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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 09, 2023


I had some similar symptoms on a Fritzbox router, because by default the devices connected over wifi were unable to communicate with those connected by cable. Some routers also had this setting for the different wifi bands, 2.4G & 5G.

But I don’t think you’d be able to ping it if this were the case.

Check yoyr router settings anyway, maybe you’ll find something there.

With a Blazor (serverside mode) project you could have that with a nice user experience. Blazor has a tiny js which initializes something, otherwiss it renders the site on the server and sends the component updates to the browser, so the whole site does not need to reload, only the relevant components (which is kind of interesting).

Maybe there is some blazor serverside e-commerce project out there, I wouldn’t personally recommend it though.

Well, I don’t think thats what OP had in mind but there is WebAssembly as well.

For the site itself the most minimal thing you can do is an html file.

Then some software to act as the “server” that serves that file to a visitor. (nginx, caddy, apache - there are many options).

And your domain needs a domain record which points to your server.

As you want to use a home pc, you need to figure out whether your ISP gives you a dynamic or static IP.

If static, you can just use that.

If dynamic, you’d need some service like dynDNS to keep pointing your domain to your changing IP.

You can start by checking out the e-commerce list on awesome selfhosted. At a glance there are multiple which seem to be easy to set up, and require no code, so you should take a deeper look and decide based on your needs.


If you find something there that suits your needs make sure to let us know why you chose it :)

Not sure about debian, but the archlinux iso has ssh on per default, so if you have no other bootable drives in your server other than the usb with the iso, just fire it up and try to connect to it via ssh.

Sorry I didn’t read your post in depth. But if you need switches, especially with lots of ports or PoE, older Alcatel-Lucent switches are rock-solid and relatively cheap off ebay, cause lots of companies that used them are upgrading. Just make sure to find one that fits your requirements per port.

Packaging a service for StartOS is a challenging, exciting, creative, and rewarding experience.

Yeah no thanks I’ll just run it on Ubuntu or Arch Linux then, where a package is already available.

Ah makes sense. Still there should be no issue with doing stuff the normal way.

apt update doesn’t update your OS to a whole new version.

The command for an OS update is something like “do-release-upgrade” (but I forgot the exact name since I havent used debian for years)

I don’t know why your software or OS can not be updated.

According to the official instructions (https://github.com/mcguirepr89/BirdNET-Pi/wiki/Installation-Guide) is should just be a normal raspbian. Nothing on there says it needs a legacy version, but I may be overlooking something.

If you installed it some other way or did it long ago then maybe do the setup over again from scratch with the newest raspbian version? (Don’t forget to backup any data you’d want to keep)

Are you changing the same files at the same time?

Rarely. But there is some offline laptop use compounded with slow sync times. (I was running it on a raspi with external usb hdd enclosure)

Either way, I’d like something less fragile. I’ll test seafile again sometime, thanks.

I actually moved from seafile to nextcloud, because when I have two PCs running simultaneously it would constantly have sync errors and required manually resolving them all the time. Sadly nextcloud wasn’t really better. But I am now looking for solutions that can avoid file conflicts with two simultaneous clients.

After my Nextcloud server just killed itself from an update and I ditched that junk software, nearly zero maintenance.

I have

  • autoupdates on.
  • daily borgbackups to hetzner storage box.
  • auto snapshots of the servers and hetzer.
  • cloud-init scripts ready for any of the servers.
  • Xpipe for management
  • keepass as a backup for all the ssh keys and password

And I have never used any of those … it just runs and keeps running.

I am selfhosting

  • a website
  • a booking service for me
  • caldav server
  • forgejo
  • opengist
  • jitsi

I need to setup some file sharing thing (Nextcloud replacement) but I am not sure what. My usecase is mainly 1) Archiving junk 2) syncing files between three devices 3) streaming my music collection

It’s funny how it is the exact opposite for me.

All my WD drives died, while all my Seagate drives are in perfect working order.

Bought 2 WD hdds new, used them for about 4 years in RAID for daily borg backups, one died, the other got very slow with tons of smart errors.

Bought 2 Seagate hdds new, same usecase, same capacity, have been running for over 5 years now.

Personal anecdotes are not a reliable factor for manufacturer quality.

To quote some statistics:

In general, Seagate drives are less expensive and their failure rates are typically higher in our environment. But, their failure rates are typically not high enough to make them less cost effective over their lifetime.

Source: https://www.backblaze.com/blog/backblaze-drive-stats-for-2022/

Sorry, I am a bit dense.

What do you mean exactly? As far as I understand you access the data the same way you have put it in - by using either one of ftp, scp, rsync or borg data transfer protocolls.

hetzner storage box is cheaper afaik and works the same

That seems way more expensive than hetzner. 1TB would be 12$ per month if my math is correct

I seperate them by archive name prefix and never had the issue you describe.

Edit: it seems I just never noticed it, but the docu suggest you’re right. Now I am confused myself lol.


The software borgbackup does some insane compression.

It is more effective if you backup multiple machines tbh (my 3 linux computers with ~600gb used each get compressed down to a single ~350gb backup, because most of the files are the same programs and data over and over again)

But it might do a decent enough job in your case.

So one of the solutions might be getting a NAS and setting up borgbackup.

You could also get a second one and put it in your parents or best friends home for an offsite backup.

That way you don’t have to buy as large of a drive capacity, but will only have fixed costst (+electricity) instead of ongoing costs for some rented server storage.

I guess that would be about 400$ per such a device, if you get a used office pc and buy new drives for it.

Tape seems to be about half the price per TB, but then you need special reader/writer for it, which are usually connected via SAS and are FUCKING EXPENSIVE (over 4000$ as far as I can see).

It only outscales HDDs in price after like ~600TB

I have used the top suggestion python tool “fonttools” just to find that the font had an empty dsig table.

There also didn’t seem to be any other identifying infos in the file.

But I am still unsure on where I could upload the files to make it easily findable and available to others.

I am on Linux and I just wanted to add that for obvious reasons illustrator runs far worse on Linux (through wine) compared to Inkscape.

I had to learn Illustrator for a uni course and while the shortcuts and gui are different, once I got accustomed to it, I prefer it in my case.

The only real gripe is that Illustrator has some more powerful features, (like for example gradient along a path, which in Inkscape can be done only very hackily). This is due to Inkscape only using SVG features while adobe does it’s own. agic under the hood.

I tried both with yt-dlp and I get errors with both

  1. video unavailable in your country (would probably work with a vpn)

  2. this video is not available (since it is paid)

Can you provide an example link? I constantly download from youtube, so either it should always just work with yt-dlp or I’ve never encountered a DRM video.

Ah well… Guess I’m lucky that it doesn’t bother me.

I use different languages with different style guides and my IDE autoformats everything properly with the click of a button so I don’t think about naming strategies at all.

There are a couple of open source android apps like for example Candle (https://f-droid.org/packages/com.cosmos.candle)

Not sure about other platforms.

I think pi 5 might be pretty good for you.

If I am not mistaken, they improved the io A LOT in the pi 5.

Also, you might be able to use the old HAT, at least it worked with pi3 poe hats on pi4.

What things do you do that hiccup?

It honestly reallt depends whether your task is hindered by storage speed (sd card), io speed (lan + usb ports), single core speed or lack of threads/cache. It would be good to find out what the limiting resource is, to understand the best upgrade path.

Get ready everyone, here comes the

Embrace, extend, and extinguish

Personally I am a fan of the soquartz blades

But I doubt one of those is more powerful than a pi. I run a cluster of them with k3s and distributed nvme storage, but that may not be useful for your particular needs.

Thanks, I appreciate your effort a lot and I understand the usecase now!

These words mean nothing to me. That is why I specifically asked for a real world example. By that I mean something like a userstory.

You could start with:

“Imagine you are Frank Frankis and you have an office job. Your boss tells you to do […] . But […] would take a long time to do manually because […]. Frank uses m5 in the following way to folve the […] task.”

Followed by an example input, example command and example output that is a solution to the problem from the scenario.

Without that - I am too dumb to understand.

Thank you in advance.

I am too dumb for this. Can somebody give an example of how this could be used in a real world scenario?

How to pirate a font
I have bought a font with a really shitty license agreement and I have a couple of questions. 1. How can I best share the font with the community? (I am afraid of metadata in the font files, which may be tied to my payment account etc. - I had to register and log in to download the ttf files) 2. How can I remove the DSIG and other metadata from the ttf file while keeping it usable? 3. Are they able to detect it if I use the font in a commercial product online by crawling my website and if yes, how could I prevent an automatic detection attempt? To my (and possibly your) surprise, I didn't find any free downloads of the font online. Their license is tied to a personal account, you have to log into once a year to keep the license. As far as I understand they theoretically could use the DSIG to let the ttf files "expire", at least when used in software that verifies the signature. But I may be wrong, please let me know. Thanks in advance and cheers-I mean ARR