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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Maybe he shoulda just stuck with the bird, or thought of a name that is even a tad more creative. I’m pretty sure a hamster or a piece of paper could do a better job at managing Twitter than Muskrat is right now.

It seems to me that recently, Big Tech CEOs have been searching for interesting and creative ways to utterly destroy their company with no chance to rebuild it. Maybe he is trying to do that? At this point, it seems to me like Elon is doing his best diligence to set money on fire and run Twitter into the ground.

Yattee seems to be the best option, but it seems to be an app where your mileage may vary due to it being a beta.

If I remember right there’s an app named Yattee for iOS devices, but I don’t know how to install it. Maybe that could work?

That too! I just don’t use it myself because I find NewPipe works well enough for me. However, I should still try it out eventually to see if I’m missing anything big.

I’d always use a VPN, you never know what could happen in the future. Better be safe than sorry!

Don’t forget NewPipe for Android, Yattee for Apple devices, SmartTube for most Android TV boxes, Playlet for Roku, and Invidious for PC (if you don’t like Piped).

The only (usable) platform I can think of without a ad-free YouTube client is maybe webOS for LG TVs.

(some of these clients are also missing some features because they are new, but they should all be better for watching than the official app)

ViMusic and InnerTune are both available on F-Droid, and are both YouTube Music clients (with reccomendations!). ViMusic is more established, but InnerTune seems to be more up-to-date.

It seems apps like SpotiFlyer and Spotube both use the Spotify discovery API but actually get the music from YT Music (which is already easy to download using yt-dlp, NewPipe, or another app of your choice). Kinda sad that I can’t find a way to pirate music off of Spotify yet, but YT Music is pretty good for my purposes.

I love ViMusic, it’s helped me find a lot of music over thr time I’ve used it. Its reccomendations are quite good, and I can just donate to the artist if I like the music instead of trusting my streaming service to underpay them.

I do too, but I still listen to stuff on ViMusic because it makes reccomendations based on what you listen to, and I think they’re better than normal YouTube reccomendations. If I find a song I like, then I just download it and listen to it.

If a game I want to purchase has Denuvo, I just move on. It shows me that the game publisher doesn’t care as much about their users as they do their own profit. Plus, I also could just play another game that I already have.

Because of their enshittification to chase pandemic profits, it’s just so much better to pirate now.

Yeah, that would be nice. However, NewPipe is currently being rewritten because the code became too bad to maintain, so we’ll just have to wait to add in new features.

A couple days ago I found a service called Farside, apparently you can replace youtube.com with farside.link/piped to redirect to a random smaller Piped instance. It works pretty well for me, although sometimes I just use il.ax because I’m just lazy and don’t want to type that much.

However, YouTube rate limits big Piped instances, so it’s better to use NewPipe or a small instance.

I’d just use an alternate frontend like NewPipe or Invidious to block the ads, even if you can’t comment or like videos.

Plus, Newpipe and the likes have been doing pretty well at getting around YouTube ads so far, it’s just the main YouTube website that has been more problematic.

Piped (and similar projects like NewPipe, Invidious, and FreeTube) scrape YouTube instead of using an API; so just like Nitter, they won’t be affected by a paid API.

Yep, Piped uses the NewPipeExtractor to load videos, just like NewPipe. However, Piped runs it server side, and NewPipe runs it client side. YouTube likes to rate limit the big instances too, so all you have to do is use a smaller one like il.ax or piped.adminforge.de.

It should be, because it is on the FMHY megathread, and it’s fairly reputable.

Edit: I didn’t real the question fully, but I presume that it should be safe if you are cautious as normal. Of course you will be exposed to malware, but it probably will require you to download it before it works.

I agree, there are some insane FOSS apps and programs like NewPipe (kinda uses proprietary but eh, there’s no real replacement for YouTube) that I would always prefer over a pirated version of another, better known app.

FOSS over piracy for sure. While the UI and/or functionality is not often as good as the proprietary option with FOSS apps, I feel a lot more comfortable using them because they are free and you can see what’s going on with them better.

If they sold the old games still piracy rates would probably go down and they would get more money, so it would be pretty much a win-win for Nintendo. Or am I missing something?

Some days I think “People can’t possibly be that dumb, right?” and them I’m let down every time, 'cause they are.

Seems to apply to everything involving people.

Exactly. I don’t pirate too much, I’m happy just playing my favorite video games (paid for because they are good) and talking in chat rooms, but if I wanted to play a Nintendo Game with friends I would 100% pirate it; it’s ethical in this case and I have really no other way to do it.

For example, the NewPipe community on lemmy.ml is tiny and pretty much dead, whereas the Reddit one was much more active. Communities like that which have reopened might make people want to stay on Reddit, unfortunately.

The son is the only one of them I really feel bad for to be honest, he didn’t deserve that.

Are they going to add ads to the task manager or something next? At this poinr I feel more and more compelled to keep using Fedora.

I guess they did not think it through then, that may be one of the most dangerously dumb statements I’ve heard.

Apparently the pilot’s seat was on the toilet too. Like, what? How did nobody object to that?

At least they didnt screw anything much into the hull itself (I hope…)

“If we make the sub less safe that will be better” -Rush Stockton (paraphrased)

my brother in christ safety IS advancement. the safer the sub the deeper it can go (kinda), which could allow room to introduce other things into the sub like a fancier cabin.

I’m beginning to suspect this Stockton man had a case of amooth brain…

I hear more and more about this every day, about some design flaw. Didn’t they think it through? I may be dumb but even I would nope out if the sub was unable to complete any of its test runs successfully.

Yeah, I removed Windows on my laptop a couple years back, and I still run into issues running some video games (darn you Nvidia!). However, usability has been increasing recently, and because I like the UI of my distro I really look forward to the day I can do everything I would want to on Linux.

A Linux distribution, much like Ubuntu and Arch

It is one of the more user friendly distros and (somewhat unlike other user friendly distros like Linux Mint) is pretty quick at updating packages (including the kernel).

NewPipe is great for mobile. It has a good user experience even for streaming videos; the download is also super easy to use. One of my favorite apps on my phone for sure.