• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


Shit, I’m even grateful for when you all tell me off.

Oh fuck off!

Just kidding! I haven’t seen any of your posts here (mostly because I sort by all) but yeah the people in this sub are top tier.

A few weeks ago I came here to ask about building my own computer and which parts to get because it had been years since I’ve done so and everyone was nice about it.

This exactly. NAS+RAID gives you a backup of your local media. It can account for one of your three copies and one of your storage mediums. But you still need something off site.

So assuming you had a copy on your computer proper, it could work. Better than no backups.

I wish there was a good way to store a backup of my media. I recently suffered a terrible hard drive issue. I lost a terabyte of media. Fortunately, the pirate ship has saved me and has me rethinking some of my backup methodologies.

Outside of periodically backing up onto an external hard drive, I haven’t been able to find a reasonably priced online backup solution that isn’t going to fuck me when I have to pull data out. Egress fees are killer.

Edit: I just saw your edit. Great job fixing it! God I hate that you had to do this.

What is the make and model of the wheelchair and the wheels?

Links to their official website would be helpful.

Did your wheelchair come with a regular manual? A link to a PDF would also help.

If you want to go down a more…questionable route, you could call the wheelchair provider number. Use social engineering by saying you’re from a doctor’s office and you can’t get the wheels to activate.

It helps to have a friend do this for you. You want a buffer and you want your friend to say “I am not sure” or “I don’t know” a lot. That way the company gives him or her more information on what to do next before calling you back.

This is a terrible situation. Maybe your insurance will spring for the cost. It’s so infuriating that if I had access, I probably wouldn’t sleep until I figured it out and posted it everywhere.

Jesus fucking mother of Christ.

Ok, I’m going to skip my indignation.

I’m not an app developer or a wheel chair person. That said, we need some info to help you better.

  • What phone? Android or iOS?
  • link to the app (and a link it’s APK or whatever iPhones equivalent to an APK would be)
  • instructions on how you register, e.g. is registration tied to your phone, the wheelchair, or both?

Here is some general hacking advice:

  • check online for your wheelchairs “provider” manual. I “hacked” my CPAP machine a few years back. My doctor forgot to turn on heated tubing and the setting was hidden behind a “provider” menu. Chances are good that there will be a similar manual for your wheelchair.
  • if you haven’t already, search for the make and model of your wheelchair and see if there are forums or discussion boards
  • typically, physical access is the best access. Depending on how your phone communicates with the chair, you might able to spy on the signals that it uses. My guess is Bluetooth. It probably is encrypted but medical devices are notoriously easy skimpy on their tech security. Might be worth a try
  • If you have the tools and the knowledge, consider taking apart the wheelchair to access the physical components. Information like the processor, chip set, etc will make it easier to understand how it works. While you might expect custom boards and software, more and more devices are going the Raspberry Pi or Pico route because they are cheaper to manufacturer than to do a whole custom board. If it’s a run of the mill consumer board, you have a lot more attack vectors.

Often settings like these are based on PKI(Public Key Infrastructure), meaning that the program on your wheelchair likely knows the public key for the company and will test any input to change the settings will require the private key. Again, generally speaking.

But also generally speaking, medical equipment, especially consumer equipment, has to deal with the lowest common denominator, meaning people who don’t have apps, who don’t know what a smart phone is, etc. Because of that, my hunch is that the setting is in plain text and you just need to change it.

You also have to remember that the people setting this up are often in doctors offices, which means it must be easy to do because time is of the essence. The doctor would not recommend their product if it takes more than a few minutes to set up.

I’m sorry I can’t give you better more specific advice but hopefully you can figure this out.

I typically code a lot of back-end and processor intensive workloads. The issue I have with i5s is that they don’t seem to be as “snappy” as i7s. I’ve worked with both for good long periods of time. When I had an i5 laptop, I had to off-load a good majority of my development to the cloud because I couldn’t do containers and listen to music and run two monitors at the same time. I never had the same issue with i7 processors, even on a laptop.

Oooh, I had not considered that but thank you for the recommendation. The only thing I don’t like about these PCs is that they all have RGB lighting. I really don’t need this and I don’t get their appeal.

Are CUDAs something that I can select within pcpartpicker? Or is this like a cloud thing?

With the conversations I’m having here, I’m leaning in the direction of integrated video (assuming I can get one with display port) and a discrete card just for AI work.

I use VirtualBox for VMs. I’m assuming there are instructions on how to give the card to the VM? My cursory google search came up with dubious results.

I just checked the specs for the M.2 NVMe drive that I pulled from an old laptop. It’s read speed is 3000mbs so it looks like I’m good there. Thanks for the heads up though.

I know that this is the self-hosted community but I very much agree. The way I run my desktop is that I can, in most cases, lose my primary hard drive and I’ll survive. It won’t be pretty and I might have a few local repos that I haven’t synced in a while but overall, it ain’t bad.

Now, that doesn’t mean I don’t want my primary hard drive restored if I can do it. I’ve been lucky enough to be able to restore them from the drive. But if I can’t, the most I lose is some config files, which I should start to version control but I get lazy.

I can’t back up my media. It’s just too big. But yar.

My greatest fear is losing my porn collection. 😅 But not enough to RAID.

I actually did. And the quantum twin that succeeded is now solving global warming.

I am the twin that didn’t succeed.

And if you want to join the “I use arch btw” crowd…

I may be a linux nerd and pedantic, but not that pedantic. 😅 I’ve looked into Linux Mint and not opposed to an distro switch. I’ve been very happy with Ubuntu over the years. My first distro was slackware, then Fedora. Settled in Ubuntu and haven’t turned back.

if CUDA should be part of your calculus or not.

Probably not, if my cursory google search is correct. But happy to be convinced otherwise.

Though another nicety for my latest builds, is multi-gig nics (though 2.5Gb was my ceiling, since you’ll also need the network gear to utilize it)

I’ve had the benefit of laying my own CAT-5e in my house. Given the distances, CAT-6 was going to cost twice as much with a negligible increase in bandwidth. That said, I’m restricted by the narrowest straw, which is wifi (when streaming media to my phone) and ISP (which taps out at around 300mb/s). My current PC has 1gb/s card and I’ve only occasionally had issues.

I use newegg for its reviews of items, specifically so I can search for the term “linux” in any given product’s reviews.

Oh that’s a good tip!

I was really hoping to cannibalize the 32 GBs of DDR3 RAM but I couldn’t find a MoBo that supports it anymore. Then I saw DDR5 is the latest!

I don’t really do any gaming. If I wasn’t going to tinker with AI, I’d just need a card for dual DisplayPort output. I can support HDMI but…I prefer DP

I’ve gone back and forth on whether I need RAID locally. Giving up at least a third of your storage capacity (assuming RAID 5) for the off-chance that your hard drive dies in 3-4 years seems like a high price to pay. I had two drives fail in the lifespan of my current desktop. And I had enough warning from SMART that I could peel off the data before the drives bricked. I know I got lucky, but still…

Two GPUs? Is that a thing? How does that work on a desktop? Honestly, if it wasn’t for my curiosity into AI, I’d just go with the onboard video though given my need for specific resolutions, I find comfort in having a dedicated card.

I’ve been using ubuntu exclusively for 10 some years and don’t use snap at all. tbh, not even sure what snap is.

If it’s not apt, then I don’t use it.

I for one would not purchase any Intel hardware as long as AMD is around. Not that they’re bad or anything, but AMD gives me much Kore “bang for the buck”.

If you have a processor line in mind, let me know. Happy to give them another look, given my experience with AMD is 30 some years old.

And then there’s the cooling. I see you went with a radiator and fan, but I strongly suggest getting some type of liquid cooling. The prices are not that bad anymore (unlike about 10 years ago, which was insane).

I’m not tied to the cooling solution I picked. I just picked something that looked affordable and did what I wanted. I’d love to do liquid cooling so long as it isn’t a pain. I helped my friend back in high school do liquid cooling and it was a proper mess. We came close to shorting his entire rig.

As for the board, you’ll get all kinds of different suggestions. Some people swear by Asus, I’d rather go with Gigabyte (love the Aorus line), so it’ll come down to brand trust at the end of the day.

I have zero brand loyalty here. The boards I’m looking at right now all have embedded wifi with the annoying antenna…I really want bluetooth embedded so it seems like I’ll have to have wifi but just not use it.

I’ve been learning the same. Though, I don’t get the sense that SATA is going out of style. I could be wrong though.

I remember working on a PC back in my Geek Squad days that had a lever.

For air circulation, what should I be on the lookout for? Making sure I have clearances, of course, but should I buy more fan that I need?

Looking to build my first PC in almost 30 years; What should I be on the look out for?
It looks like !buildapc community isn't super active so I apologize for posting here. Mods, let me know if I should post there instead. I built my first PC when I was I think 10-11 years old. Built my next PC after that and then sort of moved toward pre-made HP/Dell/etc. My last PC's mobo just gave out and I'm looking to replace the whole thing. I've read over the last few years that prefabs from HP/Dell/etc. have gone to shit and don't really work like they used to. Since I'm looking to expand comfortably, I've been thinking of giving building my own again. I remember when I was a young lad, that there were two big pain points when putting the rig together: motherboard alignment with the case (I shorted two mobos by having it touch the bare metal of the grounded case; not sure how that happened but it did) and CPU pin alignment so you don't bend any pins when inserting into the socket. Since it's been several decades since my last build, what are some things I should be aware of? Things I should avoid? For example, I only recently learned what M.2 SSD are. My desktop has (had) SATA 3.5" drives, only one of which is an SSD. I'll admit I am a bit overwhelmed by some of my choices. I've spent some time on [pcpartpicker](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/n6wVRK) and feel very overwhelmed by some of the options. Most of my time is spent in code development (primarily containers and node). I am planning on installing Linux (Ubuntu, most likely) and I am hoping to tinker with some AI models, something I haven't been able to do with my now broken desktop due to it's age. For ML/AI, I know I'll need some sort of GPU, knowing only that NVIDIA cards require closed-source drivers. While I fully support FOSS, I'm not a OSS purist and fully accept that using a closed source drivers for linux may not be avoidable. Happy to take recommendations on GPUs! Since I also host a myriad of self hosted apps on my desktop, I know I'll need to beef up my RAM (I usually go the max or at least plan for the max). My main requirements: - Intel i7 processor (I've tried i5s and they can't keep up with what I code; I know i9s are the latest hotness but don't think the price is worth it; I've also tried AMD processors before and had terrible luck. I'm willing to try them again but I'd need a GOOD recommendation) - At least 3 SATA ports so that I can carry my drives over - At least one M.2 port (I cannibalized a laptop I recycled recently and grabbed the 1TB M.2 card) - On-board Ethernet/NIC (on-board wifi/bluetooth not required, but won't complain if they have them) - Support at least 32 GB of RAM - GPU that can support some sort of ML/AI with DisplayPort (preferred) Nice to haves: - MoBo with front USB 3 ports but will accept USB 2 (C vs A doesn't matter) - On-board sound (I typically use headphones or bluetooth headset so I don't need anything fancy. I mostly listen to music when I code and occasionally do video calls.) I threw together this list: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/n6wVRK It didn't matter to me if it was in stock; just wanted a place to start. Advice is very much appreciated! EDIT: WOW!! I am shocked and humbled by the great advice I've gotten here. And you've given me a boost in confidence in doing this myself. Thank you all and I'll keep replying as I can.

The problem is companies that fully take advantage of open source, as is their right, and then fully expect the volunteer dev to provide support them when they have a Sev 1.

Sure they read the license and saw that it was free, but they didn’t read the part that it was free but offered literally no support.

The amount of money that my company has made on the backs of open source developers is probably in the literal billions. But we don’t give fuck squat to them outside of one day a year that we contribute code back to a few select libraries.

That’s the irony of all of this. I too would donate to a project that was actively trying to do this, even donate to their legal fund. I’d probably pay more than the subscription!

These asshole companies just don’t realize that a determined developer and engineer will move heaven and earth to make sure that their freedoms (as in speech) aren’t restricted.

I don’t care if it’s illegal. It’s my fucking car. Once you sell it to me, it ceases to be your property. You leave $100 bill in the glove compartment before you sell it to me? Well it’s mine now.

You leave software on my car’s computer? Welp, it’s mine now.

They intentionally didn’t roll the subscription into the sale price. That’s the goal. They want that sweet, predictable, monthly income that they sell their investors on.

They also figured that if you’ve found your car, you’re less likely to walk away for what is essentially a fraction of the car’s price.

I honestly hope the next car I buy has shit like this. Because boy am I going to make it my mission to jailbreak it and release my code open source.

I mean…are they good mods? Does the candidate have good code etiquette?

Honestly, the fact that a candidate would mod any game, let alone a hentai game, would be pluses in my book.

I think the point is that a scammer may have one or two. But not millions of Gmail addresses.

The last one I encountered was one of the AI tools. I can’t remember which one. They are popping up like fucking Starbucks now.

They required using your Gmail, Outlook, or Discord credentials.

Yeah I saw the Google sheets scraping tool and that looked promising but I don’t want to have to rely on Xpath since it could change.

Right now I’m leaning toward change detector but can’t get the reverse proxy to work.

More and more services are REQUIRING a gmail/outlook/etc. account simply because bots/scammers bombard their services. It’s their cheap captcha.

I’m seeing it more and more and it infuriates me to no end.

App that tracks prices on websites?
Hello fellow self-hosters! I am looking for an app/tool/macro/etc that can screen-scrape or API ping various merchants to track prices on specific products. Think [camelcamelcamel](https://camelcamelcamel.com/) but for any merchant. I have to believe such a tool exists and I'm not the first person to think of it. In an ideal world, I'd like it to be able to dump the data into a spreadsheet so that I can track/graph it. But that's not a requirement. Does such a tool exist? Thanks!

I’ve been looking for a round cube replacement for years and can’t find one. It’s the only mature and still relatively supported FOSS web-based solution I’ve found that fits my requirements.

I’m praying that nothing changes but fully expect it to. I’m going to maintain a fork just in case decided to pull an Audacity.

It shouldn’t have to be that way is the point. I shouldn’t have to take all these steps to opt out of getting a Microsoft account. Just like I shouldn’t have to click 3-5 times to deny cookies.

It should be as simple as it used to be: Do you want to log in with your Microsoft account?

User clicks “No thanks. I’ll log in locally.”

  1. I don’t encrypt before I push to S3. Probably bad practice on my part. I just rely on AWS encryption to secure my data. My backups are low-risk (imo). That said, I lock down the bucket so that only my account can access the objects. Compression I use tar cjf (bzip). Protip: Once the tar file is made, run tar ljf $archiveFile > archiveFile-ls.txt and store the resulting file along with the tar file in standard storage. That way you know what is in the archive.

  2. Both. Restore Requests is to copy the data out from Glacier into Standard storage. Note that I said copy. When you perform a restore, your original object stays in glacier and AWS creates a copy to somewhere in S3 that you specify. Once the restore is complete, you can then download the copied object like any S3 object, triggering the Outbound data transfer fee.

My understanding is that the term vegetable is actually a political term, meaning it is categorized as a vegetable for tax reasons.

Vegetables are taxed lower than fruits.

In addition, you don’t need a static IP in order for you to get access to your home network. It helps if you don’t want to run a script to auto-update your DNS, but not required.

Focus on port forwarding because that’s going to be the key to getting secured access.

Anyone else remember the first ad-pocalypse?

Like when OG AdBlock was created and there was an all-out race between individual websites and AdBlock?

Then OG AdBlock sold out and allowed “approved” ads to still show.

We are seeing history repeat. The only reason ads survived was due to increasing number of users who weren’t using adblock.

Now, with market saturation, Google is starting to fight back.

I would absolutely love to see a revitalization on proxy software specifically designed to eliminate ads and tracking. I haven’t looked into this in quite some time but I think we’re crossing into this territory now.

The pessimist in me says to look out for a bill authored by Google to make adblocking illegal.

But the optimist in me says “the Internet sees censorship as damage and routes around it.”

He made a video about how using adblock is piracy.

So from his standpoint, it’s equal.

Still a terrible take though.

When you go to just about any web site, your browser sets up an encrypted connection between you and the server so that anything you do on the web site can’t be observed by sniffing the traffic.

Let’s Encrypt is a suite of software developed by the Electronic Frontier Foundation to bring this security to anyone with a website (or anyone with a webservice, really). What Let’s Encrypt provides you is a fully trusted certificate chain. As a result of making the certificate free for anyone (and I mean anyone) can use, the certificate is only valid for 90 days.

You can purchase a trusted certificate that lasts longer but renewal is so easy that unless you need a higher “reputation” cert, it’s not worth it. Fun fact: cia.gov uses LE certificates!

Not sure what KanIDM is but they are probably having you use an LE certificate to create a secure connection between clients and servers. It’s free and pretty easy to set up.

Optionally, if you’re technically savvy, you can set up your own Certificate Authority and distribute it on your own. This gives you full control over your certificate linage but my guess is you won’t get the benefits of it.

I often suggest MIT App Inventor. Most kids are more comfortable with phone apps.

But this requires an android phone.

This is not something you do yourself. I mean you can but joining a fiber cable requires equipment that doesn’t make sense to buy if you’re using it once.

That said your ISP will send you a longer cable. Should be completely free. Just ask them about it.

You should be able to request a longer fiber cable from your ISP. Hell, the last time I got FiOS, the tech didn’t feel like cutting the line so he gave me the spool.