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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


I think you have realized that every comment here was about your decision not to use Git. I don’t think there is much more to say about this…

You don’t have to. Absolutely not.

But: As a potential user it provides some additional features your solution lacks. I can easily fork or clone your repo and change things if I need to. If I think it benefits the project I can easily offer these changes back to you, if I don’t I can still profit from future development on your side and incorporate my changes into it. I can very easily check what has changed between two versions without relying (trusting) your changelogs or performing a manual diff.

But most importantly it is a matter of trust. Not so much trust in your intentions and the possibility of malicious code (Git won’t prevent that), but it obfuscates your code unnecessarily making it harder to continue if you at some point decide to stop maintaining it or even detect vulnerabilities as it is not easily accessible without knowing where to look for it.

Some BIOS manufacturers allow you to disable all halts on errors. As soon as you connect to the network your system should be able to sync its internal clock.

I like the idea, but may I ask why you don’t use a version control system like Git (or anything else that fits your needs)?

I think the real question is not if it’s possible (it is), but what you are actually trying to achieve. It seems like you have this idea, but I’m not sure if you really understand what it means. Maybe you can describe, why you want to host a Lemmy instance yourself…

There is no such thing as too much RAM

We switched to Kitchen Owl and it works out okay. The recipe management is nice in theory, but doesn’t work well for most of our recipe sources (because of parsing issues most websites aren’t recognized and ingredient amounts are not parsed correctly for German recipes), but we usually just create an empty recipe with a link to the original. This isn’t perfect - in hindsight we should have stayed with Bring! because it just works better. We are hoping that the issues will be fixed sometime in the future although I am not sure what to expect…

My home server is called Home Alone, my web server Carl Lewis. At work we use names of robots or computers from movies, games or comics.

So he proved his point, didn’t he…

You know you’re allowed (some might even say supposed) to have different keys for different machines. They’re basically free to generate and take up to no space.

INWX because it’s a local provider which seems decent.

For the exact reason they are posting this. What if some service you are referencing has breaking changes? If you pinpoint the exact version it will have no effect to your project unless you decide (hopefully after some consideration) to upgrade the service version number.

Oh yes. Creating an empty environment can easily take up several gigabytes…

Can’t wait to tell my wife she has to create a merge request to change our plans for tonight. 😉

That sounds like it is very complex, but the interface seems nice. I will have a look.

I don’t think that I will do this. It will most likely not be a better user experience than our current solution with Bring!

But thank you for the suggestion.

Interesting thought. I found this blog post, but I think this is not what I’m looking for.

So your tooling was at fault for assuming something that has always been declared a convention not a rule. It is like assuming we will never reach the year 2000 and there only storing the last to digits for the year…

I like the recipe management, but I dislike the grocery list for the same reason I don’t like Grocy. It is just too complex and hard to use in the store.

It looks promising. Thanks for the suggestion.

I will have a look into it.

Grocery shopping apps
I am currently using Bring! with my wife to organize our grocery shopping. I am looking for a self hosted alternative. I looked at the awesome self-hosted list and tried Specifically Clementines and of course Grocy. I like that Grocy also includes meal planning although the whole inventory management is too much for us. What I don't like is the interface for both of them. I don't see us using this while in the store with a kid on the arm. It is way too fiddly and complicated. Also adding new items to the list is rather complicated in both apps. Do you have any suggestions for other projects with a more user friendly interface (even if it means less features)?

So…you proved you don’t have any idea. For illnesses like COVID-19 it is key for a vaccine to be applied to as many people as possible to make it harder - in the final consequence impossible - for the disease to spread.