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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Alright we’ll change it to “never really worked a day in his life” then. Better?

His business where both he and his partner dipped to politics as soon as possible. And was a paperboy, with one summer job in university. I’ve worked literal years more than he ever has.

*Edit: and working in political parties is not working, that’s politics.

"“uh… Have you heard about the evil of LGBTQ??” seems to be how that ends lately.

One of my favourite examples of this is still Rust. Sure, it’s not a perfect game, I don’t always like the updates, but do I feel like I got my money’s worth, from a purely online game I bought in 2013 and can still hop on with thousands of other people? I do.

If anyone is ever in Regina SK and you smoke, make sure to check out Omagakii. Super cool store, totally different experience to any other shops.

Yup, could’ve had a conversation about tech privacy from all angles, instead we got China Bad™ and nothing else. Also not a tiktok user.

I don’t think everyone buying a brand new vehicle would be a net win for the environment, especially with the kind of vehicles sold here(giant SUVs are still massive even when their EVs, take much more resources to both build and charge than small cars). I would also love to the math that shows something like my vehicle, a Fiat 500, contributes more pollution than a container ship. large container ship at,million diesel-burning cars.”

Why even comment if you didn’t read the article? Between this and the seasonal droughts, the local residents are having their water usage rationed while this factory is ignoring the town’s vote against its expansion.

I hate this fucking province, I hate my smug fuck of a premier, fuck this government.

Lmao, same Supreme Court that wants to leave everything else to the states. Funny how that one works.

Lmao, because it’s not paint bud. It’s straight steel.

You get you can treat damaged paint, right? Like have you ever buffed and polished a vehicle? Yes paint may get damaged, but there are things you can do to make it look good again. You simply cannot do this on the Cybertruck.

Lmaoooo, it’s the severity and how fast it happens people are shitting on.

How are they being ignorant? The Tesla is clearly built like Swiss cheese.

Interesting it’s just trucks that are the problem, and not SUVs as well. Just as large, hell some weigh more.

Heavily disagree, I drink the espresso there once in a while and it tastes like shit every time.

*When compared to independent shops.

I drink espresso (like just shoot a double shot back) and their stuff leaves a terrible aftertaste.

There was a rumor GM is making the LUV truck but electric. I’m not a bowtie person anymore but I would have a downpayment on one in a heartbeat.

I mean, I get it, but I also don’t think our federal broadcaster should have ever had to rely on ad dollars.

Fuck them for defunding CBC. They have too much value to lose to austerity.

It even speaks to the range dipping in winter, and that does put major strain on a battery. ICE vehicles are also a lot less reliable in Canada vs lots of the States.

All I do is game and stream, occasionally edit some photos and 32GB is the minimum for me now.

When I built my first computer a decade ago, I put 16gb of ram in lol.

Especially when what we’re talking about trans youth specifically, it seems odd to leave off the T.

Ah yes, you can see how well having less computers works by how hard Kia and Hyundai’s are to steal in the US.

Was gonna play this, now I will not be. Pay fucking humans

This bot is impressive for how well it can make any story read like nonsense.

I mean, COD is already straight up propaganda, I don’t think this fundamentally changes much.

You can’t just accuse other people of bad faith arguing when you won’t even back your own point up.

Oh come on, I shouldn’t have to eat an edible that doesn’t look like a pile of mush. People should be more responsible with storage and teach their kids better.