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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 16, 2023


… in north America.

My experience in Europe where the EV infrastructure is more developed, long trip are not an issue. I don’t even plan my trip, I just go and charge when I need it.

It releases on my birthday !

I don’t think I have a choice then, I’ll have to get it on day one.

Is it really a drop in the bucket b when we take the value per vehicle ?

If we compare Ford to BYD for example.

In 2023 Ford sold around 2 millions cars and BYD around 3 millions.

For Ford only 72 608 cars out of these 2 millions were EV (3.6%) For BYD it’s was almost 1.6 million EV (53.3%)

In 2023 Ford got $9.2 billions from the US government to produce EV, so around $126 000 per EV sold in 2023.

$126 000*1 600 000 = $2 trillions ! So unless BYD received more than $2 trillions dollars from the Chinese government in 2023 it means that each EV sold by Ford is more subsidized than an EV sold by BYD.

This is not an analysis, I took huge shortcuts in this comment and might have done mistakes in the calculations.

The argument of China subsidizing EV is always coming back but I would be curious to know the comparison with the US.

The US are subsidizing EV too I would not be surprised if the amount of subsidy per EV produced is much higher for US manufacturers than China.

This is economic 101 bit most political leaders don’t want to see it.


There is all the backup of all my family pictures in the drives.

If something happens to me I want to make due that they will have access to it.

I was doing some blacksmithing in high school, mostly knifes.

When reaching 800°C steel is not magnetic anymore, it’s also a good temperature to start forging the steel. So I needed a atrong magnet to know when the steel was hot enough, I used what I have available: a hard drive magnet.

It felt quite “mad-maxy” to disassemble a broken hard drive to use it as a tool to forge knifes

Tailscale is amazing, I work with a small company and we were battling with our IT contractor to have a VPN running for remote work.

After a while of things not working as it should I just set up tailscaled because I was using it with my home server and it just works.

We are now on a paid plan and everyone else is using it when working remotely.

I have the same setting because some tracker only let you connect with one IP address. So I have Prowlarr and Transmission both connected via gluetun.

I’m probably not the beat person to answer to you about the technical aspect and I’m not sure if I fully understand your question.

However I can tell you that there is no need to change anything at network level for tailscale to work.

I’ve installed and used tailscale on desktops, VM, raspberry, NAS or smartphone on plenty of different network, I’ve also remotely guided people to install tailscale on their machine at home and it always just worked. No issue at all and nothing to change on the network for it to work.

What I enjoy with tailscale is that the traffic goes directly from the host to the client.

Since there is no cloud relay I can connect to all my services via tailscale, even on local network and it’s not going to impact the speed.

This way I only have one setup that works the same way on local network or remotely but still have the local network speed when I am at home.

It works amazingly well for me, I install fog games with proton and it just works.

I tried with lutris and bottles but I was always having issues.

I spent sooo much time on the demo as a kid.

My grandmother had a computer with the demo on it with only one basic map, I’ve played this same map over and over each time we went to her place.

Then later in life I’ve discovered the full version !

Not really programming but I once had an issue that lasted for months like that: I’m working with a software specific to our industry that generate quotes, sales order and production orders.

For quotes and sales order a PDF can be created and archived in the right folder automatically, or you can use the windows “Print to pdf” printer to do that manually which take closes to a minute for the sales person to create the right folder, with the right name and put the PDF in there with the order number.

The automatic PDF creation fail to include our logo each time and I battled for months with the software company that was telling me that everything is working fine.

Until I looked in the metadata of the PDF the company was sending us, few of the PDFs they were sending is did not have any logo and were created by their software, some had their logo and were created with an external PDF printer.

After I realized they had the same problem internally but were lying about it I just took a day to create a python script running as a service on the server that automatically add the logo on the PDF created and that was it.

For remote access I would recommend using Tailscale or the self-hosted equivalent Headscale.

It’s extremely easy to set up and much more secure than opening ports.

Here is the instructions to install and setup Tailscale https://tailscale.com/download/

Bitwarden for me. My password manager is not just for me, it’s also a crucial component of my family life so if something happened to me I want my next of kin to be able to access it

For that it needs to be an easy to access solution.

I feel like your comment made a better job at selling the project than the whole post.

I read the post and I was thinking meh, bit after reading your comment I’m ready to install it to see if it can replace searXNG

I just it with protonVPN on Linux with no issue.

I don’t know about exit node on Tailscale because I don’t use it but the rest is working absolutely fine.

I’m using it for work.

At first it was just me, I needed a remote access and I was not a big fan of using the chrome remote desktop that was the “solution” by their IT technician.

So I’ve setup tailscale and used it to access the shared folders and Remote Desktop.

After that, with my boss approval, I’ve set it up for several others person in the company and external consultant. Honestly it’s great, it just work, it’s secure and it is so easy to set up. With just few WhatsApp messages I can give instructions to have the remote desktop running, even to people not especially comfortable with computers.

Shower are only important for people that stink.

ainsi mieux protéger nos enfants

This is to protect our children of course.

As usual, so anyone who is against this law can be depicted as someone who is supporting pedopornography.

Bitwarden has an option called emergency contact.

The emergency contact can request access to see all the saved passwords. If I don’t deny the request then the request is automatically approved after X days.

I feel like this would cover most of the issues in the article.

Terrorist can be a very broad term. In France the government is using anti terrorism laws against ecologist organisation.

They also incarcerated people from another organisation 3 years ago using the same antiterrorism law, they haven’t found anything against them so now they are accusing them of using signal for their communication and encryption on their phone and laptop.