNS” alternative (aka: one you can put right into your /etc/resolv.conf / Windows LAN config, without need of extra internal service).

Never question the bravery of the French. They discovered snails are edible.

As for their intelligence on the other hand…

We need to use other methods than voting.

Funnily enough the French are from Europe and they put forth some handy tools!

As an extra layer of security, always run wine / proton as a separate user, for example via sudo, or even better via schroot, which won’t let the “Z:/” drive see your entire filesystem.

, you should take a helicopter view and see that a punch, will lead to counter punches, which will lead to potentially full blown civil war.

You got that wrong. Nazis are already being violent; punching a nazi is not starting violence, it’s a defensive measure, it’s a response to violence. But sure if your response to violence is “let’s sit with the nazis and make a nazi bar” then sure, you do you.

But once they are made aware, the legal system considers them to now bear responsibility if they don’t take action.

And the action Signal can take is pretty clear: “Okay thanks for reporting, feel free to file a lawsuit against Alice and or Bob instead, have a nice day.” Remember: even if Signal had Charlie’s credentials to view the chat, unless Charlie is an admin of the chat Signal can’t do anything other than log Charlie off the group. Plus each participant still has their own message store. So by this point Signal has complied with the law. It’s literally Section 230.

Which one is harder has zero relevance upon how much work Signal has to do to vet the contents transmitted on the channels, which is zero, nil, because they can’t. Even if it was Charlie who reported the channel, Signal intentionally has no practical means to verify neither the accused contents nor the authenticity of the report. And this is actually good.

Infrastructure-wise, Signal (mostly) limits itself to only being a carrier. In a just world, a carrier who has been set up to take the limited responsibility of a carrier is not liable for the contents of carried things that are protected so that the carrier can not peek into. Sure, they can be legally pressed to change that and “upgrade” their lawyer plan to “content vetter”, but as far as I know that hasn’t happened yet.

Maloyse absolutely can:

  • eavesdrop above Alice’s shoulder
  • be an evil, militarily dressed maid on Bob Alice’s home
  • have remote administrative permissions on Bob’s phone
  • (“accidentally”) get a full-workspace snapshot of Charlie’s desktop while he has the group open in Signal Desktop
  • Sneak around and check the phone while Alice and Donny are having sex
  • Hit Charlie with a $5 wrench

IANAL and all the other anals, but my understanding is Signal wouldn’t be liable and wouldn’t have to do anything. They designed their service so they can’t know the content of the messages, so if a third party Maloyse (see what I’m doing there?) is reporting a message between Alice and Bob that Maloyse thinks to be illegal, Signal would be within legal grounds to bring into question how did M got that message, and it can’t be used as proof against Signal because there is no legal mechanism by which Signal could have acquired that message and act upon it - in fact, Signal has grounds to suspect Maloyse is crafting those messages, since neither Alice nor Bob have reported such message.

This post is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. Feel free to contact me to negotiate for an alternative license.

The problem is, I use far more sites than Youtube, and the other filter lists are needed here. AFAIK I haven’t been able to find a switch on uBO that makes a site use only a specific set of filters, so if I want good internet experience it has to be the default filters and some more, or nothing.

Someone has to fight that fight, because it is about IA’s primary mission as well. And guess what? I don’t see you doing it.

Negotiability, or more precisely offer and acceptance, are achieved by the simple “take it or leave it”.

Maybe in the US, where that kind of this would honestly be expected. Here in more decent countries, Negotiability requires that both parties can exercise offer an acceptance to the contract. I consulted to our local digital ethics group about it and they are in accordance, at least to what pertains to my country.

Any contract is legally binding

Exactly. And a TOS is not a contract.

If you go to law definitions, contracts have a number of requirements to be such, of which to my knowledge a TOS fails two (Negotiability and Certainty).