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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 30, 2023

  • they sue you for a portion of your future savings, because you single-handedly responsible for their imaginary loss of profits, judge agrees.
  • free tier vpns are good enough. But the competition amongst “no log” vpns is pretty fierce. People say you can only trust 3 specific vpns who would rather shut down than spy for a government, but if you’re just downloading movies then you can expand your choices.
  • the point of the vpn is to hide your ip address. Self hosting in your home defeats purpose. The best free option is using I2P for torrenting.
  • Wait till December for all the Christmas discounts. An annual bundle works out to $2-4 a month.

It’s possible to get a virus from any data that enters your computer full stop.

Likelyhood wise: that virus on the MKV will have to attack the operating system preview system (which means you fucked all the way up to personal nation state attention), or attack the video player (which is a lot more likelier, they discover theoretical exploits all the time).

You’re talking about streaming with VLC? Was it a trusted source? Cause otherwise the FBI or script kiddie has probably fucked you up.

As a side note, I’ve completed writing this guide and have found that HexChat is no longer supported.

Now that a sign of a true IRC user

And theoretical reliability. Stuff breaks down quicker at smaller sizes says my lizard brain

lol, you’re not uploading the torrent faithfully. A recheck of the torrent by any client would show that they’re not getting what the torrent says they should get.

You need to make a new torrent.

Gronk found fire. Gronk thought good idea. Gronk shared idea. Fire never belonged to Gronk. Idea never belonged to Gronk.

The pikachu face is capitalism working as intended, instead of the corrupt capitalism they’re used to with regions of the world carved up/tariffs/government buying the product if you’re having a bad year.

BitTorrent has a re-check upon torrent completion option in settings. I reason not to validate that everything is correct and matches what the torrent says you should have.


They have three recommended as of now. Only proton is listed as supporting port forwarding, which you need to be a seeder for the torrent swarm. Without port forwarding you’re stuck as a leecher

The newer AV1 codec has me very interested in HQ streaming. You need a monster machine to make the file, but then it’s 2GB for a high quality 1080p movie.

Depends on your hardware.

Streaming is more accessible, but you’re stuck at 720p usually.

If you can afford a vpn and the storage then torrenting gets you better quality.

Don’t forget to seed

With no cash your only way to torrent for free safely is i2p and it’s slower speeds

Protection from what?

If it’s your phone leaking your location, then yes and also disable location services and Bluetooth as well.

You mention interference. Mobile data can be interfered from miles away at the phone company. Same for your home internet.

Super easy to get a napkin idea started. Then it picks up steam and suddenly it’s a million lines of code, with hundreds of users. And now it’s a big headache to migrate when shit just works as is in GitHub.

GitHub knows how their customers work.

Consider online file converters. Just pay for a month or two, obviously need a good internet connection.

People have and will be executed for dumber reasons.

White rich girl picked you out of the lineup. Don’t worry, DNA science won’t prove you’re innocent for another decade after justice has been carried out.

It’s not that hard to understand:

Development of games requires resources. More resources trends with better games (coin flip). If every player pays, the game development gets the best possible quality. And artists get to keep their electricity bill paid for the week.

Denuvo argues that their product guarantees the most resource extraction possible. This is debatable, and I personally lean on the side that it’s not as effective for revenue collection as advertised.

Nobody got rich being honest.

Turns out the powershell step is enough to get 97% of users to shell out cash.

And also, the biggest source of revenue is institutions who either will pay for the enterprise license, or can be sued for a good payday if they try to pirate.

This exact post first appeared in Reddit 8 years ago


There are a lot of interesting comments there as well for those who are interested.

The comment I liked best is:

There isn’t one. The purely decentralized model of eMule and gnutella and similar systems has proven to perform poorly compared to the bittorrent/tracker model, for searches in particular. You can almost completely avoid trackers with DHT and magnet links, the tracker pages just “advertise” the torrent.

If you want alternatives, the main one with significant traffic is Freenet. Freenet is really slow and mostly CP (because everyone else is using torrents).

retroshare, which is more for private sharing, has already been mentioned.

My own opinion? Torrents require minimal resources from users other than sharing the specific file. Advertising the file, tracking the file, searching for the file can be passed on resource wise to a trusted person who wants Internet karma. The simple statement: have a ratio of 1.0 can resonate with most 🦍.

Bemoaning the unpopularity of eMule seems to me like another case of programmers ignoring what makes humans tick.

Postman tracker is the main one on i2p.

And the longer your i2p runs, the faster its connection.

For grabbing a torrent anonymously, there is nothing better.

Tribbler has a similar idea, but as they state in their website nothing has actually been tested against a motivated hacker earning big bucks from Hollywood. And their default settings just expose your ip address.

Like the Bible thumpers banning all the escort sites. When the FBI told them not to because it would make catching the traffickers harder, and now it’s harder.

I2P has a built in torrent client.

But you need a computer running 24/7. With i2p, the longer your session runs, the better the connection.

Theoretically possible but definitely not built for it.

Tor serves the clear net access problem.

I2P because of its design is a lot better suited for p2p file transfers, while maintaining anonymity.

Torrenting on I2P especially won’t go anywhere. Even if you ban all VPNs/their legal protections

Dang, should have been a general DRM free question.

Sounds awesome!

What’s beta then? Be gentle on the product, working out all the kinks.

How does it compare to a regular journalist workplace? I’m not a journalist.

All you pirates in the comments are a disgrace. It matters not the intentions or quality of the people who built the paywall.