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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


I haven’t played Timberborn but I almost did pick it up on the spring sale, decided to get dotAGE instead to see what all the fuss was about and damn I love it. It’s a lot more of a worker placement game and is a roguelike so if that doesn’t interest you it might not be for you but damn it’s good so far.

If it helps try thinking of it as a “boomer shooter” because of the proliferation of rockets and rocket physics in classic games like Unreal and Quake

Yup. That has to be it honestly. I’ve mulled it over a lot and if Musk knows a single thing it’s finance. These moves have all been financial. Twitter, I suspect, was not profitable when he bought it. Rather than admit he did a mistake, he tank it. Tracks with his egomaniacal moves so far.

Was gone be one of my suggestions. This game is powerful good. It is a true mystery with you in the drivers seat in a way no other game can touch.

I feel like Tunic leans too much on the LttP format to be called unique but it is a delight

You can plug in an SD card and install it there, it will have longer load times but shouldn’t affect gameplay much otherwise.

Edit: You can also expand the USB slots and get an external SSD

The New Input Package is actually just what Unity users call it because it isn’t the original and requires a package manager install from the stock LTR releases but it’s been out for a few years now. Still, you’re right, although I see no reason not to adopt it, most games that are using it will probably be releasing this year.

Uh I mean where is the hassle in right clicking an image and hitting save? NFTs associated with images are just trash data people think are valuable because??? Someone told them so???