Samus Crankpork
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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


Similarly, 2 was my first Uncharted, which I played partway through at a friend’s. When I got my own PS3 I decided to start back at 1 and found it did a much better job of teaching me how to play the game than 2 did. When I went back to 2 after finishing 1, everything I had trouble with was so much easier, and it was really need to see the jump in graphics between the games.

Irreparable harm to their bottom line, maybe.

Won’t anyone think of the shareholders?

The Ghoul definitely picked Bloody Mess as one of his perks.

I’m glad they kept the ridiculousness. They could have made it super serious and edgy, and I don’t think it would have fit as well.

Weird. I really enjoyed it. Loved the characters, liked the story, and all the little nods to the games and fandom were nice and didn’t feel out of place. Probably one of the better adaptations I’ve seen.

I’m sure everyone will step up once there’s no Palestine left to save.

I’ll try to remember you when I don’t go into crippling financial debt for stubbing my toe.

It’s amazing that you’re allowed to just spout misinformation like this. Less educated people might believe you.

A city under siege with no police protection is an emergency, full stop.

It’s always the people who weren’t there who continue to push the idea that it was a peaceful protest.

No, according to the courts (one court), an emergency in one city does not meet the requirements for the Federal emergencies act, and didn’t take into account the negligence of the multiple layers of regional policing and government who refused to act.

Didn’t I read in another thread that Tencent owns Larian? Didn’t they just win, like, every game award ever in 2023?

Now now, the cops were doing something: they tried to break up the Ottawa people at Billing’s Bridge who were preventing more trucks from getting downtown.

The cops weren’t sitting on their asses, they were complicit.

Picked up Another Code Recollection. Never played the original on the 3DS, and I’m really enjoying it.

If the penalty for a crime is a fine, then that crime only exists for the poor.

Lots of companies “accidentally” including artificially generated works in their games/books/ads lately.

They probably pre-write the apologies.

Ah, so this is where they’re pivoting after getting away from NFTs.

Who enforces them though? The Supreme Court has shown that it doesn’t believe in conflicts of interest or recusing from cases, and all he needs to do is contest the rulings until they land on his desk.

One of those things that can be kind of rude to imply, and only really works retrospectively.

Seriously. At the end of the day it’s the players who decide whether a game is good or fun. They might not understand the nuances of what went into creating a game they don’t find fun, but that doesn’t make them wrong.

Old Gods of Asgard live was amazing, and Alan Wake 2 NG+ next Monday, which is huge (for reasons I won’t explain, y’alls will just have to play the game).

I had other things to say but I’m too excited about that, so I’m going to bed.

We don’t have waste storage for the greenhouse gasses produced by fossil fuel plants either but Nuclear opponents never bring that up.

Because conceding definitely ended things after Crimea.

It’s more than just that though. Adding more housing to the market without dealing with large scale short term rentals and people hoarding investment properties will just lead to more hoarding as the people who already own property use the basically nonexistent interest rate to leverage their assets to keep buying up more profit properties.

They’ve already tackled interest, but they still need to do the rest before building more will actually help.

In the meantime, freeing up housing not currently available to homebuyers who want somewhere to live would certainly help, and would free up more long term rentals as well, which would help with the absurd prices rentals have reached.

That depends. Was your sister selling essential goods while more than doubling the price over a three year period while claiming they have to because of “supply chain” issues, while their parent company owns the entire supply chain?

Seriously, if they want to switch most of their workforce to unpaid, untrained cashiers, they’re going to get mistakes.

You’re not missing anything. A lot of Convoy supporters and people making fun of the person’s appearance.

Holy crap those replies are a garbage fire.

Final Fantasy XVI’s Active Time Lore. Being able to pause the game and have a list of relevant characters, places, and concepts for the scene you’re in is so helpful for my ADHD, for when I take a break from a game and come back not knowing what’s going on. I want to see this in every story heavy game.

Yeah, all the things he’s saying people are mad about are things he could have helped with over the past n years.

I’m already not thrilled with him, and if his inaction leads to Conservatives getting into power I’ll be even madder. Singh really needs to hold his feet to the fire and I don’t know why he’s taking things so easily.

So this is actually extremely cool, but that article headline, combined with the bit about the Pope weighing in on climate change (again), isn’t doing it any favours.

If they’re making record profits, why do they need so many subsidies?

Now that games are basically $100 after taxes (Canadian) I have to be a lot more selective of which games I buy.

Actually, I’ve been buying more indie games than ever.

Using the Notwithstanding clause is an admission by the government that it’s trying to pass legislation that goes against the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

It should at the very least require a full explanation and apology by the Premier, as to why he felt citizens’ rights were unimportant.

Except that the Notwithstanding clause literally suspends part of the charter of rights and freedoms in order to pass a law that the government deems more important than citizens’ rights, like in war time, or during a pandemic (which they didn’t even use the clause for), not to push through right wing identity politics that have been deemed unconstitutional.

By the end of its life, though, more than 3/4 of each page on the 360 Home Screen was advertisements, with the remaining 1/4 being buttons you could use to get to actual content.

It also makes it easier for people to seek help, since they’re not worrying about jail time for even asking.

This actually makes me feel a little bit better: it’s not me specifically they’re passive-aggressively refusing to cover, they’re just incompetent.

After Phoenix, you’d think that anyone taking on a government contract would make sure they’re adequately staffed to handle the workload.