• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 21, 2023


Thank you for writing all of that. I’ve been avoiding the Persona series because I played some of P1 back in the day and didn’t care for it. P3 sounds much more enjoyable to me.

Game code you can’t debug because you don’t understand it. Brilliant.

I think I get what the article is saying, but all I can imagine is Siri calmly reading to me the vilest insults ever written.

So the key to your product’s success is limiting the number of people who can buy it. That’s some interesting logic.

Portal Revolution. It’s a pretty good fan project. A few new mechanics to spice things up, and while I’ve heard better voice acting, I’ve heard a lot worse.

Oh the money I could make if I didn't have morals. It turns out some people really are that dumb.

Knights of the Old Republic. It holds up pretty well, with a few mods for widescreen and resolution support.

ChatGPT is famous for hallucinating answers to factual questions. And they used it anyway? Day by day, the risk of AI killing us all is paling in comparison to the risk of stupid humans killing us all using AI.

The ship is sinking and these fools want to steer into the iceberg to grab a few more dollars. I hate everything, I am filled with existential dread, and I need a very strong drink.

Or they won’t. Facts and reality haven’t been part of Republican messaging for a while now.

An actual fistfight on the House floor would be a pretty sad state of affairs, and not at all something to be celebrated, yet part of me is kind of hoping to see it.

Just a few more steps and she’ll be saying “are these trans people even people anyway?”

So we have generation loss instead of AI making better AI. At least for now. That’s strangely comforting.

Path of Exile. I can’t even say it’s great. It’s OK. But they must have nailed that Diablo-esque addictive quality because I can’t stop.

“I really thought that the leopards would eat other people’s faces, not mine.”

Alito, Gorsuch and Thomas. Gorsuch has occasionally surprised me. Alito and Thomas can always be counted on to be horrible.

The big difference I see is what it’s controlling. Sure, the Navy used Xbox controllers for intuitive use of the periscope. I bet if you asked them “please make all ship attitude controls, and therefore crew safety, reliant on this,” they would laugh at you and walk away.