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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 07, 2023


Remote control over your phone or using a Xbox controller like if it were a console. Back in the day I had an htpc remote but ability to control apps is inconsistent.

For me nothing is more simple then a PC interface. I hate having to scroll using a TV remote it takes so long to do anything and it’s quite limiting in other ways.

Stremio/Plex with a Microsoft keyboard that has a touchpad built in. It’s big but you can get small ones off Amazon for $20

Same. Seems like overkill when you can see what it can do. But also at that price you can velcro it to the back of your tv and it can literally do anything so have at. I don’t see a lot of better options. I use full computers personally.

N100 mini PC imo. $150 does everything.

I dunno how regular arrests and shutdowns is shaking the sabre. It’s straight up using it.

Where’s the fear mongering?

These shutdowns and arrests occur regularly.

The 40 warnings here were to resellers, not viewers. Although they have warned users of services in previous busts.

the way he holds that iron too

It’s no mistake that the NES/SNES were held onto for a long time. Literally some of the most popular consoles ever…much like the switch.

Switch lite and OLED version to extend it’s life and people ate that up. New buyers buying for the first time, old buyers re-buying the same console basically. Big Brain stuff.

Are you gatekeeping gatekeeping now?

I thankfully have never had the misfortune of cgnat

Yeah dropping Nat is the biggest net benefit I agree but I think the avg person won’t really find that much value in it when Nat works ok

Your prefix can change yes but the recommendation is that it shouldn’t in practice. You’ll find ISPs doing it right will extend your PD lease infinitely unless you release it for a long enough period of time. Similar to ipv4.

The privacy is similar to ipv4 also. All your traffic on ipv4 looks like it’s coming from your WAN IP… Your PD is in this sense equivalent (though not literally equivalent for all the pedants reading) to your WAN IP.

It’s honestly super simple to set up. Outside of your ISP config it’s almost all autoconfig. 100% of the complication (at least for me) comes from knowing ipv4 first for 20 years and then trying to incorrectly map those concepts to V6.

As soon as I “let go” it was fine.

There’s not a huge net benefit you’re right. I mostly wanted to learn and I hope to be at the front edge of disabling ipv4 in the near distant future.

I agree with this but I would say the prefix is the only thing you should focus on.

It’s important that ISPs don’t regularly rotate your PD and it’s part of the rfc recommendations that they don’t. And the remainder of the prefix is your vlan space that is as important for VLAN routing as always.

Ipv6 requires fundamental rethinking about how addressing is done. If you’re trying to apply v4 concepts to V6 you likely end up running into something they intentionally designed out.

A unique local address is an address space where you could do that. It’s the equivalent to RFC1918 eg. 172/192/10. So you could statically assign fd0::x, and that is expected, but not required generally.

I wouldn’t give each device a static unique global address unless they need to be accessed via wan without domain consistently. You lose device privacy really quickly that way because every device gets a unique globally routable address. It’s fine for internet facing services but most Linux, Windows, and mobile implementations are using ipv6 privacy extensions by default to ensure you get a random GUA every day.

My network is dual stack and I connect mostly over ipv6 to all my internal clients using internal DNS. If my internal DNS is ever down I can fall back to ipv4 or it’s basically the one box on my network with an easy to remember ULA.

A blog of another website’s report on what reddit users wrote.


Or don’t buy it and don’t pirate it either. Fuck em. This shit isn’t even worth pirating.

It’s one of those things where paying in advance is not a good idea because of how sketch it can be. And you should not use identifiable information when creating an account or paying. E.g. a good provider only accepts crypto.

The only wholesaler I’m currently aware of has been operating for 5+ years the length I’ve been aware of their existence. So there’s definitely trustworthy providers out there. I have no idea how to research good providers since IPTV talk gets shut down every where.

It’s a chain of providers.

Generally speaking, you have your wholesaler who sells to individuals or to other iptv resellers (eg. bulk discount of monthly subs).

A wholesaler will generally pay monthly to other source stream providers from a variety of sources to create a full catalogue of channels to provide to individuals and resellers. The wholesaler usually does the EPG management also - basically sources EPG from a variety of data sources.

So UK channels might come from one source, Canadian channels from other, some channels are on this cable provider, others on another - could be different sources. These sources are people who buy cable/satelite set top boxes and subscriptions to then stream them to the wholesalers.

A source might sell to 100+ wholesalers, and then those wholesalers will have 1000+ of subscribers each.

Generally, don’t subscribe with a re-seller…it’s your best chance that you’ll have to find a new subscription. You’ll get the best support at wholesale and they hang around longer, although being bigger makes them targets for raids or even to close up shop and take all future subscription money.

In english a double negative is a positive, and is syntactically incorrect.

If you guys think that’s cool you should see what I can do with a double negative.

Gee Cyn, why didn’t you start years ago then

Not trying to prove you or anyone else wrong… that’s a really odd and unnecessarily defensive take.

It’s just a discussion.

It’s not really about eating the costs of doing business. A restaurant doesn’t charge you $1 at the end of your bill for washing your fork, it’s just part of the cost of serving the dish and so your Salmon Rice dish is $18 not $17.

The point is that the listed prices for services should either have these fees be built right into the price…as pretty much all businesses do…or if you’re going to put it at the end of the bill then it needs to be clearly defined per FCC.

It’s a transparency problem. Not only is your $60 cell phone bill not actually $60 but then they also don’t tell you about the additional fees very well when they tack them on at the end. It’s gotta be one or the other, not neither.

By work they mean things like small measurements related to tooling eg what size is the socket

It’s a joke that Google calls this drivel news anyway. Good riddance.

What? We have other internet exchanges and who cares who owns the building? The exchange is not owned by the building owner.