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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 04, 2023


Yeah Douyin is pushing educational content and is very fast to censor harmful stuff. Still full of garbage and racism though, just the sanctioned kind against people the government doesn’t like.

If I were an exec at Google, I’d have already made a move to buy out a small country. Tuvalu, Nauru or something with a minuscule GDP. Then proclaim the Google Republic, move HQ functions over, and be free of taxes and outside influences forever.

And being their own country, they could even have a full fledged military…

I think the lite versions don’t allow scripted blocking, only static or something. So a whole lot of the adaptive blocks for persistent ads you encounter on facebook, instagram and other shitty socials that behave like viruses will be hard to impossible to kill.

I’m glad I never had to deal with that as I have never used Chrome on desktop, but I’m pretty sure there will be many folks out there who don’t know how to switch.

I live in Malaysia (previously China) and have been using HK and Singapore pretty much ever since, with no issues for ~6 years.

GDPR protects user data, not virtual data associated with an avatar you control. We might get there someday, but as of now, you’d only be able to request copies of stuff directly associated with yourself.

Nah I think that would be a bit too much. After all OP was able to use the software just fine up until now.

Escalate it to the EU consumer watchdog, they got some real teeth.


Assuming you bought the Italian version because you’re living in Italy.

Best case, you get your money back.

Any specific issue you have with Instander? It’s working perfectly fine for me. Only if people post to their story it takes a few minutes to show.

I watch movies and series once, and keep them on my hard drive until I’m running out of space, then delete from the oldest to newest. Music I’ll consume very regularly.

You absolutely can mix and match RAM sticks, as long as their specs are the same. It’s not necessarily recommended as there might be compatibility issues, but usually ends up working just fine.

Just sign up for their API and use chatboxai.app (free software), use the GPT4 API code, and you’ll use the model through an alternative front-end for pennies on the dollar.

I’m using it extensively and rarely spend more than 1,20 - 1,50 a month.

Excellent choice of music. Though I gotta say I even prefer their older albums when they sounded less refined. Same with Ensiferum, over time they just got a bit too polished for my taste.

I stopped bothering with sticks the moment you could get 1TB SSDs for less than 100 bucks. They are hardly larger than a stick at this point, and with USB-C 3.2 also pretty damn fast.

The thing is that gen.xyz is the registrar itself, i.e. the highest authority for this tld. If they blacklist domains, you’re screwed.

They are indeed the registrar. Would have expected more.

Is the game older, that no active links remain? In that case any up to date antivirus should find whichever malware might be embedded in the game easily.

You pay for traffic. There are some free versions out there, but they limit you to 10-25 GB or something. Might be an option for the 1% you can’t find on public trackers.

Right, but whatever I’m doing on there really isn’t.

As a matter of fact my current jurisdiction doesn’t even pursue copyright infringements, but I still don’t want to be linked to anything commonly seen as shady.

I’m mostly downloading fairly recently released stuff, so there’s no shortage of torrents on public trackers.

I also don’t want any payment details associated with anything not explicitly legal, so that’d be a further deterrent from Usenet. Sure, I could use crypto, but even that links me to a wallet that might someday be traced back to me, so I’ll pass.

Was iTunes popular outside of the US? Everyone I know hated they intrusive software and DRM that prevented you from playing the songs elsewhere. Don’t think I know a single person who actually purchased music there.

My server is called Mars, and the two clients I have are Phobos and Deimos (the moons of Mars). I though that’s a good fit.

Forget about Virus Total, most sophisticated viruses are no longer hidden in the main .exe but in some random .dll in some subfolder that’s being called at some point throughout the game. You’d have to upload every single file to be sure, and that really isn’t feasible in modern games.

Ah yeah, I’m in China so I need the stealth option, which doesn’t work with OpenVPN.

Many US based websites are no longer displaying content to Europeans, since they can’t legally harvest data. Youtube, Instagram and other websites/apps playing licensed content are also increasingly disregarding countries where licenses are expensive and/or revenue is low.

I’d really look into getting a good VPN. Mullvad ($5/month) is awesome, or else Proton in the free tier (can’t pick the server but get one assigned at random, might need to restart to get one in a useful location).

A server is an emotionless piece of hardware, regardless of where it stands. Geo-arbitration is just that, in my eyes.

Well they might, even if I you were Russian. But that’s what off-site backups are there for. It’s less likely for them to pull control than it is for a Western platform though, so still a win vs. Github.

What else would I care for? We’re talking about piracy, so I wouldn’t turn the choice of a server location into a human rights debate.

As long as you host the checksums elsewhere so that users can verify the repo hasn’t been tampered with, you can host files in China or Russia just fine.

Github probably didn’t receive a cease and desist yet, but I doubt they’ll put up a fight against Nintendo.

Open X-COM. Or well, maybe the regular X-COM, that should run just fine regularly.

Some books as epubs or whatever format is convenient, and a reader. Would have to research which one works on Windows 2000 or ME. Or was it XP already?

Nah, I disagree. They are running a large community in the middle of Europe, in plain view and being personally known, and as such, liable. Adhering to applicable laws and regulations is the sensible thing to do, plain and simple.

Takes away some of the anonymity though, even with domain registrar obfuscation etc., they’d probably disclose the owner to a request from whatever authority comes knocking. And if you’re based in a jurisdiction where piracy is explicitly forbidden, federating with db0 and effectively co-hosting links to prohibited content might open a whole other can of worms. And not everyone is technically competent enough to run and maintain an instance, even if the initial setup works out with one of the how-to’s.

And then they wonder that people resort to easily predictable patterns such as !1Qaz@2Wsx#3Edc and simply shift it one position to the right with every forced change and repeat at the end of the keyboard.

Just use calibre to change the format to rtf or even txt, and then back to mobi or epub, and poof.

Neither of those formats store any significant metadata, with rtf the original formatting gets preserved though.