• 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jan 18, 2024


go ahead and pretend like i’m saying women are obligated to do something or not….
i’m not saying anything like that, but go ahead and argue with imaginary people

lol… nice try pretending like i’m arguing that

it’s possible to say a thing without being upset or angry about it…
but yep, classic troll tactics “you’re so angry!” “i insist that you’re angry” “if you’re not angry, how could you possibly be responding to anything!?!?”
you’re very, very boring.
you lost me a loooong time ago, petrol_sniff_king

“deep breath” “all this anger you’re feeling” “quabble”
“do you not agree that they should be free”.

lol, pure trolling… not bad technique but a little over the top… you should try to actually get me angry before trying to act like i’m inferior for having emotions and not being a psychopath like you….
but, you do you….

the post i’m replying to says “ no __ with men”… 4 times… it’s silly to pretend that means only bad men….

there’s no nuance in that list….

blanket blaming MEN for everything is just as stupid as men acting like “all women are ___”.

i thought the whole trans and non-binary thing would’ve taught people that’s it’s not a genetic problem with men, but a cultural problem with toxic masculinity….

btw, women voted…. they could’ve all voted for feminist issues and anti-gop but they didn’t…. men AND women fucked this up for women AND men… we’re aaaaaaalllll fucked because of this stupid republicult, not because of a chromosome…

but, go ahead and waste your time with stupid projects, women love doing that!
(not all women, obviously… you understand nuance!)

but go off.

oh look, zero chance that you’re actually trying to have a conversation… yaaay internet.

Not every woman will participate in the strike.

almost none will, but if they did, it’s not going to be republican women….

so, because punishing all women is bad, it’s a good idea to punish all men?
here’s an alternative: don’t fuck republicans… they’re the ones trying to control women.

i’ve been obsessively commenting on reddit for years… i’ll live on forever

i want them trained on me so that our future robot overlords will respect me… maybe create some simulacrum of my consciousness to live on forever

i would guess near night clubs and the like… they’re more likely to use them, and drunk people are more likely to toss them willy nilly…

pretty sure that’s illegal and they can sue for the maternity leave pay as well as discrimination….
lots of corps(e) don’t want to employ mothers of young children, as there’s lots of legally excused absences and they can’t press them for as much overtime….

i mean sure, they said it first… but i made it cool

you may… but you should know it’s a south park episode where that’s in the iOS terms of service….

i highly recommend you watch it

edit: sorry, Human CentiPad

well aside from it taking up a lot of space and making a lot of noise, there’s a water and gas line hookup that probably requires permission….
but they do make really small ones that can only do a couple garments at a time.
usually marketed for long haul truck drivers….

give me an app that doesn’t touch any other part of my phone and doesn’t require signing some 300 pages of terms of service where i agree to be a human centipede… then maybe

i remember the good old days, when you had to use scissors to physically cut a head out of a photo, and then glue it to your porno mag

i like how flesh simulator’s stories are all well cited though….
most conspiracy concerned people just say random stuff and never back it up….

they look like they could be related….
but it would be a fun fake conspiracy theory to start….

thanks… it’s my favorite bitwise operator….

lies the video game companies want you to believe…
much less incentive to cheat on smaller independent servers, and they’ll still ban you…

maybe they accidentally discovered a new construction technique…
just flood an area, float in some houseboats, drain it, and now you have a bunch of houses in place!
i’m sure nothing could go wrong…

carding is ripping off random people… including other people who are struggling and have families that need help…
please don’t be a piece of shit

just sell weed or something that doesn’t hurt innocent random people

carding is slang for credit card fraud…
aka robbing your grandma’s bank account via a skimmer at a gas station pump and all that bullshit

this fucking guy… i hope they give him criminal charges after this…

and the current banking system is environmentally friendly?
once again you know nothing and speak from ignorance