Gets carried away in overly rambly rants about unimportant bullshit, uses fancy words without understanding their meaning, has a complete lack of self awareness.
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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


when you get a god run with a good synergetic build this game is insanely satisfying

I am currently one of the scrubs you beat in Tekken 8 on your way to the red ranks

The tradeoff kinda made sense at the dawn of streaming, when the transaction was basically trading quality for better pricing and convenience.

Nowadays? Yeaaaaah I don’t know about that chief

Crazy to think that we lost all the advantages that streaming offered, kept all the disadvantages, piled on a few more disadvantages on top of that, and people went “sure that makes sense 24 bucks a month worth it bro”

waaaay out of the timeframe you have specified (it is a 2020 game that is still actively updated) but still with the same vibes, I’d check out Easy Red 2, as it scratches that specific itch of a WW2 shooter with scale. It is maybe too open at times for my taste but it is one of the very few modern games covering that niche. It does have optional squad management gameplay elements but you can ignore those in favor of playing a simple soldier, and the AI will do those jobs for you.

It sure is fascinating how surges in the usage of pirate platforms tend to coincide with eras of worsening value proposition in entertainment. We should really get some top notch analysts on this to get an explanation.

This sounds like something that would be played on The Genius, I’m all for it

Hm yeah you are right, I shouldn’t deride the public for hoping this time it would be different. That was too harsh on my part.

The fact that this is even news at all confirms, yet again, that the memory of the general audience of the videogame industry only goes back to the last 6 to 8 months, if that.

Until I get my Legend Of Dragoon remake, there aren’t too many, no. After that ya’ll can do what you want

Damn, this is an intriguing time. While in the back of my mind I had assumed this was a likely possibility, the idea that ARM could replace X86 in PC is still hard to accept for me. Can’t wait to see how it changes the landscape of CPUs on PC.

If this is true… Oof…
Like, imagine losing your job because somebody decided to drop over 70 milion in something like this… I bet everybody affected would have predicted that this needed to be canned way earlier. Yet the people responsible for this unforced error will be largely unaffected because since business is accepted to be a gamble at times, I guess that means you get to make stupid mistakes that ruin hundreds of livelihoods for no reason and just go oops, my bad, we’ll have to do a tactical restructuring I guess.
Seriously, the first trailer was unanimously received with “another one of these games?” reactions. There is no excuse for any dollar spent after that! Anybody could have told you it was a miss! Aaaarrrgh.

Also much less important but still frustrating, knowing that so many properties under SEGA have struggled to get a budget and support, while they were spending all of the money in a fire pit instead. Now that it’s been cancelled, we can say ANYTHING would have been a better use of that money. Don’t ever let SEGA tell you that anything would be a bad project ever again! Oh, SEGA, you still think a localized port to modern platforms of Valkyria Chronicles 3 would be a bad project? Well let me tell you, it sure as hell wouldn’t have lost DOZENS OF MILLIONS.

And in that line, nothing hurts more for me personally than knowing all of the issues that the Total War franchise has had, with products that didn’t get the development time they needed, additional content policies that went way overboard with pricing, very small degree of evolution and investment between entries… And the money that could have gone to that consistently performing franchise that has no true substitute competitors was instead going to… To burn it in a pit with funny colors and masks and dances and…

Man, I just cannot. Man.

A 100%, some of the things that you hear from the industry are crazy. If you offered me twice my current salary to be a developer in the AAA videogame industry, I wouldn’t take it.

I think a handful apply for me, but the biggest case is probably WoW Classic. It felt like a can’t miss, lightning in a bottle kind of moment, so I absolutely had to be there. I’m glad I did, as it reminded me both why I love the game so much, as well as why I don’t play it anymore.

I have to agree with this, for certain games limiting the saves is the correct answer honestly.

Something like the Fear and Hunger series wouldn’t work as well with unlimited saves anywhere because a large part of the appeal is to have to struggle and power through horrible conditions, that would be lost if you could reload every time one of your pals got their arm cut off in a fight and stuff like that

That’s a decently long list lol, Medieval 2, Rome 1, Rome 2, Attila, Napoleon, Shogun 2 sorta… (I don’t dislike the ones not listed, I just vibe less with them)

If you count mods and expansions, the list gets much larger, Medieval 2 Kingdoms, Empire Divided, Age of Charlemagne, The Great War, Divide Et Impera, 1212, 1100, The Third Age… And there are even more that have piqued my interest but haven’t had a chance to play.

Aaaah it’s such a rich series!

For me, it’s any of the Total War games I like, or Battlefield 1, or Left 4 Dead 2, or any From Soulslike.

I like to call them evergreen games, because I’m a total snob. The kinds of games that you can always go back to no matter how long it’s been, that you always know how to play by instinct at this point, that always entertain, feel weirdly comfy and make for great choices when you don’t know what you wanna do. God bless them.

Frustratingly, yeah, by a lot. Anyone who put money into a non-renewable energy etf at the lowest point of their prices in 2020 would have more than 2.5x their money by now.

Nucleus coop is one of the best things to happen to the PC space in recent years, I’m happy to spread the word!

I just wish more games were supported.

Yes, you only need one copy of the game for most of the games supported by Nucleus Coop. It creates its own simulated Steam users/accounts for the game in the background.

Make sure to check the Nucleus Coop App if you haven’t already!

It turns games that don’t have a native local coop mode into local coop by simulating a LAN and running two instances of the game communicating exclusively with each other. It works really well, especially if you have a multi-monitor setup.

I have played multiple games in local coop with my brother with this, including Elden Ring. It’s been a blast.

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