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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


Libby is the service my library uses. The state capital gives everyone a free library card also, so I get access to a much wider library than i would otherwise. Bullshit the restrictions publishers require, like forcing the library to buy a license for each “copy” of a book it loans, but libraries are still fighting the good fight more than anywhere else I know.

I laugh at this every time I see it, but I also like to point out that Rage was, in fact, extremely explicit about what machine they were raging against.

Because it fits nearly every single clause in the UN convention on genocide? Because Israeli officials have admitted on national tv they intend to create “a second nakba”? Because they’re using dehumanizing language to describe Palestinians? Because they’ve admitted their goal is to take over Gaza? Because they’re violently attacking hundreds of people in the West Bank, where Hamas has no presence? Because it is by definition a genocide, and apologia like yours does nothing but try to push people into genocide denial.

In most cases you can, usually it’s a bit more convoluted, like inserting your disk then upgrading through the in-game pop up, or through the dlc menu while the disk is installed.

Ah, so he’s not the god king, just the representative of the god king in absentia, thanks for clarifying that for me. Doesn’t change that I don’t respect anyone who represents or is integrated into a caste-based ethnostate, but it’s good information nonetheless.

The god king of a ethnostate with enshrined caste system and slavery? I don’t really care what he thinks.

Jesus this is a terrible article, wtf is this supposed to mean?

The 1995 Disney 16-bit platform game Gargoyles is something that I vividly recall. Realizing my age next to a true gargoyle, I can firmly state that I don’t.

I bet you’re right.

Yeah, that’s why Japan is saying they’ll support the fishermen even if it’s takes decades to recover from this, right? I mean, it could be. If they expect nothing to happen, then that’s the cheapest method of taking care of them…

Oh man, I don’t know how I forgot that visceral image. Though I kinda wish I’d kept my mouth closed and never remembered lmao. Thank you!

It’s been years since I played it, and it was only one time since it’s basically a demo, what happens at the end of MGS Ground Zeroes?

These aren’t protests by the masses, these are “protests” by investors upset that China is de-risking the real estate market exactly to prevent a Lehman style crash. They stopped publishing youth unemployment because it was useless data, the job of the youth is to become educated, not to work in the economy. Having a low youth unemployment means your youth are either not getting educated, or are being forced to work during their education.

No, taking something without paying is theft. Piracy has many definitions, but none of them that simple.

-Robbery or other serious acts of violence committed at sea.
-The hijacking of an airplane.
-Copyright or patent infringement.
-The illegal interception or use of radio or television signals.
-An instance of piracy.
-In geology, that process whereby, because of a higher natural gradient, and therefore more efficient eroding power, one stream cuts back a divide and taps off the head-waters or a tributary of another stream. The captured stream usually turns a sharp angle into its new course and leaves a wind-gap where it formerly flowed. Also called stream-piracy.
-Robbery upon the sea; robbery by pirates; the practice of robbing on the high seas.
-Literary theft; any unauthorized appropriation of the mental or artistic conceptions or productions of another; specifically, an infringement of the law of copyright.

If I DuckDuckGo something and a video pops up and I watch it, I made no affirmative assent to giving them any data. Even if I go to YouTube.com, I made no agreement. Only if I make an account do I make any sort of contractual agreement with Google. If they only want to show their videos to those who agree to their policies, that’s their perogative. That they haven’t done so suggests that they know and allow people who haven’t done so to watch anyway.

When I use AetherSX2 on my Retroid Flip, games take longer to load than in PCSX2 on my gaming pc. I’d hate to see what the loading times are on my Retroid if they’re that long on your PC!

I haven’t ever tried out the network functions of emulators, except ZSNES back in the early 00s, and my internet wasn’t good enough then. Other than the loading, how was the performance over network? Was latency acceptable?

Crank the difficulty and play as a samurai instead of a ninja. Just straight rush every enemy you see. You’ll still probably have problems trying to complete all the assorted landmarks on the map, but the combat is way more fun when you and everyone around you die in 1-2 hits and you’re constantly swapping stances to stay alive.

Honestly, I wouldn’t do a replay, if I were you. I would just get the expansion pack and play that. If you’re really itching for a replay, you can do New Game Plus and at least earn New cosmetics instead of unlocking the same ones again.

Do you play on original hardware and justtunnel into a private MP? I really want to play that game again, it was such a great time as a kid.


This is a video he posted, and still has up to this day, as you can see, where he dressed as a dentist and talks about removing immigrants as if they were dental cavities.

Here’s how I see it: It’s a crime that he’s locked up, the Russian state is a criminal organization through and through, but calling for the extermination of immigrants is not something that normal people do.

Now to be fair, he hasn’t made any new comments in years, but neither does he respond to requests to take down the video of recant his statements contained within it. It’s a complex situation, but I don’t think he is a good person to rally behind as an alternative to Putin. Ultra-nationalism isn’t a good look on anyone.

I’m sure it really is a sham trial, russias judiciary doesn’t have a good track record, but I’m not about to shed any tears for Navalny, dude is a bigot.

The Last of Us 2 is the only game to make me cry every single time I play it, ever. It also is so emotionally painful that I genuinely get minor depression after I do my yearly playthrough for at least a few days. I honestly don’t think there’s a game out with nearly as much of an emotional impact on me as that game.

Straight Newspeak. You know what war deterrent is? Peace measures. Where are the brokered discussions between China/Taiwan trying to resolve the situation peacefully and in finality? Why not host both Chinese and Taiwanese dignitaries in a third country and attempt to negotiate some sort of end to this 3/4 century long game of chicken? People give the Swiss shit for their neutrality, but that’s exactly how peace happens.

Now, don’t take that by neutrality I mean to say that one should let one party overpower the other, but conversely, if we truly are the big world police, we should use our influence to extract concessions from the more powerful party to ensure fair dealings.

This is a complex geopolitical situation, not some black and white matter like so many contend.

Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. The cost of one modern heavy bomber is this: a modern brick school in more than 30 cities. It is two electric power plants, each serving a town of 60,000 population. It is two fine, fully equipped hospitals. It is some fifty miles of concrete pavement. We pay for a single fighter with a half-million bushels of wheat. We pay for a single destroyer with new homes that could have housed more than 8,000 people. . . > This is not a way of life at all, in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron.

  • US President Dwight D. Eisenhower.

The DS4 was too small for my hands, I always felt slightly cramped on it, even worse on the DS3, so the extra girth of the 5 helps me feel more comfortable. I Can see why it’s not universally loved though, for sure. It’s an odd controller overall, but it works well for me.m, especially the Edge.

I feel that. I play retro games on my SBCs, so that feature is less important to me on a console style controller.

We’re quite a ways away from emulating the PS4 library, sadly.

The Series X controller is a seriously nice piece of hardware. It feels solid and responsive in the hand, and as a bonus, it has really nice remappable back paddle kits from ExtremeRate available. I’m not a fan of their PS5 paddle solution, but they did a good job on the Xbox Series. I recommend at least picking up a series controller at some point, they’re great.

I have both also. The Series X is the more powerful machine, no doubt about it. I prefer the DualSense for everything but FPS games, though. I much prefer Sony’s exclusive lineup, and having ps4 games work makes it even better, because I much preferred Sony’s exclusives in that generation too. Overall I end up playing the PS5 far more often than my Xbox. Microsoft’s backwards compatibility is so great though. I love being able to pop in original Xbox games I have laying around and playing them in 4k. That alone was enough reason for me to pick it up.

The most dangerous people aren’t the rich, they’re the moderates who would rather continue the status quo than risk any sort of uncomfortable truths. You are not going to be able to live the standard of living you have now for the rest of your life. The moderate can either choose to catch on and willingly sacrifice some comfort now for the good of everyone, or everyone can suffer significantly more later.

The rich will always try to use their influence to exploit and extract. As long as there are Ways to become rich, there will be people who are incentivized to be bad people. That is unavoidable.

The real problem is that billions of people have collectively surrendered all of their sovereignty to these few individuals. The many who accept the status quo are class and species traitors, hell, planetary traitors, choosing Their own small comforts over the life of the entire planetary ecosystem, and actively fighting against those who aren’t cowards as they are.

I play a lot of old point and click games, and many of them are much easier with a solid note taking practice integrated into my play.

Yes indeed. I haven’t played it much lately, but I haven’t played much at all lately.

Quit making mediocre live service games for niches, and you’ll quit having to shut their servers down.

I had the original, Escape from Butcher Bay on Xbox when it came out, but lost it to time. When the PS3 version came out, I bought it immediately. I also just recently picked up an unopened copy of the PC version of the game. Such a great game, but I shouldn’t have to cruise eBay to buy a game that’s not even 2 decades old.

This is the inevitable conclusion to free-market based economies. The market will pick winners, and those winners will then have a capital advantage over all new entrants, allowing them to outcompete anyone they want, and to use their size to control the market at large. It’s literally built into the system. The attempts at reform we try are rolled back eventually, and we end up in the same place again. Ma Bell broke up, and for a while we had competition across the industry and innovation. Eventually, market leaders were picked, and we end up where we are now, with few options, and little difference between the ones we have.

There are, but they exist outside the market. Any company is going to want a return on its investment, and many people have even been trained to see themselves as “a business” and so operate transactionally in their personal lives, but many people don’t also. There are many people who do and give away many things with no expectation of return.