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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: May 31, 2023


What reputable VPNs these days offer port forwarding? That’s a big part of what keeps me on a seedbox.

Work Time Fun is a sort of strung-out Wario Ware that I really enjoyed back in the day. If you like minigames, trinkets, and grinding, then check it out.

What’s being discussed here is the hiring of engineers rather than consumer choices. Hiring an engineer is absolutely an expression of trust. The business trusts that the engineer will be able to concretely realize abstract business goals, and that they will be able to troubleshoot any deviations.

AI writing code is one thing, but intuitively trusting that an AI will figure out what you want for you and keep things running is a long way off.

The thing with Ruby clusterfucks is you have to go looking for them. Languages with implicit type coercion and loose comparison like PHP and JS have clusterfucks lying in wait for you and it takes concerted effort to avoid them.

What do you mean regarding weird typing?

Ruby gives you all kinds of tools to make clusterfucks, but it’s not hard to keep your hands out of the metaprogramming cookie jar.

But with careful application even fucky features can be put to good use. Like monkey-patching a problematic method to only throw an exception rather than allow accidental misuse. With a nice verbose error message and good testing practices there’s almost no risk.

I feel like part of the impetus for the name change, and perhaps the extreme hype to some extent, came from trying to distance themselves from the Cambridge Analytica scandal.

Yes, but keep reading. That strategy is a pain to maintain especially across editors.

Then you lose the benefit of tabs: you can’t adjust the tab width without destroying alignment. So you end up with a confusing mix of characters for no benefit.

Mixing them is the worst option.

You’re absolutely right, not sure where I thought I had read that.

Edit: It’s actually a bit less clear cut when you consider new vs old style classes, which took the Python 3 discontinuity to resolve. But still, it was wrong to imply that Python didn’t originally support OOP.

Have you heard the good news about our lord and savior Ruby?

Me too! Even just the fact that only false and nil are falsey is enough for me to prefer Ruby. Being able to use ||= as an idiomatic one-time initializer is rad. Python’s OOP bothers me in a lot of ways compared to Ruby as well. And don’t get me started on Ruby’s blocks. . .

They did as a side product, but that’s not at all the same thing as dropping the concept entirely.

Terraform is great automation, but it really shines over scripts in a few ways:

  • intrinsic documentation for your infrastructure
  • much less brittle to differences in the initial state
  • changing your setup later doesn’t require any new script logic, just a simple config change
  • much better support for collaborative editing

What’s a favorite example of a game you love in spite of genuinely painful sharp edges?